I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 PM.
II. Roll call
Chairman Rodriguez, Commissioners Edith Crigler, Esther Franco-Payne, Randell Strickland, Rick Velasquez. Quorum declared present. Guests: Angela Green, Dr. Louis, Erica Hughes, Sara Sullivan. Staff present: Miguel Millett, Betsy Goulet, Lin Ferguson. Sara Sullivan let the Commissioners present know that the Commission can approve a motion to allow phone participation to be counted as present at the meeting for voting purposes.
III. Approval of Minutes
Chairman Rodriguez asked if there are any changes or corrections to the minutes. None noted. Commissioner Velasquez made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Strickland seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes approved.
IV. Statewide DMC Assessment
Miguel Millett reported that he wasn’t able to get Michael Leiber to come to Illinois to train staff on the assessment, due to a Federal restriction on travel. Angela Coleman then agreed to do the training and subsequently her travel was restricted. CJJ had a spring conference in Washington, D.C., which Miguel attended. He met with Tina Borner, our new state rep, and Andrea Coleman. He explained the problems that exist in Illinois concerning data collection, and they discussed some new steps in data collection.
V. Data Collection and Reporting
OJJDP would like us to meet with the AOIC and have staff from OJJDP try to help provide some support for our request, since AOIC’s structure would require legislative change to get the information we need. Commissioner Velasquez reported that he, Chairman Timberlake and Jeff Bradley met with Margie Groot in an attempt to align AOIC with everything the Commission is doing. He thinks it is a bad idea to go to make individual program request of Margie, but rather present the whole of the Commission’s work. Miguel is in agreement. Commissioner Velasquez asked Miguel to speak with Chairman Timberlake to get this topic on the agenda for the next Commission meeting. OJJDP approved the extension request. The report is now due March 30, 2013. Miguel reported further that it is possible to introduce this as a pilot project and use funds set aside for the assessment to help pay for costs of data work done by AOIC. OJJDP will develop a uniform tool to be used for data collection. It will be specific in asking for needed information and therefore reporting will be standardized. The assessment does not have to focus on communities in Illinois that do not have a minority population of < 1%. Erica Hughes added that individually we don’t have that in almost any county, but combined we can meet that requirement. Miguel will clarify that this is correct. Andrea Coleman explained to Miguel that if Illinois had eight counties out of the 102 with less than 1% minority population, we could go with that. Miguel added that what we are really doing now is trying to accomplish as much work prior to sending the RFP as possible. Whatever agency we contract with to do the assessment, we want to give them all of the data, numbers and background information to allow them to analyze why DMC is occurring and what can be done about it. This is a cost-saving measure. Sara Sullivan is meeting with ICJIA tomorrow and wanted to know if they can be helpful on the juvenile side by combining their efforts. Commissioner Rodriguez added that this is a partnership to get the data that we want to foster. Step 1 data collection and Step 2 analysis of data. OJJDP has volunteered to help with analysis of the data we collect. Commissioner Velasquez added that we want someone who is not involved in the process to analyze. Commissioner Strickland offered to give a short list of who would be good to analyze the data. Commissioner Rodriguez agreed that she would not want OJJDP involved in the analysis. Next Steps: 1) Notify Chairman Timberlake that we want to add this to the conversation with AOIC. It was decided that Miguel Millett and Commissioner Rodriguez be included in the analysis process. Commissioner Rodriguez feels that bringing OJJDP to AOIC will not have any effect; 2) $200,000-300,000 to do the assessment to develop the RRI for all decision points in the affected counties and then a plan and strategy for follow-up. Sara Sullivan added that at IDOC doing a grant rather than a contract moves faster through the RFP process.
Commissioner Franco-Payne recommended that we can do a Letter of Intent (LOI) rather than an RFP. Karrie can help us do the LOI which works much more quickly than an RFP and working through the State procurement process. Commissioner Rodriguez added that going through YNC works only when we know what we are planning to do and can assign a cost. Commissioner Strickland asked if other states have done what we are trying to do that we can model from. Miguel added that the only states that have completed this process are those where the population is low with few minorities. Commissioner Rodriguez added that we will review the sample RFPs from other states and consider the LOI/RFP strategy. She asked the Committee if we get a recommendation from Karrie on what is the best strategy, can we be ready to propose the plan to Planning and Grants and full Commission in July without us meeting again. Commissioner Strickland moved that we consult with Karrie on the best strategy and recommend to Planning and Grants and then the full Commission the issue of an LOI/RFP for getting our DMC assessment analysis which will be released September 15, 2011. Commissioner Strickland amended the motion to release date of October 1, 2011. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. No abstentions. Motion passed.
Miguel added that we want new data and it would not be a good idea to use data that has been previously collected. Commissioner Rodriguez added that this will be dependent upon the conversation with AOIC. Miguel wants to add a plan B to create a list of the 30 counties, where based on the numbers we know, DMC representation is the highest. He doesn’t know if we go to the courts, police stations, or where we would get the data. Commissioner Velasquez added that he believes the legislative process is the best way to go. Commissioner Rodriguez agreed. Erica added that if there is data collection at the local level, there will have to be training provided to those doing the collection and this may lengthen the timeline for the process. Commissioner Strickland agreed and added that the racial coding manual will need to be interpreted for the providers. Commissioner Velasquez added that if funding will be required for this, we need to make a decision as quickly as possible. This will require collaboration with ICJIA and AOIC. Commissioner Rodriguez agreed. Commissioner Rodriguez asked Miguel to develop a reverse time line for this project.
Next Steps: Millett to create a Reverse Timeline for Analysis Project; Rodriguez and Millett to participate in the analysis process; Determine access to data for 30 highest DMC rate counties; Determine strategy for DMC Assessment Analysis.
VI. Funding Strategies
A. OJJDP Grant Application: Planning and Grants approved the funding requests for next Fiscal Year at $25,000 for each of three sites. Last week a decision was made to submit an application for the DMC and Strategic Planning Project Grant from the Commission. The money can be used for site specific policy and program work. We did not apply for grant last year. Miguel reported that this is the first year we have been able to apply for this grant. Data collection on five of the nine decision points was a requirement for application in the past. OJJDP has opened up the application process, since data collection nationwide is an issue. The grant now seeks to enhance the efforts of local sites in addressing DMC by bolstering their governing boards and community efforts. They want to put in place a very specific governing board for DMC. Miguel is working with Betsy Goulet to give her the information necessary for the grant writing. The award is up to $50,000 and will be awarded on October 1, 2011. Curriculum has not been released, but it will strengthen the work of the sites of the targeted localities and we will have the option to expand to localities that are not our targeted sites but are in need. Betsy Goulet gave a report of her progress on the Statement of Need and described how this grant fits in with our other funding and commitment to change at the local level. Betsy asked if there was one coordinator or multiple for up to $50,000 allotted for the DMC coordinator. Commissioner Rodriguez responded one. The grant must come from the local government. Betsy stated that in order to remain compliant it would be best to show the steps that we would take to reduce DMC. Betsy Goulet reported that she is working on the grant application. Since there are many variables within the state, it is difficult to paint a picture of the communities in need. Commissioner Crigler stated that according to the guidelines for the grant the overall goal is to create local governing committees and board to implement reduction models to show the efficacy of DMC governing committees and their recommendations to deal with the issues. Miguel stated that is the intent of the grant. The numbers show justification to focus the efforts in a particular area. Commissioner Rodriguez added that disproportionality of DJJ commitments is highest in Rock Island. Erica Hughes interjected that county level data is the lowest level available. Dr. Louis reported that for Cook County data is available for all sites. Commissioner Velasquez asked for clarification of when target areas must be identified and clarified that the grant must go through the Executive Branch of State Government. Commissioner Crigler interpreted the guidance to say that we can request the money and then have the Commission decide which areas to target. Commissioner Rodriguez stated that in her conversation with Chairman Timberlake, it was determined that the application we are discussing is actually a statement of need. The sites will be determined by the RRI Data. Commissioner Rodriguez stated that we know the RRI for a variety of communities and this grant meets the Commission’s overall strategy and agenda to address DMC from a systems change at the local and state level. Commissioner Velasquez further clarified that the RFP process would take place at the local level. Miguel stated that we can include areas that we know are possible sites for the grant in our application. Commissioner Rodriguez clarified that we have a pool of communities that we are working with that would qualify for a grant. Commissioner Rodriguez added that we know where the high DMC areas are and those would be the eligible areas for release of the RFP when it is released. We do not want to lose sight of those areas that don’t want to apply for the grant. Conferences would cost $25,000 each. The Urban League may be interested in collaborating with us on this. Urban League is looking to the MacArthur Foundation to develop a documentary on this subject. Urban League’s ability of contribute to funding is now in question.
VII. Models for Change DMC Activities
Not discussed.
VIII. DMC Events for FY12
Not discussed.
IX. New Business/Other
None noted.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Velasquez made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Strickland seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:50 PM.