I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners Julie Biehl, Lisa Jacobs, Wayne Straza, Chairman George Timberlake, Pamela Rodriguez, Rick Velasquez and Patrick Nelson. Guests: Betsy Clark, Anne Studzinski. Staff: Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau and Lin Ferguson.
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve February 15, 2012 minutes by Commissioner Rodriguez. Seconded by Commissioner Straza. All in favor minutes approved. None opposed. No Abstentions. Motion to approve April 18, 2012 minutes made by Commissioner Straza, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. All in favor minutes approved. None opposed and no abstentions.
IV. DJJ Update
There has been difficulty contracting with Northwestern because of the differences in the payment levels of the positions between the State and Northwestern. The consulting positions will be staggered to stay within pay scales. They are working with AOIC to get the probation information and getting ready for use of the assessment tools. Training efforts are underway. Chairman Timberlake suggested a small group meeting with DJJ to get an update on their progress.
A. Status Update
- Title II:
JABG: It was noted at the June 13th Planning and Grants meeting that JABG funds were available for use by the IJJC if they could acquire and utilize those funds. Chairman Timberlake explained and motioned that, following the JCEC meeting Domestic Battery funding was discussed and approval given to use JABG funds. They funded Peoria and Youth Outreach Services. Proviso will need up to $50K from the Title II funds. Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. Note Commissioner Velasquez was not present during this discussion. All in favor. None opposed. No abstentions. Motion carried.
The Harrisburg BARJ proposal was funded and JWATCH-Adult and juvenile JWATCH will be funded.
V. Annual Report:
Draft was ready June 15, but we have not reviewed.
VI. 3- Year Plan Adaptation
Candice has corresponded with OJJDP about completing this. Candice reported that we need to translate the 3 Year Plan into a funding strategy for the IJJC. We need to discuss how that is going to happen. Members of the Executive Committee should attend the P&G meeting or a work group of designated individuals to work on the strategy. The timeline mapping will be attached to the State fiscal year.
VII. Commission Data Liaison
This is Commissioner Weiner’s proposal. She will be a data resource for all committees and programmatic funding. Chairman Timberlake stated this is a great model that she is providing the IJJC with the ability to report all data elements of the Commission to her and she will be acting as a consultant. We will institute research and site based strategy calls with Commissioner Weiner. This will provide a central point for us to use and we will have organized, structured calls. Chairman Timberlake motioned to approve the data liaison, Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
VIII. JDAI Meeting-Bart Lubow
Chairman Timberlake explained that he met with Bart Lubow at the JDAI conference recently. The JDAI Committee is working toward reestablishing a relationship with Casey. There are follow-up meetings to be held with JDAI. Casey has approved funding and $50K is on its way to YNC, which they were expecting. The meeting was positive.
IX. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
Commissioner Jacobs reported that the study is progressing. A small group went to Kewanee to collect data last week. Commissioner Biehl reported that 70% of the kids at Kewanee are Caucasian, which is very different than at any other center. She also noted that there were six youth in solitary confinement and they were youth of color.
X. Juvenile Reentry Study
Working on an updated work plan to assure that it is on task with the grant from Public Welfare. Trying to organize a summit to broaden the base of supporters and what role we should play and who should represent the Commission. Thinking about policy for the fall session and whether Representative Gabel will take it up in the spring session. Chairman Timberlake will talk to Betsy Clark about AOIC involvement and whether it is advisable to move ahead without them. Rob Vickery reported that the agencies are moving forward. The Chicago site worked to change their objectives so it doesn’t mirror what the parole officers are already doing.
XI. Raise the Age Report
We are waiting for court data and have been told that it is in review and forthcoming. Since the process has stretched longer than anticipated, additional funding will be needed. Candice reported that additional funds were allocated in the contract with CPRD to cover these expenses.
XII. Committee Updates
A. DMC-Working on deadlines for the DMC assessment and it is progressing well.
Planning and Grants: JCEC allocated funds to the BARJ program at Harrisburg. The committee would like for BARJ to have the ability to report back on how it is working. Chairman Timberlake responded that BARJ would have the ability for data gathering. They did not discuss dissemination of data, but that can be revisited. The two aspects of the program are: 1) improve environment; 2) Circles as a part of positive environment to provide communication for staff and families with kids. Commissioner Rodriguez asked if there is fidelity piece with this. Chairman Timberlake responded that future protocol may not be part of the proposal. He is working with Chip Coldren to develop that capability. The Union and Administration are in favor of the program.
