I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:38pm.
II. Roll Call
Present: Rick Velasquez, Chairman Pam Rodriguez, Michael Rodriguez. Quorum present. Staff: Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Heidi Mueller, Karima Douglas. Guests: Erica Hughes, Susan Witkin on phone.
III. Approval of Minutes (April and June)
Commissioner Velasquez moved to approve April minutes, Commissioner Michael Rodriguez seconded. All in favor. Commissioner Michael Rodriguez motioned to approve June minutes, Commissioner Velasquez seconded. All in favor, minutes passed.
IV. DMC Assessment Communications Update
Karima Douglas, DMC Coordinator explained the DMC process thus far with assessment, etc. Commissioner Velasquez asked about average/mean number in Illinois. Erica Hughes explained that IL is not the only state that struggles with juvenile data. We must dig deeper for numbers. The group continued to talk about general DMC issues and how to address. Arrests are the key, it affects everything. They indicated the letters to counties would be out by the first of September.
V. DMC Committee Work Plan
Planning and Grants wants a template of each committee on their activity to share with full commission. Youth/Law Enforcement is a focus area, DMC Reduction through local Planning and Governance, DMC Compliance, DMC Data Improvement. Believe it should be more of a discussion and informal get together than a teaching program. More of a get to know each other. The Youth Advisory Committee is planning to meet and teach the police. Need to determine expectations about what both groups want to accomplish and what the IJJC wants for both groups. Commissioner Velasquez added that DHS and law enforcement work together in many aspects. Support this and develop further the partnership. Don’t recreate, support what exists. The group discussed DMC funding, strategies and plans. RFP was suggested and option of funding a group of 6-10 locations to implement the most effective strategies/projects. The group discussed data collection and focus is on 2012 data. There was a suggestion for an external DMC representative to attend an IJJC meeting and address the Commission. There was also a suggestion to recruit DMC workers from other jurisdictions to participate on the DMC Committee as the Committee moves forward with JJ council work.
VI. DMC Coordinator Update
Karima explained a phone call she had with the Austin Coalition, which is made up of legislators, school board members, and congressmen about collaborating on youth/law enforcement efforts. She also mentioned talking with Connecticut DMC Coordinator who shared tips on how to tackle the issue of DMC through the lens of youth/law enforcement programming.
VII. New Business
VIII. Next Meeting
October 21, 2013
IX. Adjournment
Commissioner Velasquez motioned to adjourn, Chairman Rodriguez seconded the motion, meeting adjourned at 4:08pm.