I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:39pm.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Julie Biehl, Debra Ferguson, Arthur Bishop, Gene Griffin, Lisa Jacobs, Pamela Rodriguez, Wayne Straza and George Timberlake. Quorum declared present.
Staff: Lin Ferguson, Julie Stremlau, Karrie Rueter.
III. Approval of Minutes
No minutes for approval.
IV. Status of Funds
Commissioner Jacobs presented the plan approved by the Planning and Grants Committee to hire the Shay Bilchek Group of Georgetown Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, a former OJJDP Administrator and Phil Lee of Results Based Accountability to work on a Strategic Planning process to include structure meetings, increase communication with others and guide the Commission to achieve its goals. The Planning and Grants committee approved the request for $100,000 for Juvenile Justice Reform. Commissioner Rodriguez made a motion to approve the request. No second necessary as it was a Committee motion. Commissioner Griffin voted no. All others approved, motion passed.
Commissioner Jacobs reported that the Planning and Grants Committee approved an increase of up to $15,000 for the (Juvenile Management Information System) JMIS work with the Center for Prevention Research and Development (CPRD) at the University of Illinois. Commissioner Straza inquired as to the contracts and copyright ownership of the Commission with these research teams/businesses. Karrie Rueter explained that the Commission owns what the Commission pays for in terms of research findings. Commissioner Straza motioned to approve the $15,000. All in favor, motion passed.
The Planning and Grants Committee approved the RFP process and the amount of $500,000 to be set aside for systems improvement encompassing services and supervision approaches. Project management is a very important piece of this process and a job description is necessary. Final details of RFP and funding decisions will be approved by the Planning and Grants Committee and the Commission. Commissioner Straza moved to approve. All in favor, motion passed.
V. Priority Area Grant Funding Requests
* JDAI Coordinator
The JDAI Committee is requesting that Jeff Bradley continue as the JDAI Coordinator through June of 2011 and then the Commission will address his further employment at that time. Commissioner Rodriguez motioned to approve. All in favor, motion passed. Chairman Timberlake abstained.
* IDJJ Mental Health Clinical Director
Dr. Jawarski position was denied. As of December 1, 2010, Dr. Jawarski is paid out of general revenue funds. The Compliance Monitor is also being paid out of general revenue funds.
* Parole Study Funding
Commissioner Biehl requested an additional $10,000 for data entry and report drafting and finalization to Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern School of Law for completion of the parole study. Please note, Commissioner Biehl explained the students at CFJC all work pro-bono, the funding is for travel and analysis and assessment of the data. Commissioner Jacobs moved to approve. All in favor, motion passed. Commissioner Biehl abstained.
* Raise the Age Study
No update given. Communications Committee continues to wait for input from DJJ and DCFS to finalize this study.
* Annual Report
The Communications Committee will present a detailed budget to the Commission in January for review of the hiring of an independent writer to complete the Annual Report.
* Virtual School
Commissioner Jacobs explained the request for allocation of $15,000 to support a summit on the “virtual high school” model and effective methods for providing educational services to youth in secure detention and corrections facilities. There was a discussion for clarification that the county for implementation of VHS is Cook County. Commissioner Griffin moved to approve the additional $15,000. Commissioner Bishop abstained. All in favor, motion passed.
VI. New Business, Planning & Next Meetings
Director Bishop is requesting the Commission allocate $60,000 to continue use and analysis of VDISC and VISA mental health assessment tools. These tools have been partially implemented with Commission funding through a subcontract with the Department and the National Center for Crime and Delinquency (NCCD). Director Bishop explained that DJJ has no funding available to address this issue. The Commission will review a detailed budget concerning this request at the Commission meeting in January 2011.
VII. Adjournment
Commissioner Straza moved to adjourn. Commissioner Bishop seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm.