I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:05am.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Shelley Davis, Lisa Jacobs, Esther Franco-Payne, Pam Rodriguez, George Timberlake and George Hill by phone. Quorum present. Staff: Ron Smith, Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Heidi Mueller, Karima Douglas. Guests: Rod Ahitow. Susan Witkin by phone.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Rodriguez motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.
IV. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
Commissioner Rodriguez asked about funding plans. Commissioner Jacobs explained that each committees work plan is reviewed by P and G. The Planning and Grants committee reviews the committees work plans and makes fund allocation recommendations to the full Commission. Heidi Mueller will share the committee’s recommendations with DHS. Heidi gave the group the OJJDP update. She explained we have several grants and need to determine where we would like the grant money to be spent before the grant expires. The FFY11 Grant Extension has been requested. No word at this time. Currently we have about $900,000 to spend. There is also JABG money that needs to be allotted. Heidi explained that the current JABG sites have been very cooperative in the transfer process and moving forward. Commissioner Rodriguez suggested sending the IJJC priorities to existing and possible future sites and let them create ideas to accomplish these goals. The next step would be to tweak the applications more and determine how best to meet the sites expectations while following the goals of the IJJC. The IJJC could be the body that determines the locations of the best applicants and how they fit best. The Planning and Grants Committee will determine a process for reviewing JABG programs that are currently funded. It was determined to make an immediate move to allocate a certain amount to Title II and JABG funding.
Commissioner Rodriguez explained the DMC work plan to the group. Priorities are a 1) youth-led project to improve youth/law enforcement relationships in areas where there is currently tension; 2) DMC reduction through grants to local governance structures (JJ Councils); and continued data collection. The Committee allocated $100,000 total to these projects.
The Committee also recommended to allot up to $400,000 to a JJ Councils project that would allow local JJ Councils to work on JDAI, DMC Reduction, or Restorative Justice goals. Data improvement would be a core component of any JJ Councils project. The JJ Councils project would encompass the goals and workplans of the DMC, JDAI and Planning and Grants Committees. Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the JJ Council money. Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
The group discussed the JDAI work group proposal and the continued use of CPRD and ICJIA for data needs. It was determined to propose a Data Warehouse Project with CPRD and increase their current contract to account for the increased workload. The Committee allocated $60,000 for ICJIA for data support, $60,000 for CPRD to maintain JMIS, and an additional $200,000 to CPRD for research reports, data analysis, upgrades to JMIS, and development of the data warehouse = $320,000 total. Commissioner Hill motioned to approve. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
JDAI requested $100,000 for increased utilization of CCBYS and discretionary training across the state, and an additional $25,000 to fund a statewide JDAI self-assessment training conference with Mark Solar and capstone project. Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned, Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Recommendation for allocation of $30,000 to finalize, print and distribute the JSO study, and a recommendation to allocate up to $150,000 for a statewide JJ Conference/Symposium to be held in the spring, in collaboration with ICOY, Casey Foundation, and Models for Change. Heidi will have a VISTA volunteer that will assist with the recommendation of planning and 2 day JDAI symposium. Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Recommendation for up to $100,000 for RtA data analysis and impact of sites. The Committee discussed and determined that the Committee should wait to allocate funding to this area until a more complete proposal has been developed.
V. New Business
Ron Smith would like the topic of the Juvenile Officers Training on the agenda for the full Commission meeting next week. So noted.
VI. Adjourn
Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 11:25am.