I. Meeting was called to order at 9:08am.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Rick Velasquez, Pamela Rodriguez, Gene Griffin and IJJC Chairman George Timberlalke. Quorum present. Staff: Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Heidi Mueller. Guests: Susan Witkin.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Griffin moved to approve, Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. All in favor, December 2012 minutes approved.
IV. Program / Project Updates
A. Reentry Projects
No update.
B. Adolescent Domestic Battery Projects
No update
C. DJJ Assessment Grants
Reentry should be within the DJJ system. There was a brief discussion on how long the IJJC plans to continue to fund this programming under DJJ, no decision noted.
D. Transportation / Jail Removal Grants
Commissioner Velasquez explained the IJJC will need to vote about continuation of funding for Franklin County at the next full Commission meeting.
E. Second Chance Continuation Grant
IL was awarded this continuation grant, no further updates at this time.
F. Other
V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
A. Title II
Compliance: The JDAI Committee has inquired about other states and their Compliance process, what the IJJC is obligated to do in reference to Compliance and what current grantees such as ICJIA, CPRD, DJJ and YNC/ICOY provide the IJJC in terms of compliance requirements. Staff will compile a report for the Committee regarding federal and state requirements, the state of practice, our current activities in Illinois and opportunities for coordination/cost-savings.
Chairman Timberlake offered JABG funding badground and status on IJJC request for technical assistance from OJJDP.Staff presented information on programs currently funded by ICJIA with JABG funds, JABG purpose areas and how those areas intersect with Title II program areas. Staff will present an updated report on current JABG grant sub-recipients and status of the application and transfer at the next Planning and Grants meeting.
VI. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
A. Communications Committee
No further update.
B. DMC Committee
Commissioner Rodriguez updated the group on the DMC OJJDP call. Commissioner Jacobs explained the strategic planning documents. Heidi informed the group that OJJDP offered to train the new DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas in Washington. Commissioner Rodriguez further explained we want to collect the DMC data annually so that in 3 years we are not repeating this data process. The DMC Assessment will gauge where programming is needed. At the next IJJC meeting we will discuss the DMC Assessment, policies and procedures and on-going data collection.
C. JDAI / Detention Committee
No further update.
D. Executive Committee
No update
E. Data Liaison
No update
VI. New Business
None noted.
VII. Adjourn
Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn and Commissioner Griffin seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:44am.