I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 12:15pm.
II. Roll Call
Chairman George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs, Julie Biehl, and Arthur Bishop by phone. Guests: Rod Ahitow and Esther Franco-Payne; Stephanie Kollmann, Leah Menzer. Staff: Rob Vickery, Heidi Mueller, Karima Douglas and Julie Stremlau.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes, Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.
IV. Research Update
Heidi Mueller explained that Freya Riel completed her research memo is complete on juvenile court records, juvenile court proceedings, exemptions that reduce the rule, court exceptions and deinstitutionalization of status offender’s policies. Freya also worked with Commissioner Bullard on this research. Heidi added that someone of Freya’s caliber was so helpful and productive when acquiring this kind of information. The Committee will be sent the findings.
V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
A. Core Values and Principles Update
The Committee discussed the IJJC Priorities by Decision Point and reviewed the Core Values and Principles listed in the handouts. The decision points considered were:
Initial Contact, Arrest, System Intake/Referral, Diversion after Referral/Prosecution, Detention, Court Petitions, Delinquency Adjudications/Sentencing, Probation, Admissions to Juvenile Corrections, Transfer to Adult Court, Parole/Aftercare, Parole Revocation, Parole Discharge.
There was a long discussion about Expungement. Commissioner Jacobs summarized the discussion as three paths: 1) How do we ensure expungement; 2) How do we look at state reform; 3) We shifted to an ordinance violation system, how do we stop this.
The group reviewed all decision points and the following are the main areas of focus:
Risk Assessment Requirement: AOIC is ready to require a uniform assessment and to validate it. The VERA institute may be an option to work with IL. Review of YASI, MAYSI, etc. to determine best assessment tool and improvements needed
Diversion/Detention: Court personnel required to have certain knowledge or skills, monitoring of training and requirements, expansion of data collection without creating negative consequences for youth
Expungement: Focus on Confidentiality, Legislative Reform.
Effective responses to Juvenile Sex Offenders
Court Partnerships
Removal of Automatic Transfer Probation: With a focus on geographical differences across the state(what works and where), the lack of infrastructure for the field and the lack of information sharing-working-training across the board
Parole/Aftercare/Reentry: Legislation has not gone as planned and Education still a focus. 2 years since release of Reentry Report. Need to focus on success or lack of in the work done and what still needs to be done
Admissions to Juvenile Corrections/Trends in Incarceration: Data accuracy issues and lack of use of Diversion
The discussion and findings of this meeting will be forwarded to the Planning and Grants Committee for organization and priority focus.
VI. Next Meeting
June 19, 2013
VII. New Business
Commissioner Jacobs noted that Chicago will receive NRI funding for summer jobs for high risk and violent young offenders 17 and up. DHS will add 1.2 to 1.5 million for summer jobs. The group discussed the benefits of this focus and the amount of money funding this project.
VIII. Adjournment
Commissioner Biehl motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 2:18pm.