May 8, 2013 Planning and Grants Committee Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 9:08am.

II. Roll Call

Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Rick Velasquez, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill (P) and Chairman Timberlake. Quorum established at 9:27am.Guests: Jason Brennen, Northwestern and Susan Witkin; Staff: Rob Vickery, Heidi Mueller, Ron Smith, Julie Stremlau.

III. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve April minutes; Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.

IV. Program / Project Updates

DJJ Core Grant

Jason Brennen from Northwestern discussed the DJJ CANS and 360 data system implementation progress as part of the DJJ core grant. They have been working with system partners and believe the 360 system will be on-line in the fall. Commissioner Jacobs believes we need to learn more about the process and the different systems as our programming focus is determined by this data. Chairman Timberlake added we have a responsibility to know how these tests are used and if they are beneficial. The Committee requested a one-page report summarizing progress, and asked that a more in-depth conversation be scheduled with Dana Weiner, DJJ, and Northwestern as the contractor for DJJ. Commissioner Velasquez noted that the Commission has spent a large amount of money assisting DJJ in this process and he wants more than just a DJJ focus, we need statewide policies and procedures for data collection, reporting, and analysis. The Commission will request that DJJ present formally on the progress of this grant at the July IJJC meeting

V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning

A. Title II


Commissioner Jacobs presented a strategic planning grid that lays out all the goals and strategies identified by the IJJC for each decision point in the juvenile justice system during committee discussions over the past several months. The Commission walked through the list and narrowed down the identified goals and strategies to a list of strategic priorities for the next few years. Commissioner Hill recommended Commissioner Jacobs and Executive Director Heidi Mueller distill the discussion into a final list and then present to the full Commission for approval. So noted.

VI. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration

A. Communications Committee (JSO, RtA, etc.)

B. DMC Committee (DMC Assessment Submission)

C. JDAI / Detention Committee

D. Executive Committee

E. Data Liaison

VII. New Business

one noted.

VIII. Adjourn

Chairman Timberlake moved to adjourn, Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 12:03pm.