June 1, 2011 IJJC Meeting/Retreat

I. Call to Order:

       Meeting was called to order at 9:24am.

II. Roll Call:

Commissioners: Rod Ahitow, Lisa Jacobs, Rick Velasquez, Rosanna Ander, Gene Griffin, Julie Biehl, Dana Weiner, Michael Rodriguez, Pamela Rodriguez, Esther Franco-Payne, Randell Strickland, Veronica Dixon, Wayne Straza, Patrick Nelson, Ben Roe, Edith Crigler, Chairman George Timberlake. Quorum declared present. Karrie Rueter announced that quorum has officially been changed to 13 from 9. The Commission may vote to change quorum requirement but must also amend/update the Commission by-laws. Staff: Dick Walsh, Ron Smith, Jeff Bradley, Miguel Millett, Julie Stremlau, Karrie Rueter. Guests: Phil Lee, Edward Rangel, Susan Witkin, Peter Mulhall.

V. Status of Funds:

Karrie Rueter explained the budget hand outs the group received.

A. Title II Grant :

Currently no news about the Title II and the budget is still being adjusted to comply with the new funding amounts.

B. Title V Grant:

Domestic Battery Grant is at an end. The Commission needs to discuss funding for next year. The 2011 federal grant amount is listed but the Title V money does not technically exist yet. They are to receive $50,000 a piece and may have to use part of Title II money to add to the Title V amount. Commissioner Jacobs has worked closely with the Domestic Battery sites. Commissioner Jacobs explained that Models for Change has available their policy and practice work to share with the Commission. It was indicated that this is a use of Commission funds for direct services. Commissioner Rodriguez would like to see the data of the sites to determine further funding. Karrie Rueter explained that due to the procurement process and the Commission’s delay on the decision the sites were unable to begin providing services in a timely manner. Their programs have not been in operation for a full year. The Commission requests to see financial and programmatic results. Chairman Timberlake added that we did not ask the sites for system change information when we initially approved funding. Commissioner Griffin added that if we want to change the information we receive then now is the time to ask. Karrie Rueter explained that June 30th is the end date for this program and many others. There are time constraint issues with contracts going out and being approved, etc. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez moved to allow the Executive Committee to review the data and make final recommendations for funding and for any Commissioners with comments about funding issues submit those to Karrie Rueter by Wednesday, June 8th. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

VI. Compliance Update

Ron Smith reported the detention center in St Clair could cease to exist and Franklin is having money problems. The centers are looking at a big loss of funding. The $81,000 Franklin receives from the Transportation grant helps them greatly. The closure of Franklin would be a significant loss for that part of state. Franklin provided the feasibility study to Cook County. The concept of breaking down into small centers. These centers are closing because of low populations. The JJ program is keeping them going. It was noted that Madison County could take the kids, they have a Transportation Grant but they are down to 32 beds. Commissioner Biehl stated that there are policy issues but if numbers in detention centers are decreasing then she is glad. Raise the Age issues may also impact this and there will be come children that will have to go to adult places. Karrie Rueter added that it is fiscally driven and it proves the cost benefit we have been trying to explain. If a youth in Alexander County has to go to jail as there is no other option, we are in trouble. We will very quickly be out of compliance and thus lose funding. Chairman Timberlake informed the group that the Franklin Detention Center was built with federal funds and if the building is not used for its intended purpose then federal funding must be paid back.

Ron Smith added that the youth in Cook County and other centers are hard core kids and jails are the only other option. Diversion has helped, but the majority of kids need to be off the street and if you don’t have a place then they will go to jail. Franklin received $1.5 million for methamphetamine treatment which helped sustain them and keep them open. Policy and systems change is what Commissioner Jacobs thinks this Commission should focus on. Kids from Cook County will have to go to Kane if Cook closes and this is not a positive alternative. What is the Commissions role as these changes occur. This is about quality of care not in adult facilities. We have a policy role. Commissioner Velasquez added that JDAI is working on conditions of confinement and these topics. Compliance plays a role obviously. Commissioner Ander stated that if you look at the numbers in detention, diversion has worked and we need to take credit for the improvement. We need to get the message of this success out there. Population and the facilities, gauge what happens. Ron Smith explained that detention beds were available to get them out of jail, now we will lose beds and more youth will go to jail. Commissioner Velasquez and Chairman Timberlake have a meeting scheduled with AOIC.

