September 21, 2011 IJJC Meeting Minutes

I.  Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM. 

II.  Roll Call:

Chairman Timberlake, Commissioners Julie Biehl, Eugene Griffin, Lisa Jacobs, Pamela Rodriguez, Wayne Straza, George Hill, Rod Ahitow, Edith Crigler, Rick Velasquez, Patrick Nelson, Ben Roe, Dana Weiner. Quroum present

Staff Present: Miguel Millett, Karrie Rueter, Michelle Arnold, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson, Ron Smith, Dick Walsh. Guests: Erica Hughes, Ashley Cross, Ravenn Moor; Susan Witkin and Jim Bray by telephone.

III.  Approval of Minutes:

Commissioner Ahitow made a motion to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Straza. All in Favor. None opposed. Minutes of July 20, 2011 meeting were approved.

IV. Status of Funds

     A. Title II Grant

2009 Extension Request: No change since last meeting.

  1. 2009/2010 Scope Revision Request: Title II Grant, 2009 Extension Request. 2009 and 2010 Scope Revision was submitted which moved money allocations around priority areas identified by Commission over the previous three Federal grant years. Both of those requests have been approved and the primary reason for that is our recent addition of the Reentry Grant. Requested a one-year no cost extension for Title FY09 Grant period which would have ended at the end of September, so we have one more year to spend those funds.
  2. 2011 Budget Revision Request: The Feds added funds to the 2011 Budget and we received an additional $84,000 more than anticipated and submitted a revised budget to allocate those funds and put it all in Reentry. We anticipated needing $600,000 for Reentry and had a little more than $200,000 in funds. If needed later in the year, we can move the money to other priorities.

     B.  Title V Grant has had no changes. 

V.  DMC Grant Application:

Karrie will meet with Commissioner Pam Rodriguez and Miguel Millett next week to begin planning. The program begins October 1, 2011. We plan to work with ICJIA to get the most up-to-date data to identify the target site.

VI. Case Management and Data Systems

     A.  DJJ Grant Update: 

DJJ is in favor of working on removing the barriers to data sharing. There will be a DJJ Advisory Board meeting on Friday,     September 23, 2011, 10:00 a.m. at JTRC. If you have recommendations for board members let Ashley Cross know, since there are terms that are expiring. Commissioner Hill recommended that we speak with one voice which will give us more power. Commissioner Velasquez is the only member on the Board and Commission.

     B. VDISC Grant Update:

No report

     C. AOIC Collaboration:

No report


We have done well as a Commission to capture race and ethnicity data and is the only statewide system of its kind in existence.

VIII. Compliance Update :

Commissioners were asked if they had any questions. None. Ron Smith added that there is a last page of the report that shows more detail about their activities.

IX. Juvenile Reentry Initiative:

See RBA notes.

     A. Reviewer Confidentiality Statement

     B. RFP Approval

X.  Youth Reentry Improvement Study

XI. Sex Offender Bill Study: See Communications Committee Report.

XII. Virtual High School Report: See Planning and Grants Committee Report.

XIII. Youth SAG Member Engagement Report

XIV. FDLA Application:

Vote needed by Commissioners: The Planning and Grants Committee brings this before the Commission without recommendation of funding. A proposal was received which describes three goals: 1) lack of awareness of youth and young adults around rights when in contact with law enforcement and how to appropriately assert those rights. They plan to continue and expand their street law program to youth and families and develop a statewide model that attorneys and trained lay people could implement that would include areas outside of Chicago that FDLA does not serve. They want to include the Chicago Public Schools to test the curriculum for efficacy and incorporate the Chicago Public Schools disciplinary code in their street law plan; 2) They plan a wider distribution of the “Know Your Rights” brochure that was developed through the Models for Change Mental Health Action Network and create a tool kit to accompany the brochure; They plan to partner with Roosevelt University to work with under-grad students that will work in the communities to educate people on how they can positively affect the juvenile justice system and target the communities with the highest level of disproportionate minority contact and create models so other universities can work within the communities in this way; 3) Work with police districts to have more positive dialog around issues facing youth in communities with the highest contact with law enforcement, the issues police face and have a more constructive dialog.

The second systemic issue they plan to address is what they call a lack of community engagement in juvenile justice, increase community dialog through structured forums, educating peer youth leaders to work with their peers, strengthening and using the Austin coalition as a model and working with Project NIA to develop community-based profiles of juvenile justice contacts. The third component of their systemic change proposal is early-stage representation to address the issue of youth giving false confessions and for youth not being able to remain silent while in the police contact at the station house. They want to work with schools to make them aware of these issues when school-based arrests occur. Commissioner Hill recommended not funding this agency’s funding. They don’t serve juveniles, but in fact serve adults. They have not proven that their program is functional. It’s a continuation of a project that didn’t work. It’s illogical to have disproportionate funding to go to representation. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. Commissioner Griffin added that we are funding their direct service which we agreed as a Commission we would not do. Commission Crigler said that these services are already being offered in other places. Commissioner Straza added that they are contemplating developing definitive relationships with police departments. He takes exception that we want to build relationships between communities and police departments. In their report they state that police are trained to lie and that is out of order. Roll call vote to not fund the proposal: Commissioner Ahitow – Yes, Commissioner Biehl – No, Commissioner Crigler – Yes, Commissioner Griffin – Yes, Commissioner Hill – Yes, Commissioner Jacobs – No, Commissioner Roe – Yes, Commissioner Rodriguez – No, Commissioner Straza – Yes, Chairman Timberlake – Yes, Commissioner Velasquez – No, Commissioner Weiner – Yes. Motion carries.

