April 18, 2011 DMC Committee Meeting

I. Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 2:12PM

II. Roll Call

Sarah Sullivan, IDOC, Miguel Millett, Edith Crigler, Pam Rodriguez, Angela Green, Ada Skyles. No Quorum.

III. Approval of Minutes

The minutes were approved at the last full Commission Meeting on March 16, 2011.

IV. Statewide DMC Assessment

Miguel Millett gave a status report. The site visit, scheduled for April 7, 2011 was intended to give us a good synopsis of how the assessment should be conducted; however, the Feds canceled all technical assistance visits because of the budget impasse. Andrea Coleman is able to travel to site visits and will schedule the technical assistance visit in Illinois when a date can be selected.  The full assessment is due on March 28, 2012. At this point in time it will be difficult to complete the process on time. We have submitted an extension request of one year. On April 22, 2011 we will be notified if our extension has been approved. Miguel distributed a list of what we can do to get our assessment on track. One of the things that Ms. Coleman has requested is a list of all entities in the State of IL that are collecting data on youth and what kind of data they are collecting. Commissioner Rodriguez listed the information that is included in the report. It is not impossible to collect the information, but it is very time consuming.

Commissioner Rodriguez stressed that we are hiring someone through an RFP to do the data collection. At the present time we do not have intergovernmental agreements with other state agencies to get their data, but we will request that DHS enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the necessary State agencies to access their data. Commissioner Rodriguez wants to focus on County or State level data and avoid community data. Miguel will work with the sites to get any data they are collecting. He will also work on putting together a list of articles, literature reviews, facts on DJJ, required reports and e-mail to the Committee. He will also work with Sarah Sullivan’s contact to obtain child well being data. ICJIA documents are in place. We can get a list from ICJIA to see if they have data on the State’s fiscal analysis.

Commissioner Rodriguez wants, in writing, what ICJIA can give us and whether their data is available by county.  If we are able to gather this information, we will be in good shape when we meet with Andrea Coleman.  We will look at the past three years data.  Commissioner Rodriguez reported that the data is important and will be used as an analysis to make recommendation for systems change. Miguel stated that the assessment provides justification for what you are doing and points out shortcomings in the State’s plan and what we should be doing at the local level to eliminate DMC. Sarah Sullivan suggested adding an element in corrections to include JJ in plans by SPAC.

Commissioner Rodriguez asked Commissioner Crigler to talk to John Howard about his agency’s involvement in the Commission and discuss JJ policy issues. She asked Miguel to develop a grid that will map out who is working in advocacy groups, policy change, detention, etc. to help write the RFP. We also want to know what is  required for us to have access to the data at the agencies we are looking at. Miguel reported that Karrie Rueter wanted ICJIA to be a main player in writing the RFP.  He will schedule a meeting with ICJIA to discuss this.  Sarah Sullivan suggested that it 
may be helpful to use other states’ DMC RFPs for structure.

Commissioner Rodriguez asked that Miguel and Sarah Sullivan get RFPs from a couple of other states as well as ICJIA’s. ICJIA can be involved in the writing. We don’t want to wait any longer to get started on this report.When we meet in two months, have your information together. We will report our progress on this report to the Commission at their next meeting. We will ask Andrea when she will be available to come to Illinois to meet with us. Miguel will see if she is available between now and June 8, 2011 and he will e-mail her available dates to the Committee.

V. Membership

We have talked to Chairman Timberlake about taking people off of our membership who do not participate. Commissioner Rodriguez explained the requirements of becoming a voting member of this Committee. The advantage of becoming a voting member is that you have input in the vote. The consensus from the guests is that they do not want to become voting members; they are only interested in providing input using their expertise.

VI. Funding Strategies for the sites

What is the Commission’s role in funding sites and/or funding down the sites and reframing by implementation of practices with ability to reduce DMC? Miguel said that we have been funding current sites of Macon County, Sauk Village, and Englewood since 2006. This year’s funding is $50,000 each and in 2012, the last year of funding, it will be $25,000 to each site. At the completion of the assessment an evaluation will be required of sites. The money for funding has been requested from the General Assembly.

VI. Models for Change – DMC activities

Commissioner Crigler reported that it is winding down because the official last date is June 30, 2011. There is one more meeting scheduled on June 7, 2011.

Miguel reported that Macon County is hosting a DMC conference on June 24, 2011, Decatur Club 158 W. Prairie Street, Decatur, IL. Judge Stutly will be the keynote speaker.

VIII. New Business


IX. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 3:40PM.

X. Next meeting

June 20, 2011