I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:19am.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Rick Velasquez, Rodney Ahitow. No quorum. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas, Michele Landers, Ron Smith and Jeff Bradley. Guests: Miquel Lewis, Circuit Court of Cook County; Erica Hughes, ICJIA and Marion Sleet, Ada McKinley Community Services, Inc.
III. Approval of Minutes
Unable to approve minutes due to lack of quorum.
IV. Chair’s Comments
Chairman Velasquez announced the resignation of Commissioner and DMC Committee Chairman Pamela Rodriguez. Chairman Velasquez asked Heidi Mueller and Rob Vickery to update the group on current JDAI/DMC topics.
Executive Director, Heidi Mueller, indicated the Juvenile Officer training curriculum, etc. is set. She mentioned ongoing discussions among Cook County CCBYS Provision of Effective Crisis Response with a focus on CCBYS. Rob Vickery and Heidi Mueller presented a proposal from AOIC to either implement a statewide detention screening instrument or make YASI enhancements. VERA is ready to engage on the detention screening project, but the current struggle appears to be scheduling a planning meeting. It was determined to set a deadline for this planning meeting. Chairman Velasquez added that he worked with VERA and McArthur back in December on how to structure this. IJJC Chairman Timberlake and Commissioner Jacobs have more information on the VERA submission. Executive Director, Heidi Mueller is the IJJC Liaison with AOIC.
V. Detention & DMC Committee Structure and Development
The JDAI and DMC Committees will be combined until an alternative has been established.
VI. Detention/Detention Alternatives
A. Workplan Review
B. New Issues/Areas for Action
Rob Vickery updated the group on the detention work plan. Jeff Bradley and Susan Witkin have finalized the process for sharing JMIS data with the JDAI sites and the Juvenile Justice Councils. U of I will address the compilation and distribution of the data. Separately, Jeff is working with Franklin County on how they enter warrants. Improved data entry has begun, and Jeff will be following up with them on whether these changes impact detention alternatives work. If so, training will be offered to other JDAI sites.
Jeff Bradley, JDAI Coordinator, updated the group on Franklin County and their issues with violations. It was noted to consider incorporating the data training into the Reconnecting the Pathways conference. The issues with Franklin could be court orders, truancy issues, etc. Franklin has a person entering the data and they do not completely understand the data they are reviewing and/or entering. Further explanation and or understanding of the data changes the end result. Franklin was given an increase in funding and we need them to be a champion of JDAI and reduced violations.
The group discussed the $460,000 funding for Raise the Age (RtA) Implementation, data collection and programming. We can use these funds for other JJ council work and DMC work. But the group agreed to hold off on decisions for these funds until we hear back about actual implementation needs from local jurisdictions.
C. Formalize Action Steps
It was indicated that Cook County should be involved in RtA. No need to RFP this plan as it will use JABG funds. Money could be allocated in 2015 to test out a small population of 17 year olds. If we start with detention centers we will have better success. Peoria was mentioned as a site. The number of sites to receive funding will be limited and an application necessary. There is a need to create a way for detention centers to get trained and to be leaders and train others. No need for others to get overly involved, the more the centers do themselves the better. We need a Model-Statewide strategy then AOIC may be more open to providing their assistance.
Ron Smith and Heidi Mueller have been involved in updating the Detention Standards. It has been moved down the priority list at this time. We currently have a DJJ person to assist but she is only available until July and we should utilize her expertise.
A. Workplan Review
Karima Douglas, DMC Coordinator, gave the update. We continue to collect the necessary 2012 DMC data. Erica Hughes added we need updated data from DJJ on a regular basis. The DMC Coordinator explained that after we get all the data, we will get feedback on what the issues are/the holes/obstacles. Then we hope to provide the sites with a model. Hope to have a draft ready for the next meeting.
The Executive Director and DMC Coordinator have been communicating with the Chicago Police Department about participation in the Youth-Law Enforcement training project. They are looking at who would be a good match and buy into the process. School officers would also be a good focus. The YMCA and Youth Advisory Board project is also a good way to spread the word and it has been approved and will start February 1, 2014. Additional funds may be available, depending on how this next 6 months goes.
The DMC Coordinator explained she will be developing a communications strategy. It may not have a focus on the DMC Assessment itself but on the “story” and what is going on overall with DMC. They believe this is the best way to “get the word out” on DMC. She also announced she and Heidi will attend a national DMC Conference in March. JDAI Chairman Velasquez asked if we have the sustainability we need so these agencies can continue on with their services on funding is gone. DMC Coordinator explained that the CASP Grant falls directly on what the IJJC wants to accomplish. The agencies will be better prepared to carry on after this programming has been completed.
Ron Smith noted that we are currently behind 2 months on compliance reporting. They have a lot coming together about truancy. Because DSO violations have gone down significantly, the group discussed shifting focus to jail removal violations. JDAI/DMC Chairman Velasquez would like Commissioner Biehl to serve on this task force.
B. New Issues/Areas for Action
- Public Act 098-0528 – Conflates race & ethnicity categoriesThis act requires that ethnic and racial data collection for every adult or juvenile arrested shall be collected at the following points of contact by the entity identified in this subsection or another entity authorized and qualified to collect and report on this data: (1) at arrest or booking, by the supervising law enforcement agency; (2) upon admittance to the Department of Corrections, by the Department of Corrections; (3) upon admittance to the Department of Juvenile Justice, by the Department of Juvenile Justice; and (3) upon transfer from the Department of Juvenile Justice to the Department of Corrections, by the Department of Juvenile Justice.
C. Formalize Action Steps
There appears to be an issue with Coles County and their inability to share DMC data. They indicate that only AOIC can have access. We will work further with them to rectify this problem. The JJ Conference, now aptly named the “Reconnecting the Pathways” Conference, is a good avenue to address some of these issues and identify the sites that need the most assistance. It was noted that Eric Holder, Attorney General, is a potential speaker at the conference. Marion Sleet asked to partner in some of the conference sessions. Nothing finalized at this point. The focus of the conference is to structure the presentations on probation, the state’s attorney, law enforcement and have current issue topics available to choose from. The agenda and announcements to be out very soon.
VIII. New Business
JDAI Chairman Velasquez asked if the IJJC has any openings for youth commissioners. It does. He believes they need to have experience in the juvenile justice area although please note that it is not a requirement for approval by the Governor.
IX. Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 11:03am.