XV. IJJC Committee Updates, Membership & Motions for consideration:

     A. BARJ Committee:

Commissioner Crigler reported that BARJ activity is great, with training and implementation in communities and schools including Chicago Housing Authority and Chicago Public Schools. Cook County Probation Department and Cook County Office of the President are trying to implement BARJ practices in probation. Roosevelt University has offered masters candidates in education, business and psychology to go into schools to present restorative justice practices. Erica Hughes added that they have completed a BARJ survey that they are in the process of analyzing it. It is qualitative data and she will contact Commissioner Crigler when she is closer to completion.

     B. Communications Committee:

Youth Reentry Improvement Plan, Sex Offender Bill Study: Commissioner Biehl reported that the Raise the Age Study will be done on time and ready to present by November. It is due in December. The other study is juvenile youth with sexually offending behavior study. Ad hoc Committee of the Commission met that will oversee the Loyola Child Law Policy Clinic. Their extensive work plan has been approved by both the Communications and Ad hoc Committees. Sub-groups have been formed to look at data collection, legal analysis, to understand the behaviors behind the way the kids are charged. If you are interested in working on this committee, please let Commissioner Biehl know. 

     C. DMC Committee:

Update on DMC Assessment: Working closely with ICJIA and including CPRD. Miguel Millett developed a timeline that will help track the Committee’s progress.

     D. JDAI Committee:

Two Committee meetings since last commission. Ben Roe has agreed to serve as co-chair. We are looking at how to structure our work using the RBA framework. Transportation grant has been a topic of discussion at the meetings per the request of Planning and Grants. Received data from Susan Witkin and Julie Stremlau and have requested contracts so we can compare the two and assess the progress that is being made on this grant. Jeff Bradley added that we have been invited again to attend the State’s Attorney Conference again this year and State Bar Association Conference.

     E. Planning & Grants Committee:

Case Management and Date Systems – Lisa Jacobs JJ Grant and VDISC Project Updates: DJJ Grant and V-Disc have caveats and conditions attached to them that DJJ has to provide reports to us. Commissioner Jacobs met with DJJ staff on how the screening and assessment grant is being implemented. She was impressed with the progress that has been made on it. Each of the screening tools is moving forward. We discussed having a small group work with DJJ to move forward and DJJ is in favor of that. Virtual High School Diploma Project: Joan Brody will report back with a revision of her plan in November. DJJ and DOC continue to work on Virtual High School because there is increasing interest by the White House Office of Science and Technology to see if it is an effective model. We will learn more at our November meeting.

XVI. Legislation

     A. The Senate Second Chance Reauthorization Act: No update

XVII. Non-Commission Funded Program Updates:

     A. Redeploy: Redeploy will have an RFP out to fund one expansion program and have it up and running by the end of the year. We will have additional small sites.

     B. JCEC: Meeting was canceled because of conflicts and is rescheduled in November.

     C. EUDL: No report.

     D. 2nd Chance: The Senate abolished the funding line for 2nd Chance.

     E. JABG: The Senate brought back funds for JABG and Title V were brought back in small amounts. Commissioner Jacobs added that the discussion of the Federal Budget now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee and Senators Kirk and Durbin are both on that Committee she wants to work with CJJ to develop strategies and timelines to communicate from Illinois to the Committee about special funding, so they will be working on suggested letters and talking points and finding more effective ways to contact them.

     F. NRI: No report.

     G. Federal & National Committee Updates (FACJJ, FCC, CJJ): 
          The Federal Advisory Committee has not yet been named.

XVIII.  Other Business:

Chairman Timberlake reported that there was a meeting of the IllinoisData Scan yesterday, and he is going to appoint a data committee. Commissioner Weiner has agreed to chair that committee. If you are interested in joining the  Committee, contact Chairman Timberlake. He will be looking outside the Commission  members to Committee members. Commissioner Weiner added that there are three  areas where we use data as a Commission: 1) to help select grantees; 2) understand the  needs of the system as a whole; and 3) monitor the needs of unfunded programs. As a result of yesterday’s meeting we want to decide what kind of a role the Commission should play in the consolidation of all of the data systems. Volunteers for the committee are Chairman Timberlake, Commissioner Biehl, Ron Smith, and Miguel Millett. Chairman Timberlake asked if it is the role of the Commission to take a position on the closure of facilities. If it is what should our position be? Commissioner Velasquez added that it is an informed decision. Commissioner Griffin further clarified that it is the role of the Commission to make recommendations to the Governor. Commissioner Jacobs added that it is important to analyze if it is appropriate to make that decision.  Commissioner Hill added that if we want to do this, we need to do it now because it won’t be an issue two months from now. Jim Bray’s reports indicate that it is appropriate to close some facilities, since they are under populated, but that there is Union resistance because of their position to maintain jobs. Commissioner Hill added that it should not be a matter of jobs, but a measure of the quality services to kids.  He recommends that two facilities need to be closed now. Commissioners Biehl and Griffin agree that they want the money saved from closures to stay in DJJ and be invested in after care. Commissioner Biehl wants four facilities closed, and the decision of which facilities should be left to DJJ. Chairman Timberlake reported that the most recent information shows that all facilities are under populated except Harrisburg. Chairman Timberlake made a motion that the Commission recommend to the Governor closure of one or more facilities is appropriate and necessary based on population and kids’ needs.  If there are closures, money saved should remain in DJJ and fund after care activities. Any closure decisions should be made based on the needs of the kids, which is the prime concern rather than a decision to maintain jobs at one or any DJJ facilities. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Velasquez. Ashley Cross added that the recommendation of the Governor to close facilities is to avoid cost. The money to make payroll is not currently there and DJJ is operating in the red. Closure of facilities is an attempt to make payroll for the full fiscal year. Therefore, there will be no savings. When savings are available they will be put into aftercare. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ahitow. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carries.

XIX. Adjourn  

Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 3:40pm.