Welcome & Chair Update
The meeting was called to order at 11:37 AM.
Commissioners Present: Chairman George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs, George Hill, Wayne Straza, Dr. Debra Ferguson, Esther Franco-Payne, Rod Ahitow, Roseanna Ander, Edith Crigler, Gene Griffin, Randell Strickland, Rick Velasquez, Arnetra Jackson, Patricia Connell, Julie Biehl and Patrick Nelson. Quorum declared present.
Staff Present: Karrie Rueter, Dick Walsh, Julie Stremlau, Miguel Millett.
Guests: Theo Chapman, Cook County Probation and Sally Wolff, IJJC Facilitator.
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Ahitow motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
IJJC Committee Updates/Motions
Executive Committee Updates
The Executive Committee met on June 18, 2010 and partially approved funding for the Department of Juvenile Justice. The Behavioral Health Administrator position was funded for a 6-month period. The Standards/Compliance position was not funded. The Commission will revisit this funding decision at a later date.
Communications Committee Motion
Commissioner Franco-Payne explained the need for a two year annual report. The FY2009 Annual Report was difficult to submit due to the significant change in Commission members. The Communications Committee feels a two year report is warranted to better express the Commission’s focus. This new document will contain Calendar Year 2009 and 2010. Commissioner Biehl motioned to approve a two year annual report. No second necessary as this was a Committee motion. All in favor, motion approved.
Commissioner Jacobs presented the group with the revised proposal from First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA). Commissioner Jacobs and the Planning and Grants Committee have worked very closely with FDLA to improve their original proposal. Commission members indicated they want all the focus of FDLA on juveniles with the funding provided by the Commission. FDLA responded to the Commission’s concerns, criticisms and recommendations of the previous proposal. FDLA’s outreach is geared toward juveniles. There were two proposal amounts presented. Commissioner Connell moved to grant FDLA $101,450.00 with the stipulation that FDLA update the Commission on their work in six months. Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion. Commissioner Hill and Commissioner Griffin opposed. All others in favor, motion passed.
Review IJJC Mission Statement/Goals/Objectives
Sally Wolff, facilitator, presented a review of the retreat and had the Commissioners break up in groups to discuss core values and principles of the Commission. The group agreed that the Mission Statement and information detailed at the Retreat was correct.
Funding Overview
Current Status of Funds
Karrie Rueter gave a brief explanation and provided handouts of the current status of funds.
FFY 2010 Title II and V Grant Awards
At the March meeting, the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission approved the Title II and Title V grants for submission to OJJDP. Both applications have been approved.
Projected Expenditures
It is anticipated that FFY2007 Title V remaining funds will be expended.
Projected Balances
A no-cost extension has been requested for Title II and V grants.
2007 JP-FX-0042 Title V
2008 JP-FX-0050 Title V
2008 JP-FX-0062 Title II
A decision from OJJDP is pending.
Grant Staff
Karrie Rueter explained the status of the YNC grant staff and the impending end to their employment. A lawsuit was filed by the AFSCME bargaining unit on behalf of State employees eligible to fill these contractual positions. This will affect the Compliance Monitors and DMC Coordinator the Commission utilizes from Youth Network Council as well as the impending JDAI Coordinator.
States are mandated to demonstrate that they have an adequate system for monitoring compliance with the existing core requirements. The Compliance Monitors continue to work with the IDJJ Unit and DOC to coordinate the JMIS data collection and complete on-site visits to jails, detention centers, municipal lockups and IYC juvenile facilities. They update the monitoring manual and prepare the annual monitoring report. They also coordinate all the compliance efforts with DOC, IDJJ and AOIC.
Commissioner Ferguson and Commissioner Griffin strongly voiced their beliefs that this employee vacancy/contractual position conflict does not apply to the Commission. The Commission funds YNC to perform a set of services. YNC then hires individuals to fulfill the requirements of the contract. This is not the same as what AFSCME is contending. Commissioner Hill added that the Department of Juvenile Justice addressed the issues about contractual staff and the Commission should inquire as to how they handled the issue. The Commission fulfills certain requirements and money is acquired from different sources. The Commissioners agreed to address this issue and to express their disapproval of any staff changes mandated by the Union. Further exploration will be done to address this issue, including the IJJC Chair discussing the issue with the Governor’s office.
