June 12, 2013 Planning and Grants Committee Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:09am.

II. Roll Call

Planning and Grants Chairman Lisa Jacobs, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake, Julie Biehl, Rick Velasquez, Pam Rodriguez and Dana Weiner. George Hill and Esther Franco-Payne teleconference. Quorum present.  Staff: Julie Stremlau, Brent Frey-Intern Loyola Law School and Donna Taylor. Chairman Jacobs introduced Brent Frey, an intern from Loyola Law School.

III. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve May 2013 minutes; Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

IV. Data Liaison Discussion

A. Commission research/data needs

The group had a long discussion concerning policy, research, analysis, responsibility and recommendations. It was suggested to add two new workgroups. Policy Analysis & Research Workgroup and Data Workgroup. There was discussion on how to approach this with training, hiring staff/consultants, broadening membership, etc.

B. DJJ Core Grant updates and reporting structure

No update

V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning

A. Lead Committee Assignments for Commission Projects: 

Chairman Jacobs explained the process that transpired to develop the Working Draft document the group reviewed.  The document describes the IJJC’s assignments, projects  and planning. The task for the day is to set priorities and  assign responsibilities. Each IJJC Committee will be given a  priority list and the task of determining hierarchy of that list.  It was noted that this is a broad budget and we have  $850,000 from FFY11 that must be spent by SFY15.

VI. The Tier system was chosen as 1-3, meaning: 1-Must; 2- Later; 3-No. Tier 1 will then be prioritized.

The following are the priority areas chosen: 

Effective Crisis Response 
Detention Admissions
Detention Data
Detention Programming and Care
Detention Operations Standards
Compliance Monitoring
Youth/Law Enforcement Partnerships
DMC Reduction through Local Planning and Governance
DMC Compliance
Probation Services
Probation Data
Strengthen Juvenile Justice Councils
Family Engagement & Support
Reentry Projects
Aftercare Expansion
Parole Study
JSO Recommendations
System Data
Collateral Consequences and Confidentiality

VII. New Business

None noted.

VIII. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Biehl, seconded by Commissioner Velasquez. Meeting adjourned at 11:10am.