I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:16am.
II. Roll Call
Chairman George Timberlake, Vice Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Julie Biehl, Esther Franco-Payne, Pamela Rodriguez, Patrick Nelson, Arthur Bishop and Gene Griffin. Rick Velasquez and Randell Strickland by phone. Quorum Present. Staff: Jeff Bradley, Julie Stremlau, Rob Vickery and Heidi Mueller. Guests: Jim Bray (P).
III. Approval of Minutes
Chairman Timberlake moved to approve minutes from June 20, 2012, August 15, 2012 and October 17, 2012. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion with approved edits. All minutes approved.
IV. Raise the Age Report
Commissioner Biehl explained that the Communications Committee finalized the Raise the Age recommendations reviewed in this meeting. Discussions ensued concerning addressing legislation, timelines concerning legislative sessions, execution of recommendations, etc. Chairman Timberlake clarified that the group is suggesting legislation not drafting legislation. Chairman Timberlake asked if the group was in agreement to allow Commissioner Jacobs to update the document with comments moving forward. Commissioner Griffin motioned to approve Raise the Age Report and approve final edits and submission of report by Commissioner Jacobs. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. Commissioner Biehl requested the Committee commend the hard work and dedication Stephanie Kollmann put into this report. The Committee so noted.
V. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
The committee reviewed the final recommendations of the JSO study. Discussion ensued around specific recommendations and a strategy for presenting those recommendations-including registry recommendations. The discussion continued concerning legislation. The group recommended approving 2 of the proposed 3 recommendations, with further discussions around the 3rd to continue. Commissioner Rodriguez motioned to approve recommendations finalized by Commissioner Jacobs’s edits of 1 and 3. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
VI. Annual Report
Final approval will be determined on January 24th at the Communications Committee meeting.
VII. Fiscal Status Update
None noted.
A. Training Update
OJJDP attended the January 16th IJJC Commission meeting and completed JABG training.
B. Application and transfer updates
A meeting with AOIC is being scheduled and the transfer process continues.
IX. Commission Data Liaison
No updates.
X. Committee Updates
A. DMC Assessment Update/Data Needs: Commissioner Rodriguez explained that on January 8th she and Heidi Mueller completed a teleconference call with OJJDP to update them on our progress.
XI. Next Meeting
February 20, 2013
XII. New Business
XIII. Adjournment
Commissioner Biehl moved to adjourn, Commissioner Griffin seconded. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 11:24am.