I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:36pm.
II. Roll Call
Rick Velasquez (Acting Chairman); Esther Franco-Payne; Michael Rodriguez. Quorum present. Staff: Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Heidi Mueller, Karima Douglas. Guests: Erica Hughes.
III. Approval of Minutes (August)
Commissioner Rodriguez moved to approve minutes. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
IV. DMC Assessment
The group discussed the goals/strategies and options for JABG focus on DMC. A combined approach. Many seem interested in the possibilities. The Committee discussed data collection, the issues that result in committing to a review, what to do with data found, etc. It was mentioned that Illinois may need to request and extension as we won’t make the deadline. We need counties we fund to incorporate the data collection in their plans. We cannot require this but we can strongly suggest they incorporate the data.
V. Communications Update
VI. DMC and Juvenile Justice Councils
Need to establish and identify the JJ Council and to reach out immediately and get this started.
VII. CASP Grant Award
We were granted this award and will utilize the funding to develop a system and further planning for DMC for the next few years. The DMC Committee’s role in the funding and planning and how best to utilize the funds. The Executive Director and the DMC Coordinator will work with OJJDP to ensure we receive technical assistance as needed.
VIII. DMC Coordinator Update
A. Youth Advisory Board
The YAB continues to meet and has a proposal ready to present to the full Commission in November.
B. Youth/ Law Enforcement Project Curricula
Karima explained how she has talked with local police and about training and guidelines available. A proposal is being finalized.
IX. New Business
None noted.
X. Next Meeting
December 16, 2013
XI. Adjournment
Chairman Velasquez moved to adjourn, Commissioner Rodriguez seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:53pm.