I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:18am.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Rodney Ahitow, Jacqueline Bullard, George Hill, Lisa Jacobs, Esther Franco-Payne, Pamela Rodriguez, Chairman George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez, Dana Weiner and Patrick Nelson. Julie Biehl and Ben Roe by phone. Quorum declared present at 10:25am.
Staff: Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Julie Stremlau, Ron Smith and Jeff Bradley. Guests: Erica Hughes, Mark Myrent and ICJIA Staff Members.
III. Approval of Minutes
July Minutes will be edited and represented for approval at November meeting.
IV. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
Karima presented the DMC update. All information of recent report and overview was sent to IJJC members. Group discussed the data compilation, strategies, presentations and possible training. Commissioner Jacobs noted we need to plan how to move forward with this, the best plan, etc. The group discussed the possibilities.
Commissioner Velasquez gave the JDAI report. Jeff Bradley updated the group on his work. Jeff has been working with Susan Witkin on the sites data collections and a guide for the providers so we can get better data. They We plan to further address violations and how those will be addressed.
C. Data Liaison
Commissioner Weiner gave the data overview. Director Bishop is open to what the data they are compiling. Need to ensure data elements are there and select what you need. She added that the data positions were posted but were incorrect so behind on hiring staff.
D. Communications Liaison
Commissioner Franco-Payne is the Communications Liaison. The JSO study is to be finalized very soon. The group discussed release of the study in terms of timelines and addressing any issues with the findings prior to release.
- Executive Committee Approval: Commissioner Biehl motioned to allow the Executive Committee to approve the finalized JSO study at the next meeting. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. Commissioner Rodriguez added that the full IJJC should review the final document at November meeting so the report will be released following the October Sexual Abuse Conference. So noted.
V. ICJIA Website Presentation
ICJIA presented the data they collect, compile and studies in general; the work they do for the Commission. Commissioner Velasquez commended ICJIA on their demonstration and asked to come to all sites JDAI conference. Mark Myrent added that a lot started with adult level data and currently ICJIA is receiving national attention for the criminal history and recidivism reporting features they have available. The presentation was well received by the group.
VI. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
A. Funding Projections and Timelines
B. Planning and Grants JJC Priorities Updates and Allocation Recommendations
Commissioner Jacobs explained that the Planning and Grants Committee reviewed and approved spending allocated funds on the Committee and IJJC recommendations. The budget, timelines and spending plans lay out these recommendations. Report provided. Commissioner Jacobs explained each request for funding. The group discussed the recommendations and amounts. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the funding recommendations. No second needed a committee recommendation. All in favor, motion approved.
C. JABG Program Evaluation Plan Recommendations
D. Workplan Updates
VII. Committee Reorganization
A. Lead Committee Assignments and Membership
Chairman Timberlake would like Committees and or workgroups of BARJ, JDAI, Planning and Grants, Policy and Analysis, Communications (Name to change), DMC. This list will be finalized at the next meeting. Chairman Timberlake officially appointed Commissioner Bullard to the Planning and Grants Committee.
VIII. Funding Requests
A. Juvenile Officer Training Request
Ron Smith asked about the Juvenile Officers Association and if the IJJC plans to sponsor this event. The group discussed topics they want presented/discussed. Domestic Battery, CCBYS, DMC were mentioned. The IJJC will request their topics to be presented. The amount of up to $10,000 was motioned to be approved by Commissioner Pam Rodriguez, Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. Noted to work in conjunction with ICOY to ID the priority areas. Commissioners Velasquez and Nelson abstained. Motion passed.
IX. Youth Advisory Board Updates
The attendance has been down at meetings. The members are very particular in how they want the “Bridging the Divide” project to develop. They continue to work to increase relationships with law enforcement and communities overall. Plan to target communities with the most disproportionality. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez inquired about funding for the Youth Advisory Board members when they undertake work that would otherwise be paid for through contractual services, such as training for community sites, community organizing, or recruiting and training of youth volunteers. ICOY will develop a proposal to be presented at Planning and Grants to reimburse Youth Advisory Board members for hours of work and tasks performed that the Commission would otherwise pay for. The proposal will clearly spell out the difference between work that can be reimbursed and general participation on the Commission or YAB, which cannot be reimbursed.
X. New Business
Executive Director, Heidi Mueller informed the group that Macon County currently has a JABG Truancy Program. They do not have enough funding to sustain their project for the next two years. Should the IJJC consider a request for an increase their grant amount? It was discussed that the funding could come from Title II funds or the county itself. Commissioner Bullard, noted that Macon County Teen Court is currently working. The IJJC would like to see data that proves the program is successful. There is a need for more information. We need a formal request for more funding and an explanation on how their Juvenile Justice Council will be involved. Heidi will inform Macon of the IJJC’s recommendations.
Jeff Bradley discussed a conference he attended. The DJJ school system and differences with regular school districts throughout the state was one topic reviewed. They discussed how to educate better in the DJJ system. He said it was a very informative conference. Commissioner Ahitow believes Commissioners should actually visit a facility and observe a youth go through the actual admission process. The group discussed coordination with DJJ and others to discuss current evaluations and outcomes. CAANs data is not sufficient enough for this task. The group was asked to please respond by September 23rd on the court case findings report on DJJ.
XI. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 1:40pm.