I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:25am.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Rodney Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, George Hill, Lisa Jacobs, Patrick Nelson, Esther Franco-Payne, Edward Rangel, Michael Rodriguez, Ben Roe, George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez, Dana Weiner. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Julie Stremlau, Ron Smith and Dick Walsh. Guests: Susan Witkin, Kanako Ishida, Jim Bray and Miquel Rodriguez and Tezeru Teshome.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve minutes of July and September 2013. Vice Chairman Jacobs seconded the motion with September minutes approved as edited. All in favor minutes approved.
IV. Committee Motions for Consideration
- Youth/Law Enforcement Partnership Project Funding Increase
DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas presented a proposal from the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago entitled: “Bridging the Divide: A Summer of Dialog and Creative Action” to the Commission. The YMCA would be working collaboratively with the Commission’s Youth Advisory Board on a project to reduce DMC and improve relations between young people (especially young people of color) and local law enforcement. Karima explained that the grant proposal amount of $86,635 (an amount that includes youth employment costs) was approximately $50,000 more than what was originally allocated to this project. The increased funding was necessary to secure oversight, access to facilities, outreach and training in multiple Chicago communities to improve relationships between police officers, young people and community residents. Commissioner Biehl believes the Commission needs more information before voting on this proposal. She indicated the budget is not detailed or clear enough and seems to be personnel heavy. Youth Advisory Board members Miguel Rodriguez and Tezeru Teshome expressed a need for more clarification about the YMCA’s proposed budget and responsibilities. Commissioner Biehl offered to help the YAB with the budget. Heidi Mueller requested voting now to allocate the dollars for this proposal with the caveat that the budget be updated and revised to address the IJJC concerns. Vice Chairman Jacobs motioned to approve up to $80,000 with an edited budget to be approved by Planning and Grants Committee once finalized. No second necessary, committee motion. All in favor, motion passed. Related to the proposal from the YMCA was a proposal from ICOY regarding employment contracts with youth to serve as contractors for the Youth/Law Enforcement project. The proposal called for $12,960 to be added to be allocated to ICOY for employing the youth. Commissioner Hill motioned to approve up to $18,000 for ICOY, Vice Chairman Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor motion passed.
See JDAI Workplan information below.
C. Planning and Grants
- JABG FFY2010 Recommendations
Heidi explained the JABG current funding projects and the plan for future allocations. The Commission discussed the recommendations. Commissioner Hill motioned to allocate up to $450,000 for JABG funding. No second necessary as a committee recommendation. All in favor motion passed.
D. Youth Advisory Board
- Proposal to reimburse the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) who provide hours of work and tasks performed that the Commission would otherwise pay for. The proposal will clearly spell out the difference between work that can be reimbursed and general participation on the Commission or YAB, which cannot be reimbursed.
E. Data Liaison
Commissioner Weiner explained about the data overview and the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) IT positions and that one of the two funded positions (Business Analyst) is now vacant. She asked for clarification on the purpose of the proposed Commission-funded warehouse. IJJC Chairman Timberlake and Jack Cutrone, ICJIA Director will be meeting soon to discuss strategies.
V. Grant Updates
A. Funding Overview
B. Fiscal Updates
Heidi explained that work continues with the Juvenile Justice Council and our Youth Advisory Group to collaborate and make best use of Raise the Age recommendations. She presented an update of current federal grant fund status.
VI. Project Implementation Progress Report
A. JDAI Workplan
JDAI Coordinator, Jeff Bradley gave the update. He indicated that JDAI has met or is meeting several goals. The eight Core Requirements, Comprehensive Community-Based Youth Services (CCBYS) and Domestic Battery (DB) are a focus of JDAI. The IJJC has funded and may still fund some of these programs. Vice Chairman Jacobs believes CCBYS needs more exposure as a detention alternative and proper training on how to use the services. Some individual sites have better data collection systems than the eCornerstone model CCBYS uses and the collection of the data for CCBYS is one of the issues. Will look to JDAI to respond to some of these data issues. Will need to involve Karrie Rueter, CCBYS Coordinator, when addressing CCBYS issues. Illinois continues to look to working toward a partnership with AOIC and the VERA institute on a standardized detention screening instrument. The Committee is also attempting to create a partnership with Annie E Casey Foundation (AECF) and Administrative Office of Illinois Courts (AOIC) on detention self-assessment.
Jeff explained that Susan Witkin, CPRD created a template of the data going into JMIS and JDAI sites will use this. There will be analysis of data and it is ready to begin use. Vice Chairman Jacobs asked about the DB data project. Rob Vickery reported that it has started. They are ready to train in Illinois. Chairman Timberlake and Heidi Mueller will ensure funding is available for the training.
Jeff is also working the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), on Detention Operations Standards for jails and centers. One issue with the changes is transportation. We are close to meeting our diminimus number already this year. We must remain in compliance of the OJJDP Act in order to continue to receive federal funding. Ron Smith added that jail violations are low. The group discussed visits to centers as a means to address violations. Ron explained the centers will cater the visit for what you need.
B. DMC Workplan
Karima explained the Juvenile Justice Council (JJC) work and updated the group on the DMC workplan and collaboration with JDAI committee members. Staff has identified counties/jurisdictions as potential grantees for the JJC priority area as well as for the Community and Strategic Planning (CASP) grant awarded to the Commission in October. Staff is also continuing to contact counties about DMC data collection for calendar year 2012 and to get feedback from stakeholders on the DMC Assessment.
C. Planning and Grants Workplan
Heidi gave the overview on the three-page Juvenile Justice Councils Project. We have targeted communities with DMC data and Compliance data and capacity to undertake the project. Requirements for funding are spelled out in the grant application and will be included as deliverables in the contracts. Currently the 1st Circuit, Peoria County, Macon County, McLean County, St. Clair County, Sangamon County, DuPage County and Lake County make up a good list of those committed to meet our requirements. Winnebago, Champaign and Chicago have shown interest.
Vice Chairman Jacobs explained the workplan process the Planning and Grants Committee developed for JABG grants. Discussed a Grantee meeting with the IJJC. The applications sent out in Jan will be formula and discretionary with a May 2014 deadline. IJJC to work with probation, law enforcement and units of local government. This is a chance for the IJJC to get to know these grantees (want a statewide conference quality). Any commissioner with interest in reviewing these applications please contact Heidi Mueller.
D. JSO Report
Report to be released soon.
VII. New Business
Heidi Mueller announced the resignation of long time Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez. Commissioner Rodriguez will be greatly missed and we wish her the best. Chairman Timberlake reminded the group that in a few months the current Commission will have served 4 years and should be very proud of the major accomplishments achieved.
VIII. Adjournment
Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 1:09pm.