I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:21am.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Chairman George Timberlake, Vice Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Rodney Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, Shelley Davis, George Hill, Toni Irving, Brendan Kelley, Patrick Nelson, Esther Franco-Payne, Michael Rodriguez, Rick Velasquez, Dana Weiner. Quorum present. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Ron Smith, Donna Taylor, Jeff Bradley, Monica Kelley, Julie Stremlau. Guests: Susan Witkin, Erica Hughes, Kanako Ishida, Adler School guests.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Hill moved to approve the minutes; Vice Chairman Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor minutes approved.
IV. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
Commissioner Velasquez gave the JDAI update. We continue to remain in Compliance with OJJDP standards but need to take a closer look at those counties who violate and get a better idea as to why it is happening. Jeff Bradley will be taking a delegation of 10 people to the Oregon JDAI National Conference.
JDAI and DMC Committees are currently combined but will be separated as soon as a new DMC Committee Chairman can be assigned. There are currently about four counties interested in taking part in the DMC CASP Initiative. Rob Vickery and Karima Douglas recently returned from an OJJDP CASP training and will continue conversations with OJJDP representatives to get the Initiative off the ground. DMC data collection remains ongoing. The Youth/Law Enforcement Project, led by the YMCA, is underway. Leaders from the YMCA’s Youth Safety and Violence Prevention Program are working towards hiring a coordinator for this project and plan to get programming started early this summer.
C. Planning and Grants
- Recommendation to provide JABG Bridge Funding to Lake County
Vice Chairman Jacobs gave the Planning and Grants update and noted the Lake County proposal for review. Vice Chairman Jacobs motioned to approve Lake County’s JABG request for an $8633.00 increase. Committee motion, no second necessary, all in favor. Motion passed. - Recommendation to broaden scope of FY10 JABG funding allocation
FY10 and FY11 grant funds to support the Raise the Age (RtA) statute.
The request is to broaden the scope of JABG funds and to get proposals completed and sites active by July 1st. Due to the time constraints on expending grant award funds, this process will be expedited through the Planning and Grants Committee and the Executive Committee. The Planning and Grants Committee will review and make final recommendations to the Executive Committee for absolute determination of funding sites. Please note, all Commissioners are welcome to attend the Planning and Grants Committee meeting to provide their input. The group discussed the options, timelines and recommended a clear criterion be set. Vice Chairman Jacobs motioned to approve JABG funding allocations. No second necessary as a committee motion. All in favor, motion passed.
D. Data Liaison
Susan Witkin explained she continues working on the statewide data scan. We would like this data to be available to all committees.
JSO Release Plan Updates
Vice Chairman Jacobs recently presented an overview of the JSO Report to the Child Advocacy Center and they were overwhelmingly in support of the findings. JSO Report release to the public planned for March 25, 2014. Please refer to IJJC website for full details.
E. Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Updates
The YMCA Collaboration continues. The YAB would like a better understanding of how the Commission would like them actively involved in specific topics of interest. They are unclear on how to proceed when presented with difficult topics or requests. They would like a better understanding of their role under the Commission.
V. Fiscal and Project Reports
A. Grant and Funding Reports
Vice Chairman Jacobs updated the group on the plan for JABG funding.
B. Project Implementation Updates Executive Director, Heidi Mueller gave the fiscal update. The Title II FY2011 Extension Request was approved by OJJDP. No word on the Title II FY2010 Extension Request, at this time. There was a discussion concerning the Department of Juvenile Justice funds and how they need to be assessed and changes made if necessary to avoid any funding lapse.
VI. Presentation
A. Adler School – Restorative Justice Hubs in Chicago
The Adler group presented to the Commission until 12:15pm. In January the IJJC funded Adler $10,000 for a trauma training event.
VII. Chair’s Report
A. Membership Updates
There have been no further updates from the Governor’s office on our members.
B. Committee Assignments
Executive Director, Heidi Mueller indicated we still do not have a replacement DMC Committee Chairman. The DMC Committee will meet with the JDAI Committee until further assignments can be made. Anyone wishing to be on a specific committee please contact Chairman Timberlake. Anyone wishing to be removed from a current committee, please contact Chairman Timberlake.
C. Other Updates
Commissioner Biehl discussed the upcoming vote on removing life without parole for juveniles. This is a step in the right direction for Illinois.
VIII. New Business
A survey was distributed to Commissioners to get feedback on how we’re operating. A summary of the survey results will be discussed at the next Commission meeting.
IX. Adjournment
Vice Chairman Jacobs motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Biehl seconded. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 1:27pm.