I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 1:11pm.
III. Roll Call
JDAI Chairman Rick Velasquez, George Hill, Gene Griffin, Barb Shipp, Randell Strickland. Quorum declared present. Staff: Jeff Bradley-JDAI Coordinator, Miguel Millett, Julie Stremlau. Guests: Carmen Casas, Deputy Chief of Probation; Cook County, Miquel Lewis, DMC Coordinator, Cook County; Margie Groot, AOIC; (Phone).
IV. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Griffin motioned to approve November 22, 2010 minutes. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.
V. JDAI Coordinators Report
Jeff Bradley gave the Coordinator’s Report, which included three items: 1) replication efforts; 2) statewide screening instrument; and 3) local jurisdiction reports. In reference to a statewide screening instrument, Chairman Velasquez added that we want this uniform across the state. In talking with members of the IPCSA JDAI/Detention Committee some of them have told Jeff that they would like to move forward again with a statewide risk assessment instrument. Barb Shipp provided some history of the pilot of a statewide screening instrument that was initiated by DHS and AOIC in 2005. The plilot instrument as given only to JDAI sites and not to all detention centers across the state. Margie Groot provided AOIC’s view of the screening instrument pilot: 1) local adaptations can be made to the tool; 2) AOIC’s tool is developed and has been out for use for some time; 3) AOIC continues to work toward standardizing the tool. Jeff Bradley reported that his past experience was that the instrument was overridden for the wrong reasons. He cited St. Clair County as an example. Commissioner Strickland asked that information available from the risk screening pilot be shared with the committee. Jeff Bradley talked about the “local jurisdiction reports”, i.e., the Annie Casey Foundation Annual Results Report requested directly from the sites. In the past the data for this report has come from JMIS. There was a lengthy discussion about data and DHS involvement with the development and on-going maintenance of the JMIS system. Barb Shipp reported that JMIS is a data collection system for the juvenile detention centers, though in the past several years data from JMIS was used by DHS to complete that section of the Casey Annual Results Report for each JDAI. JMIS was not developed for the collection of JDAI-specific data. This year Casey asked the sites directly to complete the report for their site, with minimal state level involvement as had been the case in prior years. Commissioner Strickland stated he has had several on-going conversations with Susan Witkin at CPRD regarding the JMIS system and data. Margie Groot said that all of the AOIC managers and field coordinators have access to JMIS; the field coordinators review the JMIS data and AOIC analyzes the JMIS data in making detention funding decisions.
VI. Annie E. Casey Foundation State Application Draft Review
Chairman Velasquez and Jeff Bradley presented a draft application for discussion and review by the committee. New Jersey is the Casey Foundation’s newest national model site for their achievement of statewide replication of JDAI, and as such they are now in a position to host delegations from other states, which is the purpose of the application. It is anticipated that the Illinois application would be for a team of 12 to 15 to travel to New Jersey and meet with New Jersey JDAI stakeholders. Team members should include the state coordinator, chair of the IJJC, members of the the JDAI Committee, court services, judges, AOIC, law enforcement and others. Per Carmen “preparation and commitment with the stakeholders that go so that they will begin the state level work and come back to Illinois and do the work”.
Barb Shipp stated that some of the information on the draft application isn’t completely accurate. Her feeling is that as written it appears as if replication of JDAI in Illinois has had only minimal accomplishments, which she does not believe is the case. She offered to make revisions to the application so that it is more reflective of past history with JDAI replication. Chairman Velasquez asked the group to keep the purpose of this team in mind and to clarify the commitment and direction we wish for JDAI. Chairman Velasquez asked that the committee review the draft application and forward any comments to him and Jeff Bradley.
In discussing the most critical issues with statewide expansion data surfaced as a major area of concern. Questions considered are access to the data, ability to move the data, etc. Commissioner Hill added that the IJJC funded these local detention centers to enter data but there was no technical assistance or follow up. Data issues will need further intense review.
VII. 2011 Funding Strategies
A. State-wide Risk Assessment Instrument
The committee discussed data analysis design. Chairman Velasquez asked for input on data and availability. Margie Groot responded that AOIC does not work with ICJIA but actually review the JMIS data themselves. There is no connection with ICJIA. Please refer to full discussion referenced above in the section on JDAI Coordinator’s Report.
B. Detention Facility Self-Assessment Teams
Chairman Velasquez is having a committee meeting with entities creating reform. He envisions JDAI working together with this group. Barb Shipp expressed that one of the issues with JDAI since 2000 was there were different groups working to different ends and this caused fragmentation of effort. Margie explained that detention accountability goes from local jurisdictions to AOIC. They ensure policies and procedures are followed to gain a level of compliance. There are standards in a variety of areas. In Probation, for example, some standards fall under the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). AOIC maintains standards separately from DJJ. It was explained that every system is different. Commissioner Strickland asked which system is the most feasible. A model is needed and one of the major challenges is accountability. Commissioner Hill mentioned that AOIC has a statutory responsibility and we can advise AOIC. We need to identify the gaps and move JDAI forward.
VIII. Committee Charter Discussion
Chairman Velasquez asked that if anyone had recommendations for additions to the JDAI committee to contact him or Jeff Bradley. No further Charter discussion.
IX. Meeting Schedule
Chairman Velasquez would like the committee to consider changing the meeting dates and times. The Committee will further discuss at next meeting on March 28th.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Griffin motioned to adjourn. Barb Shipp seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 3:00pm.