Commissioner Pam Rodriguez was asked about the status of merging DMC and BARJ. She replied that with the focus of DMC being on the assessment, attention has not been given to merging BARJ with DMC. Candice stated that we need to come up with a strategy to move forward and merging the Committees will be difficult. Chairman Timberlake wants this topic put on the agenda for the full Commission meeting. There are specific guidelines for developing DMC strategies. Jeff Bradley reached out to meet with Will County to work with them on their data for the assessment. We have also tried to get Champaign County but this is not very likely.
XIII. Commission Meeting Lunches
Options available are breaking for lunch or brown bags. Chairman Timberlake explained that YNC will continue to organize the lunches.
XIV. New Business
About $200,000 of JABG funds will lapse this year and the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board (RIOB) and ICJIA would like the Commission to make use of these lapsing funds. Betsy Clark and Ann Studzinski were present on behalf of the RIOB and Secretary Saddler. Candice Jones stated that the transition of funds to the IJJC is problematic. DHS wants to review the financial reports and we are unable to get that information. ICJIA insists they will provide that information at a proposed meeting. Commissioner Jacobs suggested Secretary Saddler and Jack Cutrone meet prior to the meeting to iron out some of these issues. Betsy Clark explained that Redeploy is in the YNC contract. Commissioner Biehl mentioned the Youth Build program could use funding to enhance work programs. Chairman Timberlake added that there are some federally funded Youth Build programs that do some great work. Chairman Timberlake asked if there are any Redeploy Illinois sites that have summer programs. Anne reported that Macon used to have them. Chairman Timberlake added that Karrie Rueter had explained there is an additional $30K that will lapse. Chairman Timberlake explained three options: The Nels Nelson ARC Program. It includes a certification for training, quality assurance protocol that allows measuring fidelity of those that are trained and the effects on the juveniles and technical assistance. Nelson has proposed to provide IL with these three tools. It is facilitator training, assessment tools, consultation, training assessment and reviews. There is refresher training for those previous and experienced trainers. It is estimated to cost about $150,000. Commissioner Jacobs asked what benefit this would be to the youth and achieving the IJJC outcomes. Commissioner Velasquez expressed that the idea to provide the Redeploy sites with a tool to use and sustain an ongoing intervention and to also be used in non-redeploy sites is a benefit. It was noted that there is no half-way in utilizing the WAIT proposal. Commissioner Velasquez explained there is a model curriculum, outcomes, and measures. This is evidence based programming and if implemented properly accomplishes so much. Anne Studzinski explained that there are many Redeploy sites that use WAIT and they are all trained. The group mentioned sites engaging kids in work programs over the summer. Anne responded that currently there are about 1,000 youth in Redeploy and the sites already utilize work programs. Anne added that it would not take much funding to assist the current sites with summer programs. Commissioner Rodriguez stated her concern with getting these funds expended by June 30th. Betsy Clark explained that Secretary Saddler has made this a priority and will expedite any actions. Chairman Timberlake also suggested considering the use of a graphic designer for the Annual Report. This designer has done work for Models for Change. The proposed plan is to release the Annual Report as the IJJC presented the Parole Study. To share the report with legislation, congress, OJJDP and with a press release. Also, to employ Jim Bray with his exceptional editing abilities. The Annual Report could be a good marketing tool for Redeploy. It was noted they do not know the final price of the graphic design option. Chairman Timberlake also suggested the use of supply purchasing for the Redeploy sites. Office supplies and other needed materials. The sites could supply orders for approval. This can only be done by spending the funds on current expenses. After a lengthy discussion Commissioner Jacobs motioned to use the funds for the WAIT contract with the understanding it is to be used for workforce enhancement, acquire and use data to drive policy and funding and reach out to sites to enhance summer programs and if there is funding still available, to use the funds for graphic design/printing of the Annual Report. Commissioner Straza seconded the motion with the caveat of negotiating with Nelson to run the program statewide. All in favor. Commissioner Biehl opposed. Motion passed.
Commissioner Biehl asked about vacant seats on the Commission and lack of participation by current Commissioners. She suggested filling the vacancies and removing commissioners that regularly do not attend meetings. She added that there is a lot of work that needs to be done and the IJJC needs working members.Chairman Timberlake added that we need a sheriff and Wayne Straza is the police representative. Chairman Timberlake prefers someone from downstate so we have representation from that geographical area for that position. Commissioner Rodriguez suggested that Ron Smith suggest sheriffs to refer. The other vacancy is for a victim advocate. Commissioner Biehl suggested Patty Bernstein. Chairman Timberlake explained there are two other candidates and one is from the public defender’s office. Commissioner Jacobs stated that Commissioner Franco-Payne had some suggestions and Chairman Timberlake will follow up with her.
XV. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Vice Chairman Straza, seconded by Commissioner Rodriguez.All in favor. None opposed. Meeting adjourned at 11:13AM.