I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:40 am.
II. Roll Call
Due to a mix-up on the room location, the roll call only included Eugene Griffin, George Hill and Barb Shipp. Co-chair Ben Roe and Rodney Ahitow joined the meeting late; however Dr. Griffin had to leave the meeting early. As a result a quorum was never achieved. Staff: Jeff Bradley. Guests: Dr. Miquel Lewis and Susan Witkin (guest).
III. Approval of Minutes:
Unable to approve minutes due to lack of quorum.
IV. Chair’s Comments
No update.
V. Compliance Report
There is a compliance problem in Vermilion County. The judge is giving status offenders weekends in detention. Each weekend equals a violation and the frequency results in multiple violations. Jeff recommended a team visit to Vermilion County with Jeff Bradley and Barb Shipp at a minimum. Possibly Judge Timberlake could reach out to the Chief Judge of the 5th Circuit. Coles County will be reviewed in June or July.
VI. Report on JDAI Conference:
Jeff Bradley, Rick Velasquez, Judge Timberlake, Ben Roe and Dr. Miquel Lewis attended the Conference. The group held several positive conversations with Bart Lubow of the Casey Foundation during the conference.
VII. Old Business
A. Resuming the RBA Process
The 3-Year Plan is complete so we can begin to focus in on the RBA Process and moving forward.
B. IJJC Transportation Grant Review
1. Data Report: Susan Witkin
Susan Witkin gave an overview of the Transportation program data.
2. Notice of Letter-Jefferson County
Jeff Bradley will share the letter from Franklin County concerning the Transportation Grant. They have indicated that the elimination of the Transportation Grant will result in the closure of the detention center. The youth would be transported to Madison, St. Clair or out of state. Commissioner Hill stated the downstate centers have more beds than youth and he believes the centers would pay for their own transportation to fill the vacancies. One idea mentioned was to tie the transportation funding to a promise from the recipients that JDAI principles would be utilized. Consideration will be given to asking Franklin County representatives to attend the next JDAI meeting.
C. Casey Funding
Jeff Bradley reported that we received the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) Letter of Agreement for 2010-2011. Nothing yet for 2011-2012. At the AECF conference Jeff and Chair Velasquez talked to Bart Lubow about coming to Illinois to rebuild the relationship with AECF. It was also mentioned that AECF is going to assist Illinois at the statewide level more than they have in the past.
VIII. New Business
A. Aligning Commission Funding to Core JDAI Principles (Discussion)
Plan to recommend an “interested party” meeting before the next meeting to review the detention data that Barb has collected thus far.
IX. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.