January 18, 2012 IJJC Meeting Minutes

I.   Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 10:13am.

II.   Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Straza moved to approve the minutes, Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes of November 17th approved.

III.   DJJ Training Request

Commissioner Jacobs presented the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) training request. The Planning and Grants Committee recommends allocating up to $6000 dollars for the Department of Juvenile Justice Symposium. There is one caveat intended as to ensure that this training is part of an overall change in process that continues and solidifies the move for DJJ to be in agreement with the Commission in its quest to enact true systems change. Feedback is requested on the impact and success of the training. The Commission wants to ensure that this type of assistance affects the overall partnership and focus the Commission is striving toward. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve up to $6000. No second necessary. All in favor, motion passed.

Juvenile Officers Training Request:

Chairman Timberlake explained that the IJJC has, in past years, funded training in the amount of $10,000 for DOC, DJJ juvenile officers training. Dick Walsh and Ron Smith gave an overview of the training. This training addresses the core requirements Illinois must meet as outlined by OJJDP. Dick Walsh explained that Tony Jacobs of Wauconda is in charge of the training and it is set to be in the first or second week of June. There is representation by local associations as well as the board members and State Police from all regions in Illinois. They develop the curriculum. Commissioner Jacobs added that the recent Juvenile Sex Offender study intersected with juvenile officers as they asked for their participation and feedback and would like to see that collaboration continue. Dick Walsh explained that the training will include any topic the Commission requests.

Commissioner Weiner voiced her concern in approving training without reviewing the curriculum. Karrie Rueter added that the $10,000 allocated by the Commission is a significant amount of the entire training. She believes the Commission may request the curriculum include any topic. Commissioner Velasquez motioned and Commissioner Straza seconded the motion to have the agenda and draft curriculum circulated electronically to the Commission. The Commission will review the materials and respond via email with any comments or suggestions. Those comments will be shared with the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee will review and make the final determination for appropriation of these funds at their meeting February 15th.

IV.   IJJC Performance Plans:

(Including Reentry, Detention, BARJ, Communications, DMC and Youth Engagement Issues)

A.  3 Year Plan Preparation:

Chairman Timberlake announced that Phil Lee would guide the discussion using the RBA   process to plan for future work by the Commission.

B.  2012 Priorities

C.  Reentry 

Commissioner Bishop gave an overview of recent Reentry activity. The Department of Juvenile Justice, the Parole Review Board (PRB) and the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC) are all part of the Reentry Committee. Rob Vickery also talked about training recommendations. The work plan will be submitted to IJJC. The statute designated the IJJC to make recommendations about the outcome measures. This is being done internally. The IJJC also makes recommendations for outcome measures for juvenile justice, so we have no conflicts. Commissioner Biehl gave an update on the Reentry Report. She stated that first they had to address the recommendations concerning information within the report prior to release. There were two or three issues legislatively that should be addressed like the length of parole. The Aftercare approach and the use of the data are a more interactive case management system. Stephanie Kollman will do the research regarding this. It is a comprehensive list on how we do this legislatively, by rule, etc.

V.   Committee Reports

A.  Executive Committee        

        No update

B.  Planning & Grants Committee

        No Action Items 

C.  Communications

Commissioner Franco-Payne reported that the juvenile expungement bill, worked on by Enlace and Project Nia, did not pass the House as expected. The bill was re- referred to the House Rules Committee. Commissioner The bill was re-referred to the House Rules Committee. Commissioner Franco-Payne is requesting a letter to support from the Commission. Commissioner Straza inquired about sponsors of the legislation. Representative Annazette Collins was one of the sponsors noted. Commissioner Jacobs explained that the IJJC is not being asked to draft legislation but to make a statement about the problems with the expungement process. Commissioner Biehl added that the current process is too cumbersome, very complicated, expensive, and current statutes make it impossible for persons to expunge their juvenile records. Commissioner Straza commented that he does not understand how juvenile arrest information is even available.

Commissioner Straza will share his comments with the Communications Committee to incorporate into the final letter. The Executive Committee will review the letter and make the final determination for submittal. Commissioner Biehl added that the IJJC requested Loyola to complete the Sex Offender Study. She stated that in this process we have learned it is not just consequences for juvenile sex offenders but for youth arrested. Again, these records are NOT supposed to be available. Commissioner Roe added that this is due to a lack of diligence by the courts. He believes we need to make this a priority and agrees with Commissioner Straza’s comments. Commissioner Roe will also assist with the contents of the letter. Commissioner Straza requested the Speaker be informed of this proposed letter so there are no surprises or issues. Commissioner Jacobs moved to approve the letter upon final approval of Executive Committee. Commissioner Bishop seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.

D.  DMC Committee

Commissioner Rodriguez provided handouts for the Commission explaining the breakdown of the money previously approved by the Commission for use on the DMC Assessment. She is requesting authorization to use the money as presented. Commissioner Jacobs wants to ensure that we get the deliverables we want. She explained that there is money previously allotted to CPRD and we need to maximize the use of this money. All in favor, motion passed.

 E.  BARJ Committee

  No update

 F.  JDAI Committee

Commissioner Velasquez made a motion to allocate $29,000 to JDAI sites to complete data collection activities for Casey survey. This is in addition to data from JMIS, etc. There are nine sites and this would allocate $3000 per site. The plan is to use Casey money if it is available. The JDAI Committee does not want to use DHS money. This data collection will be more in depth data collection than current practice. Commissioner Biehl asked what data will be collected. Commissioner Velasquez explained it will be a 50 page survey with more detailed information to expand the existing data collection process. No second necessary.All in favor, motion passed.

VI.   Status of Funds


VII.   Legislative Updates

Karrie Rueter informed the Commission of Senate Bill 2561 which amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act adding the Departments of Corrections and Juvenile Justice to the government officials or agencies to which there can be disclosure of the mental health records of a person who received services or who was evaluated, investigated, or prosecuted pursuant to the Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act, without the consent of the person or the treatment provider involved. If passed by the General Assembly, the law would be effective immediately. The bill is on the third reading in the Senate.

VIII.   Non-Commission Funded Program Updates

(Redeploy, JCEC, EUDL, 2nd Chance, JABG, NRI)

IX.   Federal & National Committee Updates (FACJJ, FCC, CJJ)

No update

X.   Other Business

None noted. 

XI.   Adjourn

Commissioner Bishop motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 2:50pm.