July 21, 2014 JDAI/DMC Committee Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 9:34am.

II. Roll Call

Chairman Rick Velasquez, Rodney Ahitow, Jacqueline Bullard, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill. Guests: Ben Roe, Kanako Ishida, Sue Korpai, Susan Witkin, Erica Hughes, Meg Helder, LaCreshia Birts. Staff: Julie Stremlau, Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Sophia Gatton, Ron Smith, Monica Kelley and Jeff Bradley.

III. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Hill motioned to approve minutes, Commissioner Ahitow seconded. All in favor minutes approved.

IV. Chair’s Comments

None noted.

V. Detention/Detention Alternatives

A. Transportation Study

JDAI Coordinator, Jeff Bradley gave the update on the Transportation Study. It was noted that we are unaware if we are authorized to move forward. Jeff explained that while the resolution has not passed both chambers, either chamber can authorize so we have the authority we need. It was determined that the Planning and Grants Committee will determine the scope and authorize any funding needed to complete the study. The scope of this study should be broad. We need to determine deliverables, goals and set a timeline. Jeff added that certain jurisdictions do not have the money or technology to conduct hearings in this manner and that there are many different types of motion hearings to consider. We will need to extensively study the procedures and guidelines before moving forward.

B. Project Updates

1. Detention Self Assessment recruitment lessons & sustainability

Jeff Bradley, JDAI Coordinator updated the group. We have no outcomes at this time. We are meeting with Peoria this afternoon. It certainly seems like a worthwhile endeavor. He believes we should do this on an annual basis, especially if the outcomes exceed the cost. He noted it is hard to recruit teams and feels publicity would help. There is value in this but it could be done more cost effectively moving forward. Sophia Gatton gave an update on her work with the sites thus far. They are providing documentation and they continue training. Currently, DJJ and Peoria have a team. St. Clair was unable to assemble a team in time. Please note this project does not cover jail standards that are currently being updated. Jeff also announced that Casey has new standards coming out. Sue Korpai explained the overall process. Chairman Velasquez asked if Sue believes there is a role or ownership for implementation of this as it seems a natural setting for DJJ or detention centers as they have the infrastructure to do this. Jeff added that the design of these teams is specific. Probation is Models for Change while Detention is Casey and they want different things. Commissioner Franco-Payne stated we need best practices that put us all on the same side. We look forward to the next update.

2. Detention Screening – AOIC
AOIC, this committee and the VERA institute continue to work together to create and implement a validated, standardized, statewide screening instrument.

C. New Projects

  1. Adolescent Domestic Battery/Crisis Response/CCBYS – development of toolkit for stakeholders and providers
    Rob Vickery updated the group on Domestic Battery. This is an opportunity to focus on what the IJJC wants to gain from this pilot. We need to outline the system we want and develop the toolkit for use across the state. The Planning and Grants Committee will determine what kind of system and what counties we would like to include. Project plans to be presented in September. Commissioner Franco-Payne would like input from local councils and hearing what strategies they would recommend. She would like this as an agenda item and to include CCBYS connections.
  2. Improved data reports for the Commission and wider planning purposes
    Chairman Velasquez explained we have had many discussions about the gathering and dissemination of data for the Commission and all over the State. He added that Susan Witkin has been fabulous with the JMIS system and sharing data to assist in driving programming within the Commission and across the state. We need to move from gather and compilation of data to a report for the Commission and the State. Susan Witkin said she needs to know what questions we want answers, the top ten. Then we can write a narrative around that. Need a focus of the questions we want answered and then we can move forward.
  3. Detention Standards
    We have discussed updating detention standards with DJJ, which now has statutory authority to issue them. We expect to develop a plan for revising them this fall.

D. Compliance Update

Illinois remains in compliance with Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders, Separation and Jail Removal. In reference to Jail Removal note: Juveniles accused of committing acts which would not be criminal for adults are not to be securely detained in jails or lockups. A rule of reason is applied, allowing alleged delinquents to be detained for up to six hours for the purpose of investigation and identification. The clock starts the moment a juvenile is placed into a locked setting. This includes any locked room or when a juvenile is cuffed to a stationary object. At the end of six hours, the juvenile must be released or transferred to a juvenile detention center. Prior to the year 2000 we had been using the old interpretation that once the clock started, it could not be turned off until the juvenile was released from custody, even if the juvenile was removed from the locked setting. Starting in 2000 we began using a new interpretation of the rule approved by OJJDP stating that once the clock starts, it can be stopped once the juvenile is permanently removed from the locked setting. Status and/or non-offenders may never be securely detained. DOC and IDJJ Staff have made 213 visits to facilities and other for monitoring and 24 technical assistance visits from January through May, 2014. Concern Area: As stated again in the May report, the plan to remove transportation grants over a three year period may increase jail removal violations in areas served by the grants. This might eventually jeopardize Illinois’ compliance with this core requirement. E. IPCSA Funding Request Sue Korpai presented the request from the Illinois Probation and Court Services Association (IPCSA). They are requesting $2500 for their Annual Fall Conference. They are seeking to help educate a larger audience. Commissioner Hill motioned to request from the Planning and Grants Committee the approval of $2500 for IPCSA. The IJJC meeting is in September and this can be voted on by the full Commission following review by the Planning and Grants Committee. Motion seconded by Commissioner Franco-Payne.  All in favor. Motion carried.


A. Law Enforcement/YMCA Project

Representatives from the YMCA Youth Safety and Violence Prevention Program, Meg Helder and LaCreshia Birts, presented a status report on the “Bridging the Divide” Project. Both representatives explained that the preliminary meetings with Chicago Police Department partners have been fruitful and have set the stage for the project to go public. Next steps include: acceptance of photo submissions for the photo contest, followed by a series of community cafes centered on coversations between youth, members of the community and members of law enforcement. Commissioner Franco-Payne talked about the challenges with the project as well as the supports needed to ensure that the project is successful. Need to finalize recommendations for moving forward.

B. Project Updates

  1. CASP
    DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas, gave the update. Currently Macon County Juvenile Justice Council is working on follow-ups to the June community forum. The Macon County Council members are working to review current data in order to determine what they are working toward.
  2. DMC Data Collection Update
    OJJDP compliance requires committed outreach to local jurisdictions. Erica Hughes is compiling the data we’ve received to date. Staff are following up with other counties who have not yet submitted. Rob Vickery added that we can potentially get data for several decision points from the AOIC, but ongoing dialogue with the AOIC is required. Probation data is key and we have been working for some time to acquire that data. Susan Witkin added that the already available AOIC data is very aggregated and not necessarily what we need. DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas will also be reviewing data to include in our upcoming 3-Year Plan.
  3. Youth Advisory Board Update
    Youth Advisory Board will be presenting their current status to the full Commission in September.
  4. DMC Communications | Newsletter
    Sophia Gatton, ICOY summer intern, announced that the Newsletter is being distributed to all necessary recipients. She also passed around a draft of the Newsletter for DMC Committee review.

C. Strategic Planning

  1. Review of key issues
    The Committee continued the discussion from the last meeting establishing a list of issues regarding racial and ethnic disparities. The discussion yielded a short list of three primary issues that the Committee will focus its efforts on: 1) the school to prison pipeline, 2) access to mental health resources and 3) improving community awareness re: DMC.
  2. Classifying action around these issues
    Commissioner Franco-Payne stated we need to take one issue at a time at each of the upcoming Committee meetings. The goal is to have a new Committee workplan for the year in the next three months.

VII. New Business

DMC Committee will be meeting on August 18th, 2014.

VIII. Next [Joint] Meeting

September 9, 2014

IX. Adjourn

Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:29am.