Gary Leofanti, Acting Chair
Patricia Connell, Kurt Friedenauer, Rev. Charles Collins, Wayne Straza, Andrew Jones, Rodney Ahitow, Pam Rodriguez, Darrell McGibany
Ron Smith, Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau
Others in Attendance
Denis Murstein, Shelley Milosevich, Mary Reynolds, Jim Reynolds, Mary Mucciante, John Payne
I. Call to Order
Acting Chair Leofanti called the meeting to order at 2:09 pm.
II. Roll Call
A quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Minutes
Minutes reviewed and approved.
IV. New JJ Staff
Karrie Rueter introduced Judge John Payne and Julie Stremlau to the Commission. Judge Payne is the new Statewide Redeply/JDAI Coordinator and Julie Stremlau is a Program Coordinator for the bureau of Youth Services and Delinquency Prevention. Karrie also introduced Mary Mucciante to the Commission as she is staff for the Bureau and she has the responsibility of producing the maps and charts for the Commission meetings.
V. DMC Coordinator Update
Karrie Rueter announced than an offer has been made to Miguel Millette to be the new DMC Coordinator. A response is expected next week as to his acceptance of the offer. Rev. Charles Collins voiced his opinion on the potential hire of Mr. Millette instead of Lori Brown as the DMC Coordinator. He did not agree with the decision and felt things were unclear to Ms. Brown. He wanted it noted that he feels the situation could have been handled better and that he takes issue with how it was handled. Rev. Charles Collins left the meeting shortly after his comments and did not return.
VI. IDJJ Funding Proposal
Detention standards and statutory functions are under the DOC right now and should be under the administration of JJ. There are critical training issues with the curriculum and new staff is needed but there are no resources to develop them.
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice has agreed to provide certification for training of trainers and share their instructional materials and policies to support the adoption of the Florida juvenile system’s crisis management model. The Washington State Core Treatment Program has one of the best behavioral intervention systems and juvenile services. The plan to adopt this model requires IDJJ to work with the State of Washington JRA staff to provide instructional guidance in development of IDJJ policy, method and curriculum. We will need to contract out the specialized services. Junior colleges in the North and South will provide the training sites at no cost. The Commission was asked to review the budget in the attached materials and approve. Kurt Friedenauer stated the initial funding request contains a mistake but the overall budget amount is correct, $230,000. A revision will be forwarded to Karrie.
Decision: Rodney Ahitow motioned and Darrell McGibany seconded. Kurt Friedenauer abstained from voting. All in favor, motion passed.
VII. Sub-Committee Reports
No reports were given as there were no sub-committee meetings held since the last Commission Meeting.
VIII. Status of Funds Report
Karrie provided a brief status of available funds indicating that approximately $300,000 currently remains available to spend in the fiscal year after the decision to fund IDJJ in the amount of $230,000, the 3 new DMC sites; Macon County, Englewood and Sauk Village at $75,000 each for one year, and the increase to the IDOC compliance contract from $130,000 to $194,178 to cover increased costs.
IX. Executive Committee Update
The Executive Committee met on October 17th at 12:00pm to finalize some decisions previously agreed to by the full Commission that could not wait until the next meeting. The regularly scheduled Commission Meeting for the month of September had to be cancelled.
The Executive Committee discussed the possible funding of the IDJJ proposal, however decided to table it until the October meeting and request that IDJJ Director present the proposal to the full Commission for decision.
Approved funding for 3 new DMC sites; Macon County, Englewood and Sauk Village. Each at $75,000 for one year.
Approved an increase to the IDOC compliance contract from $130,000 to $194,178 to cover increased costs.
Approved the funding of Youth Network Council in an amount not to exceed $5,000 to conduct a study of compliance with a new state statute that requires Regional Offices of Education to first certify that they provided services to chronically truant youth prior to filing a delinquency petition.
X. JJMH Funding Proposal
Tabled until the next Commission Meeting so the Planning and Grants Committee can decide and present the full Commission with a recommendation. And an increase to IDOC contract in the amount of $64,178.
XI. Compliance Update
Ron Smith provided the compliance update and discussed the handouts. Wayne Straza asked about the amount and timeframe of the Transportation grants. Karrie Rueter explained there is $236,500 for four sites and five detention centers. It has been over a year since funds were cut in half. Staff are trying to stay on top of the numbers, data violations, etc. Quality assurance is needed to ensure the data is correct as there are issues with the JMIS system and with sites. Karrie Rueter suggested that we need to hold judgment on this topic until we get better data. Julie Stremlau was announced as the new Transportation Coordinator.
Ron Smith informed the Commission that he anticipates that most of the 6 hour hold violations may be cleared up as a result of Chicago opening the Juvenile Intervention Support Center toward the end of the year.
Karrie Rueter informed the Commission that, while in Denver, a number of JJ Specialists met with Mr. Flores concerning Reauthorization and to complain about the new interpretations of compliance with the Act. The interpretations are very different. Illinois is one of approximately forty states in this same situation. Thirty-seven JJ Specialists, including Karrie, sent a letter to OJJDP outlining the concerns for Reauthorization and the new interpretations of the act. A state to the North of us is getting zero dollars with their interpretations and they are fighting it. The juvenile felon issue is a best practice issue and we are looking at options but nothing definite, at this time. Karrie Rueter stated we will be out of compliance and should plan to defend that. The next compliance monitoring training is set for Washington, D.C. in April 2008.
