I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:40 AM.
II. Roll Call
IJJC Chairman George Timberlake, Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Commissioners: Rick Velasquez, Pam Rodriguez, Esther Franco-Payne. Staff: Jeff Bradley, Ron Smith, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson, Rob Vickery, Susan Witkin, Michelle Arnold. Guests: Nora Collins- Mandeville, Policy, Development & Communication Director at Juvenile Justice Initiative (JJI). Commissioner Randell Strickland was removed from the Committee until further notice. Quorum declared present.
III. Approval of Minutes
Rick Velasquez made a motion to approve the June meeting minutes. Seconded by Pam Rodriguez. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes approved.
IV. Program / Project Reports Updates
JSO Study: Chairman Jacobs reported that the projected date for completion is January. Data, arrest, detention and DJJ are the main focus of the study. Probation and DJJ file reviews are being completed by Judge Timberlake, Jeff Bradley and Rob Vickery. Committee meets on Monday to review the data received. Anita Weinberg will present a methodology report at the Commission meeting next week. Commissioner Franco-Payne added that the Communications Committee will begin work on the release of the study. Chairman Jacobs also reported that the information/data that will be included in this report has never been collected or reported before.
Raise the Age Study: Stephanie Kollmann and the Raise the Age team will present a substantive report at the September Commission meeting. The IJJC will be able to decide from the information gathered how to move forward. This will require a legislative undertaking next spring.
Adolescent Domestic Battery Projects: Is moving along under a Models for Change format. A monograph will be released in December. The intent is to increase awareness of the issue of adolescent domestic battery and provide guidance for families and provide models for policy makers in the area of crisis response.
Reentry Projects: There was a meeting last week with grantees. Discussed the referral process and how to improve it. Both grantees are satisfied with the progress to date. There is difficulty getting referrals. The biggest obstacle is that there isn’t an automated system that can provide the information needed to get referrals. The program started in June and Youth Outreach Services has 11 referrals with a case load of 20-25. CHASI has 10 referral with a case load of 12. The next reporting quarter ends on September 30th and the grantees will be reporting the performance measures. Susan Witkin will check to see if there is some indicator in the DJJ system that identifies what area of the state the youth came from and report it back to Rob Vickery. Commissioner Jacobs asked how the Committee wants to move forward. We will proceed with changing the way referrals are made, and invite grantees/stakeholders to attend the October meeting to begin discussions. Rob Vickery and Commissioner Jacobs will identify who we will invite to participate in the discussion.
DJJ Assessment Grants: Commissioner Jacobs does not have a substantive report but the contract is in place between DJJ and Northwestern. They have begun to hire IT staff.
IJJC Annual Report: Jim Bray is sending a draft to the committee. There were some data delays so the timeline has been extended. It will be presented at the October Executive Committee meeting and then at the November Commission meeting.
V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
Strategic Plan: Nora Collins-Mandeville reported on a meeting she attended yesterday. The focus was on how data is matched with JSO report and other data systems and the barriers in making conclusions. They are looking at how other states gather and analyze data.
Future Projections: Timelines Extension requests to OJJDP for 2009 and 2010 Title II grants were submitted on time, no response or update at this time.
JABG Grant No update at this time.
Second Chance Continuation Grant Second Chance/FIT grant approval was received.
JJ Reform & Reinvestment Demonstration Program Commissioner Jacobs reported that Rob Vickery worked on this grant application and it was submitted on time.
VI. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
A. Communications Committee: There are two new youth commissioners who will present at the September Commission Meeting.
B. DMC Committee: Commissioner Rodriguez asked if Chairman Timberlake would remove Randell Strickland from the Committee due to lack of participation by members and difficulty achieving quorum. Chairman Timberlake approved the removal.
C. JDAI / Detention Committee: JDAI has been working with Susan Witkin and Commissioner Weiner on data concerning the Transportation Grants. The plan is to phase the Transportation programs out over a three year period. If the data proves that these grants are necessary, the contracts will be rewritten to reflect the changes that have been determined to be necessary. They are visiting the agencies that receive the grants and inquiring as to the necessity of the grants. The Casey money is going to be used for the re-engagement conferences. It will provide opportunities for agencies to become innovative.
D. Executive Committee: Chairman Timberlake discussed with the Committee the idea of evaluating the roles of the current committees and possibly splitting committees to spread the workload. Since we were unable to schedule a retreat this year, it might be worthwhile to think about planning a retreat and work on this topic at that meeting. Chairman Timberlake asked the Committee Chairs to bring up this topic at their next Committee meetings.
E. Data Liaison: No report.
VII. New Business
ICJIA will discuss the reduced NRI funds at their next meeting. They want to have contracts in place prior to the November 1, 2012 deadline.
VIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Rodriguez made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:29 AM.