I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 1:16 PM.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Chairman George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs, Pamela Rodriguez and Gene Griffin. Quorum declared present.
Staff: Julie Stremlau
III. Budget Response Letter
The IJJC response letter to the Governor concerning the impending budget is complete and ready for distribution. Prior approval of this letter was secured on April 8th at the Executive Committee meeting with distribution requested to DHS Secretary Saddler, the Governor and General Assembly. Chairman Timberlake asked DHS staff to post the letter on the DHS website under the Juvenile Justice Commission section. This is a DHS website so approval for posting will be requested. Pamela Rodriguez commented that there is no reason not to distribute the letter openly. The letter will be distributed as quickly as possible pending approvals.
IV. Domestic Battery Proposals
Commissioner Jacobs presented the Domestic Battery proposals to the Executive Committee. Following discussions, Commissioner Griffin motioned to approve the awards. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. IJJC Chairman Timberlake and Commissioner Jacobs abstained.
V. JDAI Committee – Statewide Program Coordination and Program Goals
The initial plan to hire a Coordinator for the JDAI Committee has been put on hold. The Executive Committee recommends the members of the JDAI Committee meet and further discuss and finalize their plan and focus for JDAI as a whole before considering filling a Coordinator position.
VI. Planning and Grants
Approval of Gender Specific Grant Awards
See above.
Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Council Request
The Planning and Grants Committee approved $35,000 for IAJJC and presented the request to the Executive Committee. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the $35,000 and Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. Chairman Timberlake abstained.
Coalition for Juvenile Justice July 2010 Conference Request
Commissioner Connell presented this request to the Planning and Grants Committee and they agreed to fund this conference up to $15,000. The Planning and Grants Committee is requesting final approval from the Executive Committee. Commissioner Rodriguez motioned to approve this funding. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
First Defense Legal Aid Proposal Request
The Planning and Grants Committee approved the FDLA request for continued funding this fiscal year of $25,000 for the period April through June 2010. They did not approve further funding for 2011 and requested more detailed information be included in FDLA’s original proposal. The Planning and Grants Committee requests that FDLA work with the DMC Committee and Planning and Grants Committee to establish more juvenile-focused goals. This new FY11 proposal must be received by May 30th so it can be reviewed at the IJJC meeting in July. Chairman Timberlake motioned to approve. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
VII. DMC Conference
Chairman Timberlake announced that Commissioner Deb Ferguson has resigned as DMC Chair. Chairman Timberlake asked Commissioner Rodriguez if she would like to be the new Chair of the DMC Committee due to her long standing participation as a committee member. Commissioner Rodriguez thanked the Chairman for his consideration of her but felt someone more culturally appropriate should be the DMC Committee Chair. Chairman Timberlake will consider other Commissioners for the position.
The upcoming DMC Conference in Oak Brook is scheduled and the Executive Committee is to determine if this conference should move forward. Commissioner Rodriguez commented that there needs to be some real attention given to DMC and that the conference should continue as originally planned. A lot of work has been completed for this conference and the Executive Committee recommends continuing that work. Commissioner Griffin motioned to continue with the DMC Conference as originally planned. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
VIII. Adjournment
Commissioner Jacobs motioned to dismiss the meeting. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 2:20 PM.