Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a group of young adults committed to advocating for and improving the juvenile justice system. YAB members engage in communal learning and bring their lived experience to their collaboration with the IJJC and its committees.

Mission & Values

The YAB aims to incorporate youth voices into the IJJC and enhance youth participation in juvenile justice policy and advocacy through learning and civic engagement, all within a framework of restorative justice.  

The “Voice and Choice” Model

As a YAB, members establish their mission, vision, and values for each three-year cohort cycle. Each cohort determines their timeline, responsibilities, and objectives to elevate their individual and collective voices. By maintaining each cohort’s autonomy in the creation of the board, the IJJC YAB values the “Voice and Choice” of its members. 

The YAB Experience

3-Year Cycle

The three-year cohort cycle allows members to establish a foundation in their first year for collaborating as a Board and with the IJJC before serving in advisory roles on committees for their remaining two years.

Year 1

The first year is considered a foundational year for the YAB to utilize restorative justice to focus on relationship building and community learning. Members build collaboration skills by setting community values, guidelines, and expectations. In addition, members learn various topics related to juvenile justice and social justice. 

Year 2

In their second year, members are inaugurated into the YAB. As they continue to learn about critical issues and develop leadership skills, members are onboarded into the IJJC committees. Members begin to identify and choose the IJJC committee they will serve on. While they do not have voting power in their committees, YAB members serve in an advisory role for commissioners and juvenile justice practitioners on issues.

Year 3

In the final year, YAB members continue to serve on IJJC committees. They design and deliver a collective project in regard to juvenile and social justice issues. They work together to amplify their individual and collective voices on the IJJC and beyond.

Recent Highlights

The YAB develops projects around members’ areas of interest. Recent achievements include:

  • Created and presented a presentation at the Illinois Juvenile Officer’s Association Conference in 2022. Their presentation focused on improving law enforcement interaction with youth.
  • Engaged with Illinois law makers in Washington, D.C., to advocate for the re-authorization of the Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention Act during the Coalition for Juvenile Justice Conferences in 2023 and 2024.

YAB Membership

The YAB is comprised of up to 15 young adults across Illinois. Members have been impacted by the juvenile justice system, which informs their passion for systemic reform.


In addition to receiving a stipend and community service hours, members will develop the following skills through unique training, mentorship, and YAB-led projects. Click the arrows to find out more.


Members have opportunities to form relationships with peers and professional relationships with decision-makers who work at state and private agencies. The YAB is member-led through the “Voice and Choice” model, providing a space for members to develop organizational and collaborative skills.


Members engage in ongoing training on juvenile justice issues that they apply to their committee advisory roles and YAB initiatives. The YAB serves as a platform to advocate for issues that directly impact systems-involved youth.

Professional Development

Members advance their career readiness and professional skills. They receive mentorship and resources for enhancing their impact on the juvenile justice system. Members can apply to become IJJ Youth Commissioners.


Members are expected to:

  • Be fully present, learning and engaging, in twice-monthly IJJC YAB sessions. 
  • Contribute to the learning community by actively participating in discussions, offering feedback on proposed initiatives, and collaborating with peers on projects that address juvenile justice issues. 
  • Participate in designated IJJC Committee Meetings. 
  • Adhere to group values and guidelines to maintain a virtual safe space. 

Contact Us!

You may contact the YAB program co-facilitators with questions regarding the YAB, membership, and the application process.

You may contact the Illinois Collaboration on Youth’s (ICOY) Senior Juvenile Justice Manager with questions regarding the application and interview process.

YAB Application Is Now Closed!

Applications and interviews for the YAB occur every three years. The Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission is currently not accepting applications at this time. Please check back soon for our current YAB members!