I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:11pm.
III. Roll Call
Committee: JDAI Chairman Rick Velasquez, Barb Shipp, George Hill, Gene Griffin and Randell Strickland. Quorum declared present.
Staff: Karrie Rueter and Julie Stremlau.
Guests: Greg Martin, Ogle County Probation; Cynthia O’Day, Ogle County Probation; Carmen Casas, Deputy Chief of Probation, Cook County.
IV. Chair’s Report – Rick Velasquez
a. JDAI Coordinator
Chairman Velasquez announced the appointment of Jeff Bradley as the part time JDAI Coordinator. Mr. Bradley is the former States Attorney of Jefferson County. Mr. Bradley’s service contract with Juvenile Justice Commission is for the period of October 1st through December 31, 2010. Mr. Bradley’s responsibilities include reengaging the core county jurisdictions which comprised the Illinois JDAI Initiative as well as marketing JDAI to new entities such as the States Attorneys Association, Illinois State Bar Association and other state-wide organizations critical to detention alternative reform efforts.
A written report prepared by Mr. Bradley was distributed to the committee.
Mr. Velasquez added that the JDAI Committee will need to evaluate and recommend to the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC) its desire to extend Mr. Bradley’s contract beyond December 31, 2010. The Committee discussed the importance of having a Coordinator dedicated to work and efforts of the JDAI Committee yet additional time was needed to determine whether the position should be full-time or part-time as well as determine if the position should be incorporated with other IJJC business. At the conclusion of the discussion, Commissioner Griffin motioned to continue the part time JDAI Coordinator position through June 30, 2011. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strickland. The motion was approved. The recommendation will be presented at the next meeting of the Juvenile Justice Commission.
Chairman Velasquez reported that he and IJJC Commissioners Strickland, Ahitow, and Nelson attended the JDAI Conference in Kansas City during October. Also included in the Illinois delegation attending the conference were JDAI Committee members Ben Rowe, States Attorney from Ogle County, Greg Martin from Ogle County Probation; Arthur Bishop, Director of the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice, and JDAI Coordinator Jeff Bradley. Mr. Velasquez reported that the conference was very informative for all those attending including the announcement that the Casey Foundation’s JDAI efforts will soon expand its focus to youth incarcerated in State correction facilities.
b. Planning & Grants Committee
Chairman Velasquez provided an update from the recent Planning and Grants Committee meeting. This Committee recommended initiating an RFP for $500,000 for reentry and strategic planning, which was approved. This involves research, report writing and conferences. The JDAI Coordinator position was not confirmed. The Mental Health Clinical Director for DJJ was approved for six months and will expire soon. The Commission needs to update the status of that position. Commissioner Hill pointed out that this money needs to be expended. Karrie Rueter explained that the JDAI Committee needs to be thinking of ways to expend the Casey funding and the IJJC funding that is in danger of lapsing.
V. JDAI Coordinator’s Report – Jeff Bradley
VI. Illinois JDAI Team (Operational) –
Greg Martin is the Chairman of the Detention Committee of the Illinois Probation and Court Services Association (IPCSA). Through Jeff’s recent conversation with this committee, he learned that they have a focus on detention length of stay, conditions of confinement in detention, creation of a uniform detention screening instrument, and the development of a Statewide Plan. Mr. Martin explained that Lee and Ogle counties are still working to follow the eight JDAI core strategies. Mr. Martin explained that Technical Violations were of great concern in their review of two years of data.
Chairman Velasquez introduced Carmen Casas to discuss the opportunity provided by Casey for states to send delegations to New Jersey, Casey’s newest model site for their state-wide JDAI replication. Carmen has served in a leadership with Cook County’s JDAI initiative, and serves in the capacity of a Technical Consultant to Illinois JDAI on behalf of the Casey Foundation. Casey is at a turning point for JDAI efforts. Casey is focused on a statewide policy and legislative strategy. Casey is shifting their focus to youth in what they refer to as the “deep end” of the system, i.e., youth who are going into the corrections system.
Casey is soliciting applications from states that are interested in visiting the New Jersey model site. Commissioner Strickland motioned to proceed with an application to start this process. The Committee agreed that Chairman Velasquez and Jeff Bradley would work with Carmen to complete the application. When completed, it will be forwarded to members of the Committee. It was also agreed that IJJC Chairman Timberlake will to assist in the process of identification of members for the Illinois delegation, as well as potential new members for the JDAI Committee. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.
VII. Committee Charter Discussion
Commissioner Velasquez stated that with the limited resources JDAI has there is a need to invest in a plan for change and better outcomes for kids. Jurisdiction work does not seem to be the answer. There is a need for a broader plan and he indicated that the Committee might want to consider a new “home” for JDAI. Barb Shipp explained that the Commission has already approved taking on the leadership role of JDAI in Illinois through the creation of the JDAI Committee as it was presented to the Commission over one year ago. The Committee was to function like the JDAI Partners Group. It was determined that IJJC was the place for JDAI to be associated due to the comprehensive juvenile justice initiatives. Karrie Rueter explained the transition was never complete. The addition of AOIC, State’s Attorney’s Office, etc. never took place. Commissioner Hill stated that the right members need to be added to this committee. The Committee recommended contact with: AOIC, Probation, Redeploy Illinois, IPCSA, Illinois State’s Attorney’s Association, the Association of Chief Judges, Illinois Public Defenders Association, Department of Human Services, and to consider the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
There was some discussion about the role of DJJ in the inspection of detention centers. DJJ has recently revised its standards for detention centers and it is believed that they are with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). It was noted that while DJJ has statutory authority over the development of and compliance with standards for detention centers, AOIC also has developed their own standards and takes their “authority” from the funding that AOIC provides to counties for probation and detention center staff. It was recommended that the Committee review and consider legislative options to broaden the Committees membership and strengthen its focus. An updated list of legislators will be shared.
VIII. Other Business
Karrie Rueter explained the need for a discussion of the changes needed to the JMIS system. There is a need to develop a group to address the issues. The Commission will be approached for covering the cost of these changes. A member of this committee should be involved with looking at the system. Barb Shipp volunteered to be the JDAI Committee representative to the work group being convened by Erica Hughes to work on the JMIS system issues. The IPCSA Detention Committee should also review data issues. Mr. Martin will contact Ms. Rueter about whom on the Committee to contact.
IX. Meeting Schedule
Chairman Velasquez stated the group needed to meet every two months. The next JDAI meeting will be Monday, January 24th from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
X. Adjournment
Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Strickland seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 2:57pm.