VII. IJJC Committee Updates & Motions for consideration

A. BARJ Committee

B. JDAI Committee

C. DMC Committee

D. Communications Committee

E. Planning & Grants Committee

  1. SFY12 Funding Decisions

Karrie Rueter explained that some FY12 decisions need to be made now and others will be addressed by the Planning and Grants Committee. She explained that currently, Youth Network Council (YNC) provides services needed. The procurement office has not approved any of the RFP’s yet. Grants that we currently fund, will not be rebid in time and funds critical for compliance and youth services will end. DHS proposed YNC to have a four month contract. The RFP will be ready at that time and a new provider, if that is decided, will start at the end of that process. $569,000 dollars is the anticipated amount and $35,000 unallocated. Raise the age should use the $35,000. General revenue (GR) money that we pay out will allow them to spend GR money to cover the juvenile justice services. Federal money will be kept because it is a single contract. Karrie Rueter summarized what YNC has done with the money thus far. Commissioner Jacobs indicated that the Commission really has no option but to vote and consider this four month contract. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez moved to extend YNC contract. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. Commissioner Velasquez abstained. All in favor, motion passed.

2. Juvenile Justice Training and TA-Support RFP:

Karrie Rueter explained that she cannot share the information in the RFP due to the fact many Commission members may be potential applicants. As representatives of agencies, etc. it would be a conflict of interest. All Commissioners could however be re-viewers in the RFP process. The idea is for the IJJC RFP to provide whatever systems and services needed such as DMC, Compliance, JDAI, and normal Commission services, website, etc. It allows for research to be done, reentry improvement initiative, and domestic battery grant. They budget it separately so they initially review and approve and then review again. First cut, has nothing to do with the agency and not its services but with its overall standing with the state and the public. The youth services and JJ services are separated. JJ services and Redeploy into one JJ RFP. There is a training component, research and training, coordinators, etc. Whatever needs to be completed. PREA is included. It is a three year contract approved one year at a time and can be adjusted. The RFP also coincides with the 3-Year plan. There is a legislative information function with quarterly reports. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez asked if this can be achieved. The entity that receives this funding will have to explain their expertise and how they will accomplish the goals we have set. Accessibility is necessary and the umbrella concept to assist us down the road in accomplishing what the Commission wants to achieve. The Communications committee will help them. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez wants to ensure there is support for the Communications Committee to support them in this RFP. The research aspect gets money but this is different than communications. We need more than just research. Commissioner Franco-Payne added that their role is communication about issues, for example a statement to close detention centers. That is not research, that is indicating what we communicate (public relations, education and communication). Communication Committee needs to review and ensure this RFP has the functions that the Communications Committee needs to complete its work. The goal is to have someone to respond and do things more efficiently and effectively. The applicants will be asked to identify staffing and how they plan to accomplish their goals. Whether that is a research team or a communications person, they will explain this in their plan. Chairman Timberlake asked that with adding up all the aspects needed and past expenses what is the estimated amount? Karrie Rueter responded that 10% comes off the top with the added reentry specialist and research person. The intent is to support staff, the Commission and implementation of all OJJDP requirements. DHS matches the GR funds to support the staff and federal grant. Commissioner Ahitow motioned to allow to RFP to be finalized for review and distribution. Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. Commissioner Jacobs added that a Commissioner should review the final RFP. Commissioner Franco-Payne, Straza, Ahitow and Biehl volunteered to review the current RFP as they are not potential applicants. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Griffin abstained due to his affiliation with YNC. Dollar amount suggested was over $600,000.

VIII. Legislation

The Capital bill was put aside this morning. Teen Reach took a 42% cut in  funding. The majority of youth services programs were cut 10%, UDIS was  eliminated. Community Youth Services were restored to 100% plus an additional  $1.2 million. The Sex offender bill amendment was approved. The current plan keeps  all the programs at DHS and not moved to DJJ as was once considered.

IX. Non-Commission Program Update

A. Redeploy


C. 2nd Chance



X. Federal & National Committee Updates (FACJJ, FCC, CJJ)

XI. Other Business

XII. Retreat

XIII. Adjourn

Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to unofficially adjourn for the retreat aspect of the meeting at 10:44am. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned.

Final Minutes following Retreat:

Commissioner Biehl stated she would have the draft version of the Parole Study/Initiative sent to Commissioners by June 8th and expects all responses by Monday at 10:00am.
Commissioner Velasquez motioned for the Executive Committee to be allowed to make final decisions for 2012 funding options. DMC and Assessment, JDAI, RFP, Transportation, ICJIA, FDLA, Reentry Service, Domestic Battery, Prevention, Youth Network Council, DOC corrections and training of officers and Raise the Age. Detention Alternatives with DJJ is done. The $5000 Casey conference already approved. Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. Commissioner Strickland abstained. All in favor, motion passed.

There was a brief discussion about the Graduate Public Service Internship Program (GPSI) Communications and Planning and Grants were to have one intern each. It consists of a two -year contract. There was some miscommunication about the Commission approving funding for the GPSI’s. The students were offered the internships. Now the Commission must finalize its decision. Commissioner Franco-Payne stated she did not want the intern and removed Communications as an option. Planning and Grants and Executive Committee will vote on interns. Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to approve this plan and Commissioner Ahitow seconded the motion. Committee Chairs will provide Commissioner Jacobs with roles for interns. All in favor, motion passed.

Commissioner Straza moved to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 4:35pm.