Lunch and Review of FFY09 & FFY10 Approved Title II & V Grant Awards
JJ System Priorities/Need Statements
Handouts provided.
Goals/Objectives/Performance Indicators/Activities
Handouts provided.
Compliance Update – 4 Core Requirements
Sight and Sound Separation
Illinois continues to be in compliance with this requirement.
Illinois continues to be in compliance with this requirement. At present, the state does not use the valid court order exception, but is counting status and non-offenders detained for contempt of court as violations of the act. Staff continues to monitor this. The provision could be further effected by legislation allowing DCFS to place wards in secure settings.
Jail Removal
Illinois continues to be compliance with this requirement. Public Act 98-0646 and the new Juvenile Justice Reform Law that allows minors to be held in lockups in excess of six hours for serious offenses and for lineups are significantly increasing violations. Both of these are violations of the Jail Removal mandate.
Illinois is eligible to receive 20% of the FY 2011 Formula Grant allocation. Illinois is expected to submit quarterly progress reports beginning with October 1, 2010. OJJDP also recommends submitting a technical assistance request to develop a data collection and analysis plan. Timelines and information will be submitted regarding case management and data collection system in the quarterly progress reports. DMC will need to show compliance with all nine decisions points.
It was noted that the Commission believes Illinois has inadequate data systems. Commissioner Straza stated that the Legislators and the Governor need to address this by withholding funding until the providers report/track information.
Revise the List of Priority Needs
Identify New Priority Needs
Commissioner Jacobs updated the Commission’s draft operational principles from information acquired at the Retreat. The document has been updated and was reviewed by the group.
The issues noted by the group were: If the changes are addressed, how does the Commission proceed? How does the Commission plan to advance these principles and values? The Commission needs to understand where it is currently and where to go from here.
Identify Existing Priority Needs No longer a Priority
Commissioner Ander noted that she does not see the logic in paying ICJIA to do a job they are to fulfill whether they are paid by the Commission or not. The Commission funds them $60,000 to do the annual data analysis. Karrie Rueter explained that this money actually pays for an employee to complete the analysis and to address additional data needs of the Commission. The question remained as to why a state agency is paid by the Commission to complete a service they should complete anyway. Further discussion tabled.
Revise the List of Priority Needs
Discuss Strategies to Address Priority Needs (Current & New)
Develop/Revise Goals/Objectives/Performance Indicators/Activities for each Priority Need
The Commission reviewed each operational principle. The following are general comments during the discussion:
Commissioner Jacobs stated we need to recognize the developmental needs and challenges of youth. DCFS has a system or web-based system in place. If DJJ and DCFS actually merge would the Commission want DJJ to start entering data into that system? Commissioner Velasquez stated that we need to define what real diversion is and to continue to partner with the successful DHS programming. A 24-hour response has to exist and JDAI supports that idea. Commissioner Ander added that the role of schools in their response to these youth and their issues needs to be addressed. She further commented that a 40-hour hold is unimaginable and she is surprised that litigation has not been initiated against us.
Commissioner Ferguson responded that we are talking about kids with multi-system challenges and we need to get that information out there. It could be indicated as a public safety issue in order to get people behind what we need to accomplish. It is imperative that staff receive more training to interact with these youth. Agencies across the state could be requested/mandated by the Commission to provide such training.
Commissioner Ferguson also stated the most effective system we have for DMC is a policy system. Commissioner Ferguson would like to advance policy and practice changes so there are permanent and sustainable practices. Education and legislation is necessary. Commissioner Strickland stated there has to be hands-on work done with DMC and not just policy change. There has been a lot accomplished even with the tough economic times. The Commission needs to initiate policy changes in schools, outreach, public education and training.
Identify Funding to be Allocated to Each
Funding Decisions
FDLA proposal was accepted as presented and they will be funded for $101,450.00.
IDJJ Behavioral Health Administrator salary was funded for a six month period for $49,250.00. The Standards/Compliance position was not funded.
Allocation of Title V and Title II funding will be finalized by the Planning and Grants Committee with approval from the Executive Committee as necessary due to time constraints.
Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 5:22 PM.