I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:23 AM.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Lisa Jacobs, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake, Commissioners, Rick Velasquez, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Julie Biehl, Rod Ahitow, By Phone Pam Rodriguez. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson. Quorum declared present.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Hill made a motion to approve the November meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Franco-Payne. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes of the November 14, 2012 meeting were approved.
IV. Program / Project Reports Updates
A. Raise the Age Study: Commissioner Franco-Payne reported that data, findings and potential recommendations were presented at the last Commission meeting. Revisions are being made per the discussion at that meeting, and the recommendations will be presented at the Executive meeting next week. A meeting with AOIC is scheduled for later this week.
B. JSO Study: Study data and materials were presented at the Commission meeting last week. The report will be completed in mid to late January after editing. Revisions are being made per the discussion at that meeting, and the recommendations will be presented at the Executive meeting next week.
C. IJJC Annual Report: The draft will be ready Friday for review by th Communications Committee and will be finalized in January 2013.
D. Reentry Projects: Rob Vickery reported that progress is being made. The Cook County project team and DJJ had a productive meeting and both sides have a better understanding of the priorities and strategies. Youth Outreach Services has hired a new director and has 19 youth enrolled, with their service area expanded to include Lawndale. The team is documenting the process and changes that are being made that will culminate in an MOU. The plan is to look at the data and decide what needs to be provided to produce better outcomes for those being served. We will revisit this at the February meeting. CHASI has six youth enrolled. One youth and their family have left the area and the other five are doing well.
E. Adolescent Domestic Battery Projects: Commissioner Jacobs reported that the 3 sites that have been funded by the Commission reported at the JABG meeting and they have completed their monographs. We need to replicate the successful parts of this project. Rock County Wisconsin and Lucas County Ohio are working on DB projects. They are looking at this as a DMC issue and are willing to share data. We need to look at funding, technical assistance and the possibility of other jurisdictions working on this. We also need to look at the possibility of policy changes. Chairman Timberlake suggested that we may need to develop a more focused committee to work on this issue and to seek partnership with DHS to look at addressing this issue as part of a program.
F. DJJ Assessment Grants: no updates.
V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
A. Strategic Plan: No report.
B. Future Projections: No report.
C. Timelines: No report.
D. JABG Grant: The transfer of JABG funding from ICJIA to the Commission, in partnership with DHS is proceeding. OJJDP representatives will visit Illinois and provide JABG technical assistance at the January Commission meeting.
E. Second Chance Continuation Grant: No report.
VI. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
A. Communications Committee: See project reports in IV of these minutes.
B. DMC Committee: No report.
C. JDAI / Detention Committee: Commissioner Velasquez reported that members of the Committee visited Franklin County Detention in October to discuss transportation grant efficacy, administration and impact. The site team worked with Commissioner Weiner and Susan Witkin on the data. Franklin County staff and Chief Judge Sawyer discussed the program with Commission staff and Commissioners. Based on these discussions and the data analysis, as well as ongoing concerns about youth who may otherwise be held in adult jails or lockups, Commissioner Velasquez indicated that the Committee would recommend to the full Commission that we not reduce the grant to Franklin County and that Franklin County be brought up to a full funding on their transportation grant in 2013.
D. Executive Committee: Meeting December 19, 2012.
E. Data Liaison: No report.
VII. New Business
Julie Stremlau reported that the Title V 2010 and 2011 reports were submitted and approved.
VIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Franco-Payne made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Velasquez. All in favor. None opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:48AM.