I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:55am. Chairman Timberlake explained that Miguel Millett, the DMC Coordinator, has resigned. Candice Jones will be taking on the DMC Coordinator duties, at this time. Karrie Rueter explained that we need to notify YNC that we will fulfill the contract with them so they are in compliance with their grant. The money for the position can be held or spent.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Chairman George Timberlake, Pam Rodriguez, Wayne Straza, Gene Griffin. Quorum present. Staff: Rob Vickery, Candice Jones, Rachel Sipes, Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau.
III. Approval of Minutes
Minutes not approved as quorum established late in the meeting. Committee will address minutes at next meeting.
IV. DJJ Update
None noted. Chairman Timberlake explained the committee continues to meet to address the issues.
V. Status Update
A. Title II and JABG
Continuing to work on acquiring JABG funding. No updates on Title II, at this time.
VI. Annual Report
No update at this time.
VII. 3-Year Plan
No update.
VIII. Data Coordination
No update.
IX. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
No update.
X. Juvenile Reentry Study
Rob Vickery discussed the issues downstate sites will have for Reentry. The Committee requested a projection of the plans. Rob stated it would take him about a week to compile his report. We need a strategical analysis of Reentry and what we have found through our research.
XI. Raise the Age Report
No update at this time.
XII. Committee Updates:
The Youth Network Council (YNC) RFP states they have a term of contract with DHS. There is a need for a point person in each area. We need to make adjustments to the current plan due to Miguel leaving. Chairman Timberlake and Candice will work together to determine YNC’s role in relation to the JJ Commission and YNC’s overall roll. To establish the primary response, managing the meetings, etc. YNC only did a partial budget and are trying to annualize their budget. They need to update the plan and the end of May is an adequate due date.
XIII. New Business
Karrie Rueter explained there is another Second Chance grant open. This grant is in addition to the initial 2010 Second Chance grant. The application is due May 14th, so if we want to pursue more funding we need to act. A concept is needed for the grant. There are 15 projects only. It is a fixed amount with no additional funding. In order for us to put this together we need a concept. Rob Vickery had a suggestion to inquire into the Reentry sites that were not able to be funded as avenues for this Second Chance grant opportunity.
XIV. Adjournment
Commissioner Straza motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 11:00am.