I. Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 10:25AM.
II. Roll Call:
Chairman George Timberlake, Rod Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Esther Franco-Payne, Gene Griffin, George Hill, Arnetra Jackson, Lisa Jacobs, Patrick Nelson, Pamela Rodriguez, Wayne Straza, Randell Strickland, Rick Velasquez, Dana Weiner, Arthur Bishop. Quorum declared present. Karrie Rueter reported that the Attorney General may increase quorum from 9 to 13 in the future.
Guests: Mark Myrent, Erica Hughes, ICJIA, Michelle Arnold, Victoria Unger, Ron Smith, Edward Rengel.
Staff present: Karrie Rueter, Jeff Bradley, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson. Dana Weiner introduced herself and gave a brief overview of her experience.
III. Retreat:
The Retreat will be held on June 1, 2011 all day planning meeting, with a budget meeting taking place at the end of the day. We have 11 RSVPs currently. Your presence is requested.
IV. Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes made by Commissioner Hill. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rodriguez. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
V. Commissioner Membership Update:
Chairman Timberlake drafted a letter to Commissioners Jenkins, Reyes and Connell telling them that their term has expired. The Governor has appointed two new commissioners, Dana Weiner and Michael Rodriguez. One more commissioner vacancy exists on which we are awaiting an announcement from the Governor. Chairman Timberlake suggested that Commissioner Connell be acknowledged for her long term service on the Commission. Commissioner Velasquez made a motion to acknowledge Patricia Connell’s long-term work on this Commission. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
Research position: Mark Myrent, ICJIA, reported that he will seek the Commission’s guidance on structure of website. They are sorting data in new technology, “Instant Atlas”. He and his staff will create certain types of data illustrations and graphing capabilities that will be useful for the people using it. Mark is willing to make arrangements to demo the software, if the Commission has interest in that. The information can combine DJJ and DOC data so it will be possible to track where kids are going. They are also trying to get parole data to track services provided while on parole. Chairman Timberlake has concerns that our research will overlap with what the Commission already has in place. Commissioner Jacobs assured the Chairman that they have a good base and data will not be duplicated. This will be web-based and available to anyone. Commissioner Straza made a motion to approve $60,000 for renewal of the contract giving the authority to get the data needed to report to the Feds and our research functions which gives us a picture of the JJ System. The money pays for approximately 3/4 of an FTE. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ahitow. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
A. IDJJ Advisory Board Update:
Director Bishop reported that a budget update overview was presented. DJJ is facing budget cuts which will cause hardships to the Department. They are also proposing cuts for Detention Centers which will cause closures. Chairman Timberlake asked why Murphysboro was selected for closure and Director responded it was due to capacity. This decision was made by the General Assembly. Commissioner Biehl stated that with the release of the Reentry Study, this is devastating for the kids that we serve and asked if the Commission can do anything to stop this action. Director Bishop responded that they have been trying to educate the General Assembly on DJJ programming and stressed that they have to look at our programs as a continuum.
Commissioner Rodriguez suggested that the Commission 1) contact the General Assembly and give its support to DJJ and stress the importance of after-care programs; 2) provide some sort of education to the members of the General Assembly on the importance of the DJJ programs and how they work together they work and detail the accomplishments; and 3) if the cuts occur, we have to do something in the veto session. Commissioner Biehl stressed that the Reentry Program completely supports the after-care work that is being done and we have data and research to support the statement. Karrie asked Commissioner Biehl if she can pull the data to indicate the number of technical parole violators and depict the increase of the past several years which will show that the way this is handled now is incredibly ineffective. Commissioner Biehl does have data on technical violators. Commissioner Velasquez added that the information in Commissioner Biehl’s data base has to be condensed into five bullet points. Commissioner Hill added that the argument needs to be made from an economic standpoint.
Chairman Timberlake suggested that in our letter we outline the legislative mandate, cost benefit items, concrete examples from parole report, distribution strategy to legislators, committee chairs or committees and asked what the Commission thought would be most useful. Karrie Rueter added that we should include the current percentage of new kids coming into DJJ that are parole violators which is 40%. Commissioner Rodriguez made a motion to send a letter to the General Assembly in support DJJ and the aftercare program, and secondly provide an education session with the General Assembly. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griffin. All in favor. None opposed. Director Bishop abstained. Motion approved.
B. Karrie Rueter reported that V-Disk is in Round Table today and will be in the hands of DJJ next week. The amount is $21,312. Next year’s contract will have the remainder of the contracted funds.
