January 12, 2012 JDAI Committee Meeting Minutes

I.  Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 9:45am.

II. Roll Call:

Co-Chair Ben Roe, Co-Chair Rick Velasquez, Gene Griffin (P), George Hill, Barb Shipp and IJJC Chairman George Timberlake. Quorum present. Staff: Karrie Rueter, Kristin Knox, Rachel Sipes, Julie Stremlau, Jeff Bradley. Guests: Carmen Casas, Miquel Lewis.

III. Approval of Minutes:

Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the minutes, Barb Shipp seconded. All in favor minutes approved.

IV. Chair’s Comments:

No comments.

V. Compliance Report:

Report Submitted by compliance monitor Ron Smith. Commissioner Hill made a motion to advise the Commission to convene a task force to visit Coles County and talk to them about status offenders. Barb Shipp seconded the motion and stated the data for Coles County indicates they are sending a lot of kids to detention. Out of 200 kids, 53 were from Coles County. It was suggested that further analysis of the data be sought and to reach out to people to determine the issue. Commissioner Hill disagrees about further analysis and believes we need to go there and take action as the data is already there. We need to address this now. He requests the IJJC Chairman, other Commissioners, the States Attorney and judges have a meeting. Commissioner Hill believes Chairman Timberlake would be the right person to arrange this meeting. Chairman Timberlake agreed and requested that Jeff Bradley be a part of this group. All in favor, motion passed. Jeff Bradley will have a talk with Ron Smith and Coles County before the meeting. Barb Shipp has JMIS data to share and will convene a conference call to discuss the issues.

VI. Old Business:


Jeff Bradley talked further about the RBA process, performance measures and assessments. Jeff Bradley discussed that handouts and materials for the committee members. He explained the focus on statewide screening engagement of sites.

  1. JDAI Identification of JDAI Priority Areas: The group discussed the prioritization of the areas. They would like the sites input. Concerning the statewide instrument, Commissioner Velasquez asked how we determine what is currently being used and the justification for it. Barb Shipp explained five years ago there was an attempt to do a pilot of a statewide instrument with existing sites. We have not captured any statewide data for a long time but the sites have indicated they have an interest again. Commissioner Hill added that we began with an instrument and then it became a battle ground over what to charge or what to list as the offense to get more youth sent to detention. Commissioner Hill believes it is a legislative issue. We have the resources but to get people to use it we need Legislation to get it done. Jeff Bradley talked about the difference in point values assigned in the instruments being used differently. He added that collaborative efforts have not worked to get the instrument used. Miquel Millett agreed that legislation is most effective path. AOIC has a good document. Chairman Timberlake stated that this conversation cannot take place as we don’t have the current data needed to present to the legislation. We could use JMIS and work with CPRD to analyze that data. Jeff believes the RBA document is what we need to use. Federal Compliance was discussed. Co-Chair Velasquez stated we have to look at detention and the decision making around detention as he believes there is a way to impact DMC specifically. Barb Ship asked if the statewide screening instrument would move up in priority for the members if the data were current. We need to identify how we can get this done.

2. Statewide Screening Instrument

Chairman Timberlake indicated he agreed with Casey and feels this moves the collaboration with police and others for alternatives to sending kids to detention. Adopting an instrument is not enough there is a need for a work plan and collaboration with JDAI and these entities. Engaging existing sites was discussed. The group agrees it is important but Commissioner Hill does not think it is feasible. Commissioners Griffin and Roe believe current information from sites is very important.

Karrie Rueter explained the JDAI committee and compliance monitors are in the grant application. JDAI is a separate element in the application from Compliance. The structure with regard to compliance monitoring should be a priority of this committee as Barb Shipp recommended. To have the oversight responsibility of ensuring Compliance along with the top 3 core requirements. Consider that JDAI take a stand in this connection with compliance. Commissioner Velasquez believes it is a necessity to provide a statewide report on detention centers, alternatives and compliance with OJJDP standards. We need to provide the big picture for these topics. Focus on the JMIS data and develop a uniform system of reporting for local jurisdictions to JMIS. Susan Witkin noted it would not be difficult to use old data, there is data for every quarter. Co-Chair Velasquez would like to use Casey money to accomplish this. The data will be easy to get to the larger audience once it is compiled. Chairman Timberlake added that the other question is getting data from the other side. What is the data about ALTERNATIVES, are they successful and why? We cannot show the effectiveness of what we have out there. It was decided that the Committee would determine what it desires from AOIC move forward and Chairman Timberlake will present it to AOIC. Jeff Bradley, Barb Shipp and Chairman Timberlake will discuss and finalize this information.

3. Completion of RBA New Site analysis

The Committee discussed best practices. This is not something JDAI would do. Chairman Timberlake explained that AOIC, Juvenile Justice and John Howard and IJJC Compliance staff address this. Karrie Rueter further explained that there are jail standards and detention standards. The parameters where jails hold kids and we don’t have anyone that monitors this or holds them accountable as this hasn’t been assessed or reviewed for years. The IJJC could take a look at this. There are issues of non compliance, in jails because some sheriff’s think they can do this and due to no one holding them accountable they don’t follow the rules. Ron Smith can explain the process very clearly. Co-Chair Velasquez asked about DJJ monitoring the standards of detention centers, what happened to committees and JCAR? It was noted that the standards were developed and taken to JCAR and they are still there.

Karrie Rueter questioned the RBA activities compared to the larger purpose. For instance, the safety of kids is a large purpose. We need to develop a broader focus on what we want to accomplish. We need a mission statement, a starting point and to determine how to accomplish these things. The 3 year plan would fit nicely in the 2 or 3 goals we have set. Commissioner Griffin has concerns with standards of the best practice model.

B. Casey Survey request Jeff explained that Casey nationwide just completed reports in the fall. Casey is now requesting that a 50 page survey be completed by the sites. We need the sites to engage in this process. Co-Chair Velasquez recommends allotting $3000 for each site. We could then complete an annual report and any surveys that come up. We have perfect performance measure to go along with this. Jeff clarified that this motion is for 9 sites to complete. There are no Casey funds at this time. Commissioner Velasquez wants to use Casey funds. Requesting up to $27,000 for 9 sites with a formal agreement and response. Barb Shipp would like to add specific deliverables before finalizing these agreements. Commissioner Griffin motioned to approve, Barb Shipp seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carries.

C. Transportation:

The transportation grants were started due to compliance issues. Commissioner Hill explained that we were on the defensive and the issues that generated this program don’t exist anymore. Chairman Timberlake commented that we need to consider strategy and if we eliminate that safety net what will we do and what services will we suggest. The Franklin County Detention Center serves 25 counties in Illinois and what will that impact be if it is removed. Commissioner Hill stated this is a dollar issue and it always has been. He motioned for the JDAI Committee to recommend the elimination of the transportation grant effective July 1st, 2015 and to phase it out over the next two years. A 30% reduction for 2013, 30% reduction for 2014 and 40% and done in 2015. Also, to make legislative recommendations for AOIC to address this issue. Motion seconded by Barb Shipp. All in favor motion carried.

VII. JDAI 3-Year Plan:

Chairman Timberlake suggested utilizing CPRD and their research ability. Jeff will work along with staff to further finalize the JDAI section of the 3 year plan. We need to be on the same page for this year and the next two years. A JDAI work group will convene to clarify the focus and aspects of the goals/objectives for the 3-year plan.

VIII. Adjourn:

Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn, Commissioner Roe second the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:39am.