I. Call to Order
The meeting called to order at 9:15 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Timberlake, Commissioners Lisa Jacobs, Pam Rodriguez. Commissioner Gene Griffin by phone. Quorum declared present. Rob Vickery by phone. Staff present: Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson.
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes made by Gene Griffin and seconded by Chairman Timberlake. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes were approved.
IV. Reentry Initiative
Karrie reported that all of the recommended revisions received have been incorporated into the RFP. It is has also been amended to include linguistic and cultural competency phraseology at the request of Procurement. It is being reviewed by staff and will be sent back to Procurement this afternoon. Training and Technical Assistance contracts are not yet ready. Karrie is hopeful that the contracts will be in place before November 1, 2011. The contract will not be retroactive to October 1, 2011.
V. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
Work by the data team is going as planned. Susan Witkin has been working hard with staff to get the data needed. All of the components of the study are moving forward. We don’t have a hard projected end date, probably spring of 2012. It will take longer than expected to produce a quality report, and Senator Millner is being approached to ask for an extended time period. It will probably be complete by early spring. Senator Haine’s Bill on Registration has a hard and fast deadline of January 15, 2012 for that analysis. Karrie will forward to Commissioner Jacobs some information from the OJJDP Conference that will provide insight on what other states are doing. Commissioner Griffin agreed that there was some good information presented at the conference concerning this topic.
VI. Raise the Age Report
Commissioner Jacobs presented the report in Commissioner Biehl’s absence. Stephanie Kollman was asked to stop work on the project, because of contract issues. We may have a delay in completion of the study which is due December 1, 2011, unless we have a contract soon. They were on target, but a significant delay is now expected. Karrie suggested that CPRD contract with Northwestern to provide access to funds to complete this project until we get State contracts in place. Commissioner Jacobs doesn’t think she can obligate Northwestern to that type of contractual agreement. It may be possible to allow CPRD to pay for Stephanie’s travel expenses, however. Commissioner Jacobs will consult with Commissioner Biehl. Chairman Timberlake, Commissioners Jacobs and Biehl will discuss the funding request with CPRD.
VII. DMC Compliance Status
The restriction of funds outlined in the September 30, 2011, letter applies to future contracts for which we have not yet submitted an application. The funds for this fiscal year will be applied for in March 2012. If we fulfill OJJDP’s requests satisfactorily, the restrictions will be lifted. Karrie discussed a Compliance log that will be distributed to Commissioners upon completion. The manual that is listed in the letter will be developed from the information that Miguel is collecting from his conversations with staff in the 41 identified counties. Some of the requirements are currently in process. Miguel will be able to meet the deadline at the end of the year, but not the October or November deadlines, since he is not currently working due to contract delay. Julie drafted a spreadsheet that begins to detail the work that has been done on the Assessment. Karrie will work with Erica Hughes to expand the spread sheet to show deadlines and our completion dates/time lines. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez is confident that we will be in compliance and the money will not be withheld. She wants Erica to fill in all of the information and she and Karrie will put it the format as a response to the requirement imposed by OJJDP. Karrie will find out the dates for the quarterly reports.
VIII. New Business
No new business.
IX. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn made by Pam Rodriguez. Motion seconded by Lisa Jacobs. Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m.