January 19, 2011 IJJC Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 10:22am.

Commissioners: Roseanna Ander, Julie Biehl, Arthur Bishop, Esther Franco-Payne, Gene Griffin, Lisa Jacobs, Pamela Rodriguez, Randell Strickland, George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez. Edwin Reyes and Rodney Ahitow participated by phone. Quorum declared present.

Staff: Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Miguel Millett, Ron Smith, Dick Walsh.

Guests: Jeff Bradley, Michelle Arnold, Mark Myrent, Erica Hughes, Ashley cross, DJJ Chief of Staff. Dr. Peter Nierman, M.D., Medical Director, Chicago Lakeshore Hospital.

Chairman Timberlake spoke about the participation of the Commissioners on the full Commission and Commission Committees. He will speak to the Governor about membership. If anyone has recommendations for Commissioners please send those to Chairman Timberlake. Please also strive to find Youth Members as they are required and a very important addition to the Commission.

II. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Velasquez moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.

III. Illinois Office of the Auditor General, Board and

Commission Management Audit

Karrie Rueter reported that the Commission was audited by the Office of the Auditor General for 2007, 2008 and 2009. The audit information was complete and submitted. She will inform the Commission when the information is approved. It is expected that this type of audit will be required in the future.

IV. Performance Measures

Performance Measures are due to OJJDP on an annual basis. This information was submitted. Final approval of all data sent is expected.

V. Title II and Title IV Grant Applications

Title II and Title V grant applications are due March 30, 2011. Karrie Rueter explained that we received the Title II guidance on January 18th. This information is included in the meeting packet. We do not know the budget amounts at this time. Commissioner Griffin stated that the March 16, 2011 Commission meeting will be the final chance for approval by the Commission of these applications. Commissioners need to make the recommendations for the priority areas of the applications and for the 3-Year Plan. Commissioners Jacobs, Biehl, Rodriguez, Bishop, Griffin, Velasquez, Ander, Rodriguez and Ferguson will participate in this process. Each Commissioner has a priority area of the 3-Year plan they are to analyze and report on. These reports are due to Commissioner Jacobs on February 1, 2011. Commissioners Rodriguez and Ferguson will specifically focus on the DMC areas.

VI. ICJIA Strategic Planning Update

Mark Myrent, Associate Director of the Research and Analysis Unit for the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), gave the strategic planning update. He explained that this is the first time this has been done in ten years. A Summit was held in September. There is a work group identifying best practices for early intervention, transition, law enforcement, community supervision and alternatives to secure confinement. There is an agreement with ICJIA for involvement and crossover. We need to pinpoint the crossover issues to be in sync with program policies. These include: the waiver process, transition of youth, addressing behavior, adjudication phase, trauma, health and human services and strategies for dealing with mental health and abuse issues. Meeting information as follows:

Information Sharing: February 28th 10:30-1:30pm at The Authority (300 W. Adams, 2nd Floor. Chicago, IL)

Prevention and Early Intervention: February 15th from 10:30-1:30pm at The Authority (300 W. Adams, 2nd Floor. Chicago, IL)

Victims Services: February 17th from 10:30-1:30pm at The Authority (300 W. Adams, 2nd Floor. Chicago, IL)

Law Enforcement: February 18th from 10:30-1:30pm at The Authority (300 W. Adams, 2nd Floor. Chicago, IL)

Alternatives to Incarceration and Community Supervision: February 23rd 10:30-1:30pm at McLean County Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, RM 404, Bloomington, IL 61701 Parking is located in the Lincoln Parking Deck – 101 W Front Street, Bloomington, IL (this parking deck is immediately south of the Government Center)

Prisons and Jails: February 24th 10:30-1:30pm at The Authority (300 W. Adams, 2nd Floor. Chicago, IL)

Jails and prisons workgroup: March 1st 10:30-1:30pm at The Authority (300 W. Adams, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL.)

The ICJIA website has the information available for what has transpired thus far. It has Summit and agenda information. We are asking for any critical information about juveniles and adults at this time. ICJIA is in the latter stages of completing the Juvenile Justice Report of 2008. The final review is February 1st and then it will likely be out two weeks from that date. Research completed is compiled by county. The Commission funds this report because the juvenile justice data drives the 3-Year Plan and other programming. The reports are behind as the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) cannot submit their data in a timely manner. DJJ needs to improve their sharing of information. State Police data is often also not received. Chairman Timberlake asked if the Commission could assist in speeding up the process. Mr. Myrent stated that any assistance to improve their data submission is welcomed-specifically, AOIC and DJJ. ICJIA plans to improve the reports by giving a better analysis, not just numbers, and a holistic approach.

On Feb 2nd there will be a data discussion meeting conducted by the Commission. Commissioner Biehl explained that IDJJ is taking a more expansive look at criminal history and correlation with other factors concerning high rates of recidivism. Commissioner Rodriguez stated there should be an executive summary prepared so we can have the research conversation. Mr. Myrent will provide a demonstration of the data. Commissioner Ander inquired about correlation of DCFS and DJJ data. Commissioner Griffin explained that DCFS can indicate if there is DJJ involvement but no correlation is available at this time. Commissioner Jacobs indicated that this is an opportunity to ask questions and improve how we use the data. Anyone interested in joining ICJIA’s strategic planning task force please contact Mr. Myrent.

ICJIA made a request for funding for distribution of copies. The Planning and Grants committee will consider this funding request after reviewing the budget. ICJIA will provide an update of ICJIA projects.

VII. Status of Funds

A copy of the funding amounts is included in the packet. Commissioner Velasquez asked if we know the amount expended and the accountability for those expenditures. Karrie Rueter explained that we receive quarterly and monthly expenditures to DHS. The Commission would like to review these reports. Reports will be distributed at the next meeting.

VIII. Compliance Update

Dick Walsh gave the Compliance update. He stated that Illinois is looking really good this year. In the majority of the violations the “Time of arrest” and “Time of Incarceration” was the issue. The information recorded in some locations was different elsewhere-usually a couple of hours.

Over the years numbers have dropped and this will be the lowest ever. The problem is separation. In 2008 an 2009 we were in compliance. Juvenile felons of those 17 1/2 and under found in violation places Illinois out of compliance. It can be one youth or a thousand, it does not matter. The Compliance Plan is due the end of June and we must explain how we are going to address this issue. Reauthorization was to be done in 2006 and it is still not complete in 2011. Commissioner Rodriguez does not believe we should send a plan we don’t agree with. It is the Commission’s roll to affect these decisions. Chairman Timberlake will send a letter to the legislators and to OJJDP explaining the Commission’s stance on this issue. DJJ and Compliance Personnel will review the current policy and inquire as to how other states are addressing this issue.

IX. IJJC Committee Updates/Motions

Communications Committee Reports

SB1725 and HB5914 Report

Commissioner Jacobs stated that due to the depth of the study that a legislative recommendation may not be made. Further information will be available after the report study in February. The issues are not simple and the Commission needs to be clear in their recommendations due to the opportunity this information can present. Commissioner Rodriguez does not believe recommendations can be made without a review of the full report.

Commissioner Franco-Payne reported that she will be meeting with Betsy Clark to get the preliminary data. Commissioner Ander added that the University of Chicago will participate in this study. Northwestern will assist with policy and U of C will address data.

Age of Majority

2009-2010 Annual Report

The Annual Report is being compiled and will be presented for review at the next Commission meeting.

DMC Committee

Statewide Assessment

Miguel Millett gave the DMC update. There was not a quorum at the last DMC meeting so no formal decisions were made. They discussed the Comprehensive DMC Statewide Assessment. The 3-year plan will be due in 2012. Miguel explained that NNTAC is a resource through OJJDP for training and technical assistance. The DMC Committee is inquiring about using NNTAC for the Statewide Assessment process. Commissioner Rodriguez asked Chairman Timberlake to assist with the DMC membership. DMC was unable to achieve quorum at the last two meetings.

JDAI Committee

Annual Plan

JDAI Chairman Velasquez gave the JDAI update. JDAI continues building committee membership. Jeff Bradley has been approved at the new Coordinator. JDAI continues to engage local jurisdictions and has met with the new Director of AOIC.

There is a Statewide JDAI Conference to be held in New Jersey. The funding area options are Probation Court Services (Statewide system is in the works) and Standardized Risk Assessment-like New York. JDAI Chairman Velasquez explained that JDAI is looking at DJJ and JDAI and how we plan to change what is currently happening. Self Assessment is the voluntary way to get jurisdictions to step up and provide what is needed. AOIC’s role is unsure at this time. The group discussed the Raise the Age legislation and the issues it will bring concerning compliance with OJJDP.

Planning & Grants Committee

Priority Area Funding Strategies and Recommendations

Re-entry RFP Update

Funding Requests

X. Second Chance Grant

Karrie Rueter gave the Second Chance Grant update. The budget has not been approved by OJJDP and there is a quarterly report due the end of this month. The new program officer started and is getting acclimated. Training is scheduled and implementation is pending and will start after training is complete. The current barriers will be addressed at the next meeting on January 20th. A full time psychologist and a therapist are required due to the youth receiving treatment. DJJ will supply budgets for the staff hiring. Commissioner Ander mentioned that there could be outside funders available that have interest in the FIT program. Karrie Rueter explained that the programming is not 100% focused on FIT. DJJ is trying to prove FIT worked and the aftercare model works. Commissioner Jacobs agreed that there could be others that would be interested in collaborating toward a successful program. One issue they will discuss is adding girls to the services population. There is no reason they should be excluded.

XI. Governor’s Neighborhood Recovery Re-Entry Initiative

Commissioner Franco-Payne gave the update. This is a 50 million dollar Neighborhood Recovery initiative that allocates monies to 20 Chicago communities and 5 suburban communities. $2.5 million per community will provide a variety of services and $250,000 will be used specifically for reentry. Subcontractors of nonprofit and community based organizations will provide services in five areas: Mentoring, Parent Leadership, School Counseling, Reentry and Safety Networks. Proposals are coming in and these will be reviewed and approved to begin implementation by September. The program will target youth leaving DJJ and also older youth between the ages are 17-24 leaving DOC. The initiative will be implemented through the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority (IVPA). IVPA will work in a collaborative way with public and private agencies and systems at the State and local level to maximize the effectiveness and impact of this initiative. The Commission could gain knowledge from this initiative as we monitor its reentry pilots. Several Commissioners (Jacobs, Franco-Payne, Irving and Bishop) have been involved. Commissioner Biehl asked if there was a way to measure this initiative as it would be beneficial to see what is successful. It was noted that the money needed to develop such a study could prove extremely costly.


Karrie Rueter gave the EUDL update. The report enclosed in the packet did not include ethnicity as previously requested. EUDL has a new program manager who reports we serve that population by a yes or a no but not by a number. It is our recommendation that EUDL ask their providers if they have supporting documentation. If so, collect that data and then present it collectively. If the data does not exist, then we can direct them in the future to select such data. This request is timely as EUDL is in the process of revising their reporting form. A few Commissioners questioned SAG’s involvement with EUDL. Karrie Rueter explained that OJJDP requests that we partner with EUDL. EUDL is an advocate for licensing the local municipalities, prevention, etc.


Chairman Timberlake explained that Commissioner Straza, Commissioner Ahitow and he are members of JCEC. He explained that JCEC has not met for some time. Commissioner Jacobs commented that the JCEC’s diminished role is an issue. Chairman Timberlake stated there is a report due in February and there is concern about the JABG/BARJ expenditures. There is budget information available for 2008, 2009 and 2010. Commissioner Biehl believes one of her students could outline this budget information and determine how this money was expended. Karrie Rueter explained that there is formula and discretionary spending to consider. Chairman Timberlake added that ICJIA and other agencies are accountable to JCEC but JCEC has not been active. Chairman Timberlake will inquire about the next JCEC meeting.

XIV. Legislation

Commissioner Biehl informed the group of legislation pending concerning child murder and violence. Child Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act, 730 ILCS 154/1 et seq., effective June 27, 2006. The intent of this statute was for people who do heinous things to children be held accountable. This has expanded to include assault and domestic battery and includes children whom are found delinquent of these offenses. Commissioner Biehl is asking for the Commission to declare they are against this legislation. Commissioner Biehl will draft a letter on behalf of the Commission. Chairman Timberlake will endorse the letter for circulation.

XV. Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice


Karrie Rueter explained that the newest FACJJ report was distributed to the Commission. This report indicates Illinois does not have a representative. Commissioner Strickland volunteered to be the Primary and Commissioner Ander will be the Alternate members for Illinois.

XVI. Federal Coordinating Council

Commissioner Rodriguez reported that the Attorney General is actively involved in the Coordinating council and convenes quarterly meetings of the highest leadership in federal agencies serving youth. His involvement increases the likelihood of cross agency participation. The Coordinating Council is focused on 4 strategic issues: Disproportionality, Tribal Youth, Youth Transitioning out of Juvenile Justice, and Reentry. When the papers and priorities are public, Commissioner Rodriguez will share them with the Commission.

XVII. Models for Change Conference

Commissioner Jacobs reported that the MFC Conference will engage state delegation and Illinois should participate. She will forward conference details.

XVIII. Center for Juvenile Justice Reform Conference Update

XIX. Other Business

Commissioner Strickland asked the Commission to consider endorsing the Federal Policy ESEA Reauthorization, and the School to Prison Pipeline position paper. The DMC Committee supports the paper. Commissioner Strickland moved to approve submitting a letter of endorsement. Commissioner Bishop seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.

XX. Adjourn

Commissioner Velasquez motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 2:55pm.