I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:10am.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Lisa Jacobs, George Timberlake, Gene Griffin, Pam Rodriguez, Rick Velasquez, George Hill. Staff: Rob Vickery, Ron Smith, Julie Stremlau, Jeff Bradley and Lisa Dadavo.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Straza motioned to approve the January 11, 2012 minutes. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved. Commissioner Velasquez and Commissioner Rodriguez stated they would recuse themselves from the meeting when Reentry discussion began. Commissioner Hill stated he is on the Macon County board but will participate in the Reentry conversation.
IV. Status of Funds
- Title II-Nothing new since last update
- Title V-Nothing new since last update
V. Status Reports
- Raise the Age
- SB2151 Sex Offender Bill
- Annual Report
- 3-Year Plan
OJJDP has not released the 2012 Application at this time. We may get 45 day extension due to the late release. - Reentry Committee Update/Reentry Improvement Study
There was an in depth discussion about the Reentry RFP, procurement laws and the Commissions role in this process. The IJJC will make the final recommendations for Reentry. The timeline has been slightly revised. Commissioner Hill would like the State to get less restrictive in the RFP process. Karrie Rueter explained that there are new procurement laws and different legal interpretations of code and non-code RFPs. The revisions are on the website for the Reentry RFP.
Rob Vickery explained the process. There are two sets of reviewers. DHS reviewers and IJJC reviewers. The proposals will be discussed February 15th after the Executive Committee meeting. The proposals will again be reviewed and discussed at the March 14th Planning and Grants meeting and finalized at the IJJC full Commission meeting March 21st. Contracts will be awarded after the procurement period lapses and if there are objections the contracts will have to wait for the protests to be completed. The decisions are posted and all the paperwork is processed regardless of the protests. When the protest period ends the contracts can go forward. This timeline is estimated to about a 2 week period. Commissioner Jacobs explained that recommendations will be made at the March 14th P and G meeting. A quorum is required at this meeting so the members will be asked to RSVP. Planning and Grants Committee members will sign the conflict of interest confidentiality agreements.
VI. Budget and Funding Table Review
Commissioner Jacobs shared a draft document of the Program Areas for review. Commissioner Straza questioned the IJJC role in working with agencies that do not accomplish or provide what we fund them to do. Karrie Rueter explained that we follow the OJJDP guidelines in that we specify what we want and what we don’t want. If there is no progress made in achieving whatever goals were set then we end funding. Commissioner Jacobs explained that her outline has areas we are to consider but this does not bind us to funding. By the time we start to use 2012 money there may be many changes to the program areas. We still do not have the OJJDP budget, which will be added as soon as we receive. Commissioner Rodriguez thanked Commissioner Jacobs for this draft document. Commissioner Rodriguez explained that DMC’s issues are data points or lack of. Miguel and other DMC members are finalizing the DMC section. The DMC section is different than other sections in that it has federal guidelines and follows past directives. The new process for compliance review is a focus for DMC. The new DMC assessment and the relationship building with AOIC should assist our goal for compliance. Commissioner Jacobs was advised the DMC section will be ready for review by March 1st. The Compliance section will also be done as soon as Ron Smith is able to input some recent data.
Chairman Timberlake asked about rural programs. The group discussed current categories and program areas. Mental Health services seem too broad a topic but DJJ is definitely a focus. It was noted to be careful not to talk about DJJ improvements and not entire system improvement. Commissioner Jacobs believes mental health services/activities should be closely tied to DJJ. Commissioner Roe asked that trauma be added to abuse and neglect section. Karrie Rueter explained the System Improvement areas and how they can be changed as necessary. These areas can be changed from general systems improvements to focused program goals. System improvement language will be updated by Commissioner Jacobs. Commissioner Rodriguez believes that 30 activities seem like a lot.
Commissioner Franco-Payne asked if they could have time to review the document and then discuss at a later date. Commissioner Jacobs will complete the problem statement. If there is an issue or point you want expressed then let Commissioner Jacobs know. Commissioner Hill noted that he believes DMC and Compliance are the most critical sections. He would also like a clear picture of where we are focusing IJJC funding. March 3rd was the date set for feedback of this document. Again, we do not have a budget at this time. Commissioner Velasquez recommended putting another column on this draft to indicate our spending recommendations. Karrie explained that our projections should be for three years, 3 annual amounts for 3 years. We assume our dollar amounts for this year will be similar in the next and adjust as necessary when those amounts are set. We are aware they are projecting a 33% cut in funding. We can ask for amounts we foresee and then adjust when we know the true numbers.
Program and Project reports: The IJJC needs to explain what feedback they need for programs and projects. This will help make funding decisions. Starting in April the IJJC would like reports from grantees. The IJJC will expect presentations from grantees. Rob Vickery pointed out that the federally mandated reports