XII. Legislative Update
Pat Connell reported that the funding levels for this year are ($80 million – Senate $60 million – House) Last year was $49 million which is good news if we actually get that much. Title II 81, 000/73,000 and Title V 70,000/65,000 It is hard to figure as not sure how much earmarked for particular projects. There is new legislation concerning sex offenders being developed. They were to meet about the new bills but did not. If there are updates concerning sex offender bills, etc. and anyone would like to be alerted, please let Karrie know. Mary Reynolds and Pat Connell are consistently on conference calls about these bills and will pass on needed information. Pat also discussed a gang legislation bill and stated this bill was a “bad” bill. The US attorney proposed this bill a number of years ago. It is very strict.
It would lock up kids with adults and life without parole for kids. A Representative from California is a friend of JJ Advocates and is trying to tone it down. A Representative from Virginia is pushing prevention, evidence based programming and intervention and would be a much better bill. Bills may cancel each other out and that would be the best thing.
Decision: Gary Leofanti suggested the Commission authorize a letter be drafted on the proposed legislation. Pat Connell will draft the letter. Pat Connell motioned and Rodney Ahitow seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
XIII. Federal Advisory Committee Report
Gary Leofanti presented the update for the Federal Advisory Committee. Gary Leofanti recently attended the semi-annual meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee. This committee prepares an annual report to the President and Congress concerning the state of Juvenile Justice throughout the country. Gary Leofanti will be a member of the workgroup preparing the DMC portion of the report. He will also be a member of the Legislative Policy Committee. This was Gary’s first Federal Advisory Committee meeting.
XIV. JDAI Update
Karrie Rueter announced Barb Shipp as the new Chair of JDAI. She also introduced Judge John Payne the Redeploy and JDAI Coordinator. Judge Payne stated his appreciation to the Commission and excused himself due to another meeting. McLean County is ready to be a possible site for JDAI.
XV. Redeploy Illinois Update
Cook County application was approved as revised. Letter from the Director sent out last week indicated they had been selected. A possible three months until contract is signed. May be February until money is spent and a month or so later until services are provided is the estimated time frame.
A very different approach as it will serve fewer and cost more but considered to have potential. Spring is the estimated time for the development of this program but no date given for implementation, at this time.
The Redeploy Data Project is a Web-based program of central services. The University of Illinois will develop a system like JMIS to be shared with others in the state at no cost to us. Data elements can be factored which records what each of us needs from these reports. Elements shared with other initiatives. Recording mechanism for reports that include everything they need, have done, etc. Decisions on programming will be data driven. The data project is expected to be used in all Redeploy Illinois sites once completed and approved.
XVI. EUDL Update
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) developed a new Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Block Grant Program (EUDL). Goals are to support communities in the adoption of evidence-based prevention practices that have shown to be effective in reducing underage drinking. The EUDL funds are allocated to enhance existing services and/or expand the level of services being offered. The discretionary grant program of Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Rural Project period is from March 2005 to March 2008. Illinois was one of four states to initially receive funding to implement research-based best practices to enforce underage drinking in rural communities. The two primary goals of the cross-site evaluation are: document the impact of EUDL activities in rural communities receiving OJJDP funds relative to comparison communities and asses the impact of EUDL activities on underage drinking and alcohol related problems in rural communities receiving OJJDP funds relative to comparison communities. Karrie Rueter will ask EUDL staff to provide an update at the next meeting.
XVII. Conference Update
Karrie Rueter gave the update. There will be one conference instead of five. The JJ Commission sponsored a total of $85,000. BARJ is also putting in about $63,000 to $65,000. Redeploy gave $75,000. Pat Connell will represent the Commission on a State Leader Panel for DMC along with Lori Brown and Kurt Friedenauer will speak for Redeploy.
Pam Rodriguez stated that the Conference struggles highlight the need for the leaders of these initiatives to have an ongoing dialogue and not just about conference planning. A number of states have significant time, leadership and energy devoted to linking juvenile justice initiatives.
The conference begins tonight, and is from October 30th to November 2nd.
XVIII. Other Business
Pam reported on the role and activities of the Federal Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and asked if the JJ Commission has anything they would like for her to take to the Coordinating Council group. Gary Leofanti requested that we add these subjects (FACJJ–Gary and FCC–Pam) to each month’s agenda for discussion.
Karrie Rueter stated at the time of the Title II application in March 2008 the IJJC will not have any active members. A month before this is due all members will be expired.
We are functioning on the idea that we continue to serve until replaced or a person resigns. We are in need of new appointments.
Gary Leofanti requested that each member be on a committee and asked that the committee’s and their members be included in the minutes. They are as follows:
JJ Commission
- C. Gary Leofanti (Acting Chair)
- Charles Collins
- Gene Griffin
- Andrew Jones
- Samantha Person
- Wayne Straza
- Rodney J. Ahitow
- Ann Dralle
- George Hill
- Joe P. Mayo
- Seth Ragland
- Patricia Connell
- Kurt Friedenauer
- Janet Holmgren
- Darrell McGibany
- Pamela Rodriguez
Planning & Grants Committee
- Patricia Connell (Chair)
- Gene Griffin
- Andrew Jones
- Joe P. Mayo
- Kurt Friedenauer
- George Hill
- Gary Leofanti
- Darrell McGibany
- Wayne Straza
DMC Committee
- Rev. Charles Collins (Chair)
- Ann Dralle
- Andrew Jones
- Joe P. Mayo
- Rodney Ahitow
- Gene Griffin
- Gary Leofanti
- Pamela Rodriguez
Executive Committee
- Patricia Connell
- Pamela Rodriguez
- Rev Charles Collins
- Kurt Friedenauer
- Gary Leofanti
The next Commission Meeting will be December 12, 2007 in Chicago, location to be determined. Meeting cancelled, due to inclement weather. Next meeting January 17, 2008.
XIX. Adjourn
Rodney Ahitow motioned the meeting be adjourned and Gary Leofanti seconded.
Meeting adjourned.