I. Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
II. Roll Call:
Commissioners: Chairman Rick Velasquez, Gene Griffin, George Hill, Patrick Nelson, George Timberlake. Quorum present. Staff: Julie Stremlau, Jeff Bradley, Shiyang Zhou. Guests: Susan Witkin by phone.
III. Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes made by Commissioner Griffin, seconded by Commissioner Hill. November Minutes Approved.
IV. Chair’s Comments
V. Compliance Report
A. PREA & Detention Practices:
1. Jeff Bradley gave an overview. This is not just a statute, it sets up a commission with rule making ability. Therefore, the information may be completely different in 2 years. The answers are really not known, they may change and the Feds are not sure what to advise. In terms of Detention and PREA we need Technical Assistance (TA) and guidance. The May IJJC meeting was suggested as a TA date. Heidi Mueller added that within the JJ Specialist information from other states, we are not responsible for monitoring PREA at this time. Jeff added that the statute pushes the Governors and is informational in its purpose. In terms of overall Compliance PREA does not change our Compliance but adds to the burden of maintaining Compliance. Commissioner Hill stated that he would like TA on PREA. Commissioner Griffin added that he believes DJJ and DOC should be funding Compliance. Commissioner Velasquez wants to know if the funding the IJJC is supplying for Compliance is appropriate and necessary. Will review current practices and discuss again.
VI. Coordinator’s report:
None noted.
VII. Old Business
A. IJJC Transportation Grant Review
Finalize Report
The Committee discussed Franklin County and Transportation funding. The Committee would like to recommend a condition of renewal that Franklin have a plan to take over in 2014. It was determined, following the site visit and discussion with Franklin staff, that the Franklin Center would financially be unable to remain open if funding ended. The youth would also possibly end up out of state due to the distance to other facilities. Commissioner Griffin recommended Franklin determine measurable goals and work toward sustainability. It was noted a 2/3 majority vote must be made by the full Commission to overturn the previous vote. Vote will be taken to full Commission.
B. JDAI Conferences:
Planning for 2nd Conference: Jeff Bradley gave the Conference update. There have been conversations about what data the sites should gather. The Sites are developing Action Plans on the data they have. The JDAI Conference Planning Committee will need to decide the details of this conference. Commissioner Velasquez stated that he wants to cultivate new sites while also keeping the old sites. Jeff added that Redeploy sites would be good sites to add JDAI. Bart Lubow is scheduled to speak at the conference.
VIII. New Business:
None noted.
IX. Adjourn:
Commissioner Griffin moved to adjourn, Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 11:18am.