I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 10:10AM.
II. Roll Call:
Chairman George Timberlake, Commissioners Arthur Bishop, Rick Velasquez, Rod Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Edith Crigler, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Lisa Jacobs, Wayne Straza, Dana Weiner, Michael Rodriguez.
Guests: Erica Hughes. Staff Present: Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Michelle Arnold, Lin Ferguson. Quorum declared present at 10:32AM.
III. Approval of Minutes:
Commissioner Ahitow made a motion to approve the minutes from June 1st Retreat and May 19th meeting. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion.All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
IV. Commission Membership/By-Laws Update:
Quorum issue was discussed. Sara Sullivan discussed with the DMC Committee that if the Commission wants to include phone call-ins into the count for quorum, we can vote to do that. Karrie added that there are differing opinions on this issue. ICJIA does not count call-ins into count for quorum. Karrie will ask DHS Legal to look at this again. Karrie further clarified that if there is a quorum present via video between sites, a Commissioner that calls-in can be counted in a vote. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez made a motion to include call-ins into quorum count. Chairman Timberlake wants to add some sort of security measure for call-ins for identity purposes. This was accepted into the motion. Commissioner Hill added that the Commission should be able adjust the bylaws as necessary. Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
Chairman Timberlake asked Karrie to clarify whether we can change the number of quorum. Karrie responded that DHS’ legal interpretation is that 51% of the members must be present to establish a quorum. Karrie raised a potential concern that some Commissioners don’t like having video capabilities. Allowing people to participate by phone provides a reason not to attend in person. The audio clarity on the phone is not good. If a problem arises, she requested we make a stipulation regulating the number allowed to participate by phone. Chairman Timberlake said that we will revisit this.
V. Status of Funds:
Karrie provided an updated fiscal document but is unable to give FY11 final figures. The report indicates that we have spent $1.5 million, but actually it is slightly less. Final expenditure reports are due August 1, 2011 and then this report can be reconciled. FY12 projections were updated from recent decisions made. DMC sites are at 25. Site Assessment reduced to $200,000, FDLA has not been changed to reflect 75% funding (this will be adjusted after final decision). Youth Network Council, Raise the Age and Reentry Improvement Implementation study are combined. This includes the amounts remaining from previous fiscal year and unexpended funds plus $30,000 for dissemination and implementation to allow one contract between Youth Network Council and Northwestern, as requested. Chairman Timberlake asked about our year in reconciliation work with the request for extension. Karrie can have that information prior to the time that she has to request a no-cost extension.
A. Title II Grant:
The grant is proposed to be cut by 40%. Missing abstract and will resend. Miguel has been working to resolve issues relative to DMC from information provided by OJJDP program officer. The grant for DMC Community and Strategic Planning Project is included in packet. This grant is for $50,000 for one site that will be identified by data, if we are approved. Chairman Timberlake thanked staff for getting the application out on such short notice and especially Betsy Goulet who did the bulk of the work.
Commissioner Velasquez asked Karrie when we need to start setting priorities for changes that are coming. Karrie added that she is asking to make budget adjustments for overlapping funds and we have had to make program and budgetary revisions to past program years. The first critical timeline is revising the FFY09 budget and program to include Reentry as a program area that we are focusing on with the Federal grant award. As we get closer to releasing the RFP and funding pilot sites the money used to fund those sites will be the FFY09 funds. The cuts the feds are talking about do not apply to past money that we have not yet spent, but what they are considering will apply to FFY12 funding. Depending on how bad funding gets, a no-cost extensions may be eliminated in the future. The funds need to be spent by the end of the grant period. Karrie will send a document to Commissioners that will outline the priority spending and what has been spent thus far in the three year grant period. Chairman Timberlake and Commissioner Straza will meet with the Director of ICJIA to inquire about supplemental funding from ICJIA, who did not spend their $30 million. This is JBAG funds that have lapsed. Chairman Timberlake asked Commissioners Straza, Ahitow, Jacobs, and Karrie Rueter to meet with Director Petrone to discuss expending the funds. They will develop an agenda of decision points that they want to discover from the meeting.
B. Title V Grant:
Proposed to be eliminated along with JABG. Chairman Timberlake has not had an update from the House Appropriations hearings.
C. DMC Grant Application:
Included in the handouts. It is for $50,000 to fund a DMC site which will be selected by data and a particular DMC model would be implemented at that site.