VI.Status of Funds:
A. Title II and V Grants:
An updated Spending Tables sheet was distributed. Changes made on basis of Commission. Title II grant funding has been reduced by 30%. Title V was reduced by 41%. The letter outlines all of the cuts. Juvenile Accountability Block Grant was cut 22%. Karrie reported that she has been working with DCH&P fiscal people to present a funding history. She went back to 1995 and provided funding amounts for Title II, Title V, Challenge, JABG and EUDL Grants. The information was sent to ICJIA and they are putting all of the states’ data together into a Hill Packet for the conference which starts on May 23, 2011. We are currently operating on 38% funding as compared to earlier funding levels and expected to do much more. Adjustments made on FY11 table and reflect V-disk, Parole Study, Virtual High School, Raise the Age, Youth Voice, RBA has been added. Funding projections for FY12 are on a separate table and include all projects that have been discussed, whether approved or not. The projections of spending for FY12 will deplete the FFY09 grant and start spending in the FFY10 grant leaving a balance of $1.5 million. The Feds will soon be requesting us to submit a Title V grant application, as discussed earlier Karrie will write the grant application requesting $50,000 for domestic battery. Also a revised budget for Title II will be requested, which will be difficult to do in light of the cuts. Karrie would like to have permission from the Commission to work with Commissioner Jacobs and Chairman Timberlake to revise the projected budget from $2.36 million down to $1.8 million for Title II to afford a timely submission. Chairman Timberlake that he, Commissioner Jacobs and Karrie work on the budget and have a short budget meeting at the end of the upcoming Retreat where the Commission will vote. Ron Smith reported that the contract to DOC will be reduced to $150,719. The reason for the reduction is the office manager in Chicago is taking on some new duties for DOC, so we have cut their award. We will still receive the same level or work, but it will come from somewhere else. Commissioner Rodriguez suggested reducing the DMC amount to $200K rather than $300K. Karrie Rueter reported that two interns will begin in August $20-25,000 each. One will be paid through youth services money and matched with the grant and one will be funded through 2nd Chance Grant and two that were approved a couple of months ago that will be assigned one to P&G and one to Communications.
VII. IJJC Committee Updates/Motions:
A. BARJ Committee:
No report. Karrie reported that they did not have approval of minutes, and voted on their charter. They also wanted to present to the Commission what they are recommending as part of that process we include a mechanism that BARJ be included as a topic to receive grant applications.
B. JDAI Committee:
Chairman Velasquez acknowledged and thanked members of the Committee for their participation. The Committee is meeting quorum at our meetings and getting a lot of things done. Looking at detention standards that will go before JCAR, working with John Howard Association to provide assistance to the Director. Requesting that the Commission review the standards prior to going to JCAR. A cross-walk is now available using the Casey Foundation’s JDAI self assessment of detention standards that are being addressed. This will help us as we look at conditions of confinement and whether we can provide assistance. Making progress on putting together a team to visit New Jersey JDAI program, which is a model state in this program. Want to complete team by July and visit in the fall. Seeing increased participation in engaging the AOIC in the Committee’s work. Chairman Timberlake, Commissioners Biehl and Velasquez are planning to meet with AOIC.
- JDAI Coordinator Position: Recommendation of the Committee to renew contract for the period of July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012 with Jeff Bradley. Propose that Jeff be made full-time for the JDAI Committee’s work rather than a split between RIOB and JDAI. Karrie reported that RIOB now has two full-time contractual staff that will be in place for another 1 1/2 years, we also get part-time from Jeff and Judge Payne. Jeff may receive an offer from RIOB as well and will then have to make a choice. Commissioner Velasquez gave an overview of what Jeff’s responsibilities will be in a full-time JDAI position. $91,000 is the amount expected to fund the position which includes salary, benefits and travel. We could increase that amount due to the amount of Jeff’s travel. Commissioner Griffin made a motion to fund at the same rate which will be calculated by YNC the amount paid in previous contract annualized up to $65,000 for Jeff Bradley. Seconded by Commissioner Straza. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
C. 4th Circuit Proposal:
Received proposal in February for support of a conference, which focuses on JDAI principles, in the amount of $5,000. Committee voted in favor of supporting this request and recommend that we use some of the Casey funds to support this request. Motion to approve $5,000 request to support “Common Ground: Community, Kids, Courts & Education” conference in the 4th Judicial Circuit. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
D. DMC Committee Statewide Assessment:
There will be an RFP for the Statewide Assessment. Miguel is in Washington, DC right now getting technical assistance. The report will not be done by January 1, 2012. The Committee is going to ask for $200,000 to work with a contractor. Chairman Timberlake was thanked for helping them address membership issues. Funding for the current year remaining three sites is $50,000. We had previously decided that to step them down and zero out the funds. The project is to be funded in 102 counties, but they will use representative counties to test program.