VI. JMIS Update:
Margie Groot and Susan Witkin met to upgrade the JMIS for coding practices. Report will be ready on July 25, 2011. They have developed a positive working relationship between AOIC and CPRD. The Commission believes this will be a significant improvement.
VI. Data Analysis/Collaboration AOIC:
Chairman Timberlake received a letter from the Illinois State Police that has identified Tammi Kestel as the most knowledgeable person as a point of contact for identifying youth records. He has her phone number for contact. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez asked if we could invite her to our meetings. Commissioner Jacobs added that she has worked with CPRD on many programs and with that work nearing completion they feel that it will be useful data for the Commission. We are planning a Data Summit scheduled for September 20, 2011 to decide how to move forward and to benefit the Commission. Chairman Timberlake asked how many of the Commissioners would be interested in working with CPRD and in the future as a data committee. CPRD decided it would be better to work with a small number of Commissioners for a longer period of time to be effective. Commissioners Pam Rodriguez, Jacobs, Velasquez, Biehl and Erica Hughes expressed interested in a new data committee. We can acquire data through MOUs from state agencies to develop an integrated data system. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez asked if she and Miguel could meet with CPRD and ICJIA prior to the Data Summit. Chairman Timberlake approved the request. Miguel will set up the meeting. Collaboration with AOIC is moving forward. The JMIS upgrade was a useful point of conversation with which helped develop a relationship with them. Commissioner Velasquez mentioned that they had a fruitful conversation with Margie Groot a couple of weeks ago. AOIC is critical to all of the Commission’s work and we need to have a good working relationship. They have expressed some interest in looking at data issues and new strategies/initiatives and participating in our DMC and JDAI Committees. AOIC wants to work on a statewide strategy for looking at YASI data which is used in probation, and at intake in DJJ. It is also significantly used in aftercare as well as in youth service agencies in the State. This will provide better planning and analysis.
VII. Compliance Update:
Ron Smith reported DSO violations are ten over where we were at the same point last year. This is due to new judges. Jail removal violations are six above last year but this is due to confusion of the law concerning 17 year olds being charge as minors or adults. Ron doesn’t see these as issues putting us out of compliance for the year. Cook County is looking at breaking up detention centers into smaller centers. DuPage and Kane are still exploring the sending of DuPage juveniles to the Kane County detention Center and turning the DuPage center into an adult work release facility. St. Clair is exploring the possibility of sending their juveniles to Madison County detention and using the detention center for other purposes. Franklin still doesn’t have any funding for their meth program. Work on the revised Detention Standards has started to move forward under the guidance of Robert Catchings and Sarah Sullivan. The standards are being formatted and content will soon be reviewed. Separation of juvenile felons and delinquent juveniles at four IYC facilities posed a compliance problem but has been solved by the use of Illinois interpretation of the Illinois Juvenile Extended Court jurisdictions which is twenty one by OJJDP.
A. DOC Compliance Monitoring Contract:
Last year it was about $219,000 and this year it will be around $202,000. It might go down a little more as one of the DOC inspectors is due to retire at the end of the year and could be replaced by someone at a lower pay rate. Commissioner Velasquez asked what, if any process information is included in the report. Does the report specify the scope of what you do on a quarterly/monthly basis? Ron stated that he and Dick review close to approximately 50 monitoring reports, 240 JMIS reports per month as well as conduct about 15 to 20 monitoring (County Jails, Municipal Lockups, Detention Centers and IYC Centers) as well as T/A on site visits per months. They attended numerous meetings and build up public relationships that allow them access to needed information and to provide training when needed. Ron has agreed to provide this information on quarterly basis with his compliance report.
Commissioner Velasquez asked that future reports include the nature of the work they are doing in terms of number of reports being reviewed to show how the money being put into this project is supplying the Commission with what it needs to know. Commissioner Velasquez would like to know, quarterly, the output of the work to check efficiency/accountability. Commissioner Velasquez said that the JDAI Committee is looking at compliance issues and how we operationalize our work to determine best use of our resources which may be decreased in the future. Commissioner Jacobs suggested that using results based accountability method would be useful in providing information on this topic.
B.RFP Reentry Update:
Lisa Jacobs reported that the upshot for the RFP process is a little slower than usual due to the State budget situation. She asked Director Bishop if DJJ has more flexibility to contract with community-based Providers. Exploring whether we have other options available through DJJ. Not sure if we are going to issue an RFP or work with DJJ to identify needed services and qualified providers. Director Bishop had a meeting with Nancy King specifically around services. DJJ should not have to go through the RFP process but needs clearance to make DJJ a grant authorizing agency plus DJJ needs Procurement clearance. He will follow-up today. Karrie added that we have a rough draft with questions concerning phases of a competitive process which demonstrates their ability to perform a strategic process and implementation plan. The Commission will review plans and once approved we will go the next step of releasing the remaining funds to work on implementation. When trying to identify someone to do the strategic planning without having the ability to determine what implementation will cost, it is difficult to plan for funding. Karrie discussed with Commissioner Jacobs allocating a certain amount of funds for the strategic planning phase and use the number of kids they plan to serve to determine the cost of the implementation phase on a per kid basis. She also proposed that in the application/letter of interest, prospective grantees tell us how many kids they plan to serve. We can choose a dollar amount to pay per kid and allow for that amount of funding. Chairman Timberlake suggested scheduling a call between Commissioners Jacobs and Weiner with Karrie to discuss how the funding pattern should flow and how the RFP should be worded. Commissioner Jacobs added that we need to provide prospective applicants with data and expected evidence based approaches.
IX. Review Confidentiality Statement:
Karrie added that the confidentiality statements for the RFP process are included in the handouts and need to be completed. If you are interested in being a reviewer, Karrie needs to know today. Leave your signed Compliance, Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement with Michelle Arnold before you leave today. The form will be e-mailed to all Commissioners not in attendance today. Karrie expects to have a draft to the Planning and Grants Committee next week for comment. The final draft should be complete by the next Planning and Grants Meeting, August 10, 2011. Commissioner Crigler asked about including independent reviewers for this RFP. Karrie responded that it is up to the Commission to decide if they want any independent reviewers. Commissioner Velasquez asked if DHS and DJJ staff would be reviewers. Karrie verified that DHS staff will be reviewers. Commissioner Velasquez urged Director Bishop to include DJJ staff as reviewers. Commissioner Hill added that this was the traditional function of Planning and Grants Committee to review RFPs and recommend to the Commission who they think are the best applicants. Commissioner Jacobs agreed that the first cut could come from Planning and Grants, but it is a good plan to include all Commissioners in the process. Chairman Timberlake added that many Commissioners are conflicted. Rather than stall the process after applications are received, provide process in advance. He further said that the fully developed RFP itself will provide the criteria for review. Original signatures are required, but you can send a fax to Karrie and follow up by sending the original through the mail by July 25, 2011. Karrie warned Commissioners to be careful about what they say to others about the RFP, because it is a procurement process.
X. FDLA Systems Deliverables:
Karrie stated that we need an update of where we are in the process. At the last Commission meeting it was decided to fund four months at the lower requested amount. We were going to use that period of time to ask FDLA to provide us with a plan that would correspond to our goals and objectives. Commissioner Jacobs reported that there is a plan in place in which Commissioners Biehl and Griffin agreed to follow-up with FDLA. They are working on communicating to FDLA that there is an opportunity to apply for new funds with no promises of funding and that it has to be in an RBA format. They want to impress on FDLA that their plan has to advance the Commission’s goal of system change as opposed to direct funding. This conversation has not yet occurred. Chairman Timberlake stressed that it is not for them to determine their deliverables but it is to be a give and take between the Commission and them. Commissioner Jacobs agreed. Chairman Timberlake said that we have given them the opportunity before to tell us how they would measure their results, but it did not turn out well. We need to see their results in a short period of time or they will run out of funds. Commissioner Biehl stated that their challenge has been schedules. She requested to be removed from this project. Chairman Timberlake said that we would appoint someone else to work on this project.
XI. VDISC Project Update:
It is moving along. It is going to soul source hearing today. Under contract by August 5, 2011 and implemented by August 19, 2011.
XII. Youth Reentry Improvement Study:
Chairman Timberlake reported that has been attempting to meet with legislative leaders and department heads. He has met only with Senator Radogno. She received the report and is discussing it with her Chief of Staff. He plans to meet with everyone on his list by mid August and have this report finalized by the first of September. The Commission has approved the draft report so no further approval is necessary unless these meetings cause a change in the way we look at it. Commissioner Biehl added that she sent the report electronically and has copies of the report with her. Please forward all comments to Commissioner Biehl. She reported on an opportunity for a grant through the Public Welfare Foundation. Since she no longer has student workers and with the time needed to complete the kind of worked required for a project such at the Youth Reentry Study, it is necessary to have someone who can devote time to complete projects. Communications Committee wants to apply for a grant to hire a worker for the Commission to do work the Commissioners are not able to complete. The application is due August 11, 2011. Their Board meets in October and if we get funding we will receive it in November. Chairman Timberlake has had contact with Marian Maajd and he feels that we stand a good chance of getting these funds.