Committee recommends that the three remaining sites have their funding reduced to $25,000 each. Karrie will follow-up with Miguel, since she wants to give them advance notice on the cut to funding. Planning and Grants will vote on this at their next meeting, but won’t be prior to the June 1, 2011.
- Funding Strategies: OJJDP DMC funding grant just came out yesterday. Miguel will look into this for some of our sites. The due date is June 27, 2011. The amount is $50,000 for 12 months.
E. Communications Committee Reports:
- Age of Majority
- 2009-2010 Annual Report: Commissioner Franco-Payne thanked the Commission and staff for their help in completing the report and getting it distributed.
- 2011 Annual Report
Will be developing an outline in the next few meetings. Restructuring of the report will be done but content will be the same. Time period will cover January 1-December 31, 2011. If you have items for inclusion, please forward to Commissioner Franco-Payne for this time period. - Parole Study Report (Youth Reentry Improvement Initiative): First draft of Juvenile Justice Reentry Improvement study completed today. Next steps: 1) strategic release plan; 2) legislative strategy; 3) fiscal analysis; 4) internal to DJJ; 5) racking system and outcomes/administrative rules measures approach. Commissioner Biehl will draft an implementation plan and will have it ready by June 1, 2011. Chairman Timberlake added that we should work through this with Phil Lee. Commissioner Biehl will send the draft report to the Full Commission. We will discuss with Phil Lee the possibility of using this as a sample for RBA. Commissioner Franco-Payne suggested that a one-pager be used as a summary. To be e-mailed today and finalized next Thursday.
- Legislation: Looking at legislation that impacts juveniles and reported on the sex offender bill, Adam Walsh compliance, expanding registration time limits, retroactive registration. The IL State Police initially said they would be unable to track all of the people that will be involved if these bills pass. Commissioner Biehl added that Jack Petrone was going to discuss Adam Walsh with the Governor because of the huge fiscal impact to implement the bill for compliance. The Committee is looking at ways to respond to the General Assembly and provide stop-gap information about data/cost, proper supervision and rehabilitation to prevent passage of these types of bills. They are looking at collaboration with the JJ Advisory Board, ICJIA, and STACK. Open discussion of these bills is over, since they have moved out of Committee. Chairman Timberlake suggested that there should be funds allocated for this type of work.
F. Planning and Grants Committee:
Results Based Accountability: Role and Headlines Performance Measures document outlines recommendations of the Committee and Commission members who have been working on this project. Key customers and services to those customers were identified as well as defining our desired impact and how we want to measure outcomes. Motion made to adopt the RBA as the role of the Commission with the ability to build on it in the future. Commissioner Jacobs motioned, Commissioner Griffin seconded. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
- Reentry RFP Development: Follows the framework of RBA. We want to influence positive systems change over time. We want to fund support of reentry and be able to present it to the General Assembly. Director Bishop is in favor of this plan and reported that approximately 41% of the kids going into DJJ come from Cook County and agrees that using funds in Cook County, not to duplicate services in existence, but enhance their work by adding mental health services, substance abuse treatments, emergency housing services which are not deliverable by after care specialists but are needed will provide the success. Director Bishop added that the best way to get good reentry spread across the state is to show success in Cook County. Discussion continued due to Commissioner Hill’s objection that we ensure the Commission not fund services that should be supported by other State agencies. Karrie Rueter added that this needs to be worded very carefully. The wording in the RFP should be changed to reflect that we are going to fund one or more projects downstate and in Cook. Commissioner Hill asked why we are limiting ourselves to a certain number of projects and award amounts. Demonstration sites downstate can be set up for $25,000 a year. Chairman Timberlake said that we are looking for sites that can demonstrate something can be accomplished. Commissioner Jacobs added that prospective applicants need to know the scope of service and funding available as guidance. Karrie Rueter added that cost per kid can be used as a criteria factor, since we have to show what we are going to evaluate. Chairman Timberlake said that it is the Commission’s approach to moving forward. All in favor. One abstention. Motion approved. Karrie Rueter will draft the RFP to allow movement of funds as discussed. All Commissioners will be listed as reviewers but do not have to participate.
- Raise the age: Commissioner Biehl gave an overview of progress on the project and reported on the local media reports and how it will impact. Money will not be spent by June 1 but she has students that will work through August when we will run out of funds. If anyone wants to work with this project, she will be happy to include them. Developing a chart which includes the kinds of crimes and allegations will be included; to show the public what kids convicted of crimes will be transferred. Cost analysis for North Carolina was done and they are trying to get their information to lay a base for the cost of the program. They are trying to use Phil Lee’s projection factor of expunging a kid’s record to end up with a tax paying citizen rather than an adult in DOC. Commissioner Hill added that there is a limited amount of court resources and by increasing the age, you are taking away the funds for the juveniles. Chairman Timberlake added that 17 year olds are usually first-time offenders so it doesn’t add additional costs. A decision will be made at the next Communications meeting on how the newly developed survey will be conducted. If you are interested in participating the meeting will be held at the Crime Lab, 55 E. Monroe, Chicago and 823 E. Monroe in Springfield on May 26th. An invitation will be extended to Margie Groot. They want to report to the General Assembly how to raise the age and not if we should raise the age. Stephanie Kollmann has received access to the JMIS data.
- Research Assistant Position: Request to invest up to $120,000 annually for the function as researcher for policy issues/analysis of best practices and data and to work on responses to requests and General Assembly. This will support the Communications Committee projects and secondly work with CPRD on JMIS data and analysis. It would be housed at CPRD and allow the Commission to speak with one voice. Commissioner Velasquez asked if we are doing enough to communicate broadly the issues before the Commission and its committees. He also reported to the Commission that he has had contact with Better World Advertising of San Francisco. He told him about our social marketing projects and they discussed the work this company has done in this area. The owner will be in Chicago in June or July and will discuss his approach with the members of the Commission. Chairman Timberlake suggested that the Communications Committee be involved in this meeting. Committee motion. Commissioner Biehl motioned, Commissioner Jacobs seconded. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
VIII. Compliance Update:
Ron Smith reported that there was an increase in violations from the same period last year. That is being monitored to see if this is a trend.
IX. Commission Programs Update:
Continued funding decisions have been put off until June 1, 2011. Transportation Report is in the packet. No report from FDLA, but they are holding a fund raising event on June 9, and Commissioners are invited at no cost. Report will be available for June 1 meeting, and if they submit a request for the upcoming year we will have that available at our next meeting also.
A. Project NIA: Commissioner Biehl reported that all Commissioners were e-mailed about the meeting. Commissioners Franco-Payne and Biehl attended. Commissioner Strickland and Director Bishop will meet with Mariame Kaba separately. She will hold two youth focus groups in the next few weeks and report back to the Commission. She is looking at models for youth from CJJ and the City’s youth councils. Any information you want to share with her, she is open to receiving. Julie Stremlau will forward youth commissioners’ contact information to Mariame Kaba. Michelle Arnold will meet with her next week to help her address issues and offer help from YNC to develop a survey. She wants to meet with Commissioners to learn how they want to move forward.
X. Legislation
No other updates noted.
At the last meeting the authority pulled together $800,000 in funding requests which were all approved. Don’t have any information about that process but will report back as information is received.
No report except funding cuts in funding packet.
XIII. Second Chance Grant:
Budget revision, program plan revision approved. No cost extension not approved yet. Will be serving boys and girls at Warrenville and IYC Chicago. The projection is to serve 48, 15 girls and 33 boys. This is different from our original plan. Eliminated position that would be housed at IYC Chicago and instead will have contract with DJJ to increase mental health professional staff hours. The group will be seeking outside resources to fill the gap around $30,000. Will be using a GPSI to help with data collection and reporting. DJJ is in process of identifying a youth for this project. They discovered that there may not be enough kids due to the criteria of the FIT model, but plan to start working with kids in July. Discussed with Dr. Trupin that one or the other of mental health and/or substance abuse diagnoses could be a history of either diagnosis. No one has been excluded at this point including high security risk kids. Both FIT kids and control group will be included in the Wells Program.
XIV. Redeploy Illinois:
Planning Grants are ongoing. Counties in planning process: LaSalle, Tazewell, Sangamon, Ogle. RIOB- press release went to the media this morning with 2010 numbers. Annual report is in draft form.
XV. Governor’s Neighborhood Recovery Re-Entry Initiative:
No report
XVI. Federal & National Committee Updates (FACJJ, FCC, CJJ):
No report
XVII. Other Business:
The House budget eliminates UDIS. This will put 2,000 kids to DJJ. Karrie Rueter discussed with the General Assembly Budget Committee that the costs would be about $1.4 billion. If UDIS kept 2% of the kids out of DJJ it covers the line item with a $400,000 surplus. Someone is under the impression that CCBYS can pick up the work of UDIS without the money, and it cannot be done.
Jeff Bradley reported that in St. Clair County RIOB is a model program. State’s Attorney has been replaced with a young, dynamic person who is very interested in Juvenile Justice. Jeff will try to bring him to a Commission meeting in the fall.
XVIII. Adjourn:
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Velasquez. Seconded by Commissioner Hill. Meeting adjourned at 2:52pm.