Jim Bray introduced himself and said he is happy to be able to work with the Commission and Northwestern University on this project to make it an action plan. He will alert Commissioners of details of the report so they can defend and advocate for it. Commissioner Biehl added that the research shows preliminary hearings prove that 90% of youth waive their revocation rights. She is proposing that the Commission write a follow-up letter to the PRB asking for an explanation of the rules and regulations. Commissioner Ahitow added that this has to be done at the Morrissey hearing rather than at the prison review board hearing. Chairman Timberlake added that we need the basis for making a recommendation or finding. The results of the fact finding process will require the approval of the Commission. Then a letter can be drafted in which we show proof that the system is broken. Commissioner Biehl wanted to assure that she had the approval of the Commission to draft the letter. Commissioner Straza proposed that it is important to go into this and bring the State’s Attorney’s Office to the table. This may cause a total change to the Department. Chairman Timberlake said that he would include that point in his talks. Commissioner Biehl advised the Commissioners that the report is not yet ready for public reading. Chairman Timberlake added that the report is to first be presented to the legislative leaders will have the opportunity to view the report first and respond to it as they see fit. Everyone should have a copy of the fact sheet that Jim Bray prepared, and you may refer to that in conversation. Karrie will forward the Fact Sheet by Commissioner Franco-Payne for distribution to the full Commission. Jim Bray asked that the full document be labeled “draft” and printed in black and white until we are ready to roll it out.
XIII. Virtual High School:
Joan Brody introduced herself and thanked the Commission for the opportunity to present her update. There has been a lot of participation in activities surrounding this project. IDJJ has identified this step as necessary to hire a consultant to do an assessment of their activities. The costs were discussed. They are trying to bring together a collaborative group to look at the entire Virtual High School Plan. Dr. Janice Eric will facilitate the group and has a developed a proposal that isn’t exactly when they wanted but plan to work through it with her. The goal is to put a plan together reentry plan with action steps and a pilot project. DJJ and DOC have agreed to allow pilot virtual high school inside their agencies using Joliet or St. Charles as the pilot site. The cost will be cut significantly if we use existing staff. Research has not revealed any other projects like this one, so they can put together a pretty compelling application for funds. Commissioner Biehl’s students will help develop a survey. You will be receiving the concept papers in the next couple of weeks. Chairman Timberlake asked if ISBE has been included. This is a shared service and we should not spend anyone else’s money until we get ISBE’s involvement. ISBE has been represented at some of the meetings and they will be added to the Planning Committee. Commissioner Velasquez added that we want to implement institutional change throughout the state not only in the Juvenile Justice System. We need to engage ISBE for them to see the importance of this topic. She will provide ISBE with an update. Director Bishop and Chairman Timberlake will contact Director Cook, who was the national correctional educator and is interested in Juvenile Justice issues. Chairman Timberlake does not want Joan to move forward until he has had an opportunity to talk to him. Director Bishop added that this relates to the discussions he has had concerning community needs and utilizing ISBE Title I funds to enhance DJJ’s in-house school initiative. Commissioner Velasquez added that we should solicit legislative support on this issue. Commissioner Straza added that Speaker Madigan and President Cullerton need to be alerted on this now. Commissioner Crigler added that we need to seek the approval of local school boards to allow youth in detention centers to identify with a school. Approval of school boards will discourage schools from disallowing credits earned while detained. Karrie wanted to assure that Youth Network Council has the authority to continue funding this project past the June 30, 2011 deadline, but funding past the deadline date is possible. Joan will provide a proposal for next steps. Commissioner Hill asked if it is possible to develop a school board for detention centers and have teachers for each center. Commissioner Ahitow said that in the past the school district that had detention center within its boundaries paid for the education component of the detention center. Commissioner Timberlake agreed. He asked Director Bishop if the Department has ever built a local district, and Director Bishop did not think they had.
Chairman Timberlake explained that there is a statute that allows for out-of-district funding. The Supreme Court denied local district funding to the circuit court who ordered them to pay for a portion of that education. The case turned on a matter of notice that the school district was not included in the proceedings leading up to the order for payment. So it did not say that the local school district doesn’t have to pay but that they have to be included in the hearings. Director Bishop is interested in looking into this. Commissioner Jacobs added that DCFS, ISBE and Governor’s Office developed a merger workgroup and completed some work on this issue. Justin Slaughter was on the work group and Director Bishop will get the notes from him. Chairman Timberlake concluded that there are a number of areas of interest surrounding this topic. We will focus on funding, structure and curriculum as the key factors in the discussion.
XIV. IJJC Committee Updates & Motions for Consideration
A. BARJ Committee:
Presented a film “Deputized to Make Change,” an event that occurred on May 19, 2011 that presents the importance of building relationships to deal with youth that are restorative. Commissioner Crigler reported on the importance of using BARJ practices at the front end of a youth entering the system or in any setting where their behavior has to change. BARJ practices are being used in jurisdictions and schools around the State and there is increased interest in the practice. She further asked the Commission to develop a map that reflects the cost and efficacy of using BARJ practices versus the cost of incarceration and monitoring youth. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez asked if there is a way to measure results after BARJ practices have been implemented. Commissioner Velasquez stated that investment in the strategy is crucial but we have to be able to measure results. Director Bishop asked how this is being used in facilities. Commissioner Crigler responded she would like someone to speak with the Commission that can fully explain how it is used. Commissioner Biehl asked to see data that shows the efficacy of BARJ. Commissioner Crigler will send her the requested information. Chairman Timberlake added that we may have to formalize a research study concentrating on recidivism and incidents of disciplinary refractions within the institutions.
Chairman Timberlake has been able to secure funding for the counties around St. Louis and in the south suburbs for juveniles that are in trouble with the law. Evaluation and research is part of that project. Many police departments in Illinois that use restorative practices as an alternative to formal processes. The results of these practices might be useful in future policy making. He asked the BARJ Committee to continue considering what might be an approach to developing information that might support policy changes in the future. Erica Hughes added that Kimberly Burk just completed a survey with 180 responses and plans to have a report ready in September that can be presented to the Commission. This might give an overview of where BARJ practices are being used.
B. JDAI Committee:
Commissioner Velasquez thanked JDAI Committee members who have been working hard to function well and accomplish targeted goals at each meeting.
Key items to report on are:
1) Increasing the number of collaborative partners to engage in JDAI work. Jeff Bradley and Committee members have done that by engaging the States Attorney Association, various committees through the AOIC and new sites. We are now ready to bring on a new JDAI circuit that takes in Jackson and Williamson Counties and five to eight other counties;
2) To be successful both for the Commission and JDAI, it is important to engage the supreme court and Jeff Bradley has made successful inroads;
3) Working on a statewide screening assessment instrument for detention. There have been several attempts made following different types of models. Currently looking at the empirical strategy used in New York City with the AOIC and working with a few pilot sites to implement that plan. Looking at transportation grants at the request of Planning and Grants Committee to evaluate the data around the lengths of stay for efficiency and in an attempt to save money. Expect to have report ready in December;
4) Commissioner Velasquez asked Commissioner Roe to serve as co-chair of the JDAI Committee and he has agreed. Chairman Timberlake approved the recommendation. Jeff Bradley will be a liaison on Communication Committee meetings to help work on the social marketing work which JDAI is attempting to improve.
C. DMC Committee:
Commissioner Pam Rodriguez reported that Erica Hughes, Miguel Millet, she and ICJIA and have been working hard on the DMC Assessment. Timeline is included in your packet.
There are two steps to moving forward:
1) Data collection tools;
2) Analysis and a survey on recommendation regarding strategies that effect DMC in the State. This will be completed by October 2012. Plan to work with 41 counties very specifically on their data. On the adult side it will include a racial impact analysis in their work. Along with the Research Task Force that Representative Hunter got passed which specifically addresses data collection and research with regard to race and ethnicity in the justice system. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez is moving that task forward as well as backing the data element.
D. Communications Committee:
The Parole Study is nearing completion and it has been a lot of work. They are making progress on Raise the Age study. The Committee is finalizing the survey, identifying stake holders and interviewers and developing the script. Currently, they are working on a timeline for the survey which is due to the General Assembly in December. Final presentation to the Commission is planned for November for release strategies in terms of final conclusions to make recommendations for advocacy. The General Assembly passed the Juvenile Sex Offenders Bill SB2151. It is currently on the Governor’s desk for signature. The bill restricts offender movement and keeps them from school, parks and any other public place. The Committee is studying it and looking at best practices to make recommendations. Anita Weinberg and her team worked with Northwestern and Loyola to develop a work plan which they will present next week. There was a discussion about how the Committee serves the Commission with CPRD and deciding and how to deal with research and strategies for emergency responses. The Committee wants to use CPRD as a data repository so information can be obtained quickly. Commissioner Franco-Payne asked Chairman Timberlake to look at membership of the Communications Committee, since they have lost several members recently. She proposed that Commissioner Biehl fill in as chair until she returns from leave and suggested new appointments of Commissioners Weiner and Michael Rodriguez. Commissioner Ahitow asked why the General Assembly thinks that the IJJC is their research arm. Chairman Timberlake responded that it started when the Parole Study Statute passed. Betsy Clark and Chairman Timberlake agreed to work on one and ended up with three. It was noted there should be funding attached to the requests of the General Assembly, which is State business. Karrie added that it has been the position of DHS to request funding to go along with legislation and studies. Commissioner Franco-Payne added that we have discussed putting the Commission in a position for the State to look to this body for recommendations on policy and practice concerning juvenile justice. Chairman Timberlake approved Commissioner Biehl as acting Chair of the committee and appointed Commissioners Weiner and Michael Rodriguez to the Communications Committee. Jeff Bradley will be a liaison to the Communications Committee. Commissioner Crigler will attend the meetings to represent the BARJ Committee.
E. Planning and Grants:
The Planning and Grants Committee recommends the Commission fund the DJJ proposal to support screening, assessment and case planning implementation. The Committee recommended approval of this proposal at $329,426 with four caveats 1) Commission maintain an active cooperative agreement; 2) Commission and Department go through RBA analysis to determine purpose of funding, deliverables and measure the impact and how we use the information to inform General Assembly, Department and ourselves on ongoing policy and practice improvement; 3) We see a need for the Department and Commission to help forge interagency data sharing and MOUs; and 4) Envision staff positions whether FTEs of consultants. Commissioner Ahitow asked what amount will be used to hire staff for the case management component. Commissioner Jacobs responded that it funds the development of the IT infrastructure rather than on frontline staff. It was asked if assessments show a need for services and does the Director have the resources to provide them? Director Bishop responded he would not, but this would be an argument for the General Assembly. All in favor. None opposed. Commissioner Ahitow, Director Bishop, Commissioner Weiner abstained. Motion carries.
XV. Second Chance Reauthorization Act:
$70 million increase in funding appropriated in the Federal House. Karrie received an e-mail requesting sign-on letter to support SB 1231. Decision will be made by Commissioner Ahitow, Chairman Timberlake and Karrie Rueter.
XVI. Non-Commission Funded Program Updates:
A. Redeploy:
Final planning grant meeting was held. Report due August 15, 2011. Final draft of RFP will be released by end of September. Hope to have one or more new RIOB providers in place prior to first of year so program period would begin January 1, 2012. Have estimated $300-350,000 to fund new sites. We currently have three planning grantees but will have closer to ten eligible when sites that have previously gone through the planning grant phase are included. The Annual Report was completed and mailed.
Update included in packet
C. 2nd Chance:
University of Washington staff started a site visit today and will continue through Friday at IYC Chicago and Warrenville. Training for FIT model will be held the first week of August. Will begin moving kids July 26, 2011. There are issues with the University not wanting to sign contract but working through it.
Discussed earlier reduction of funding.
No report
XVII. Federal & National Committee Updates: (FACJJ, FCC, CJJ):
A. Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Request:
Included in the packet is information received a couple of days ago on restructuring membership from SAGs. If interested in participating in that group, you need to apply. We have had participation in this group in the past, and Karrie would encourage it in the future.
B. Youth SAG Member Engagement Survey:
Included in packet as an FYI, will be discussed by the Planning and Grants Committee.
XVIII. Other Business:
Debra Ferguson and Roseanna Ander have resigned from the Commission. They both indicated their inability to participate due to their full-time jobs which precluded them from participating in the Commission’s activities.
XIX. Adjourn:
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Franco-Payne. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Straza. All in favor. None opposed. Meeting was adjourned at 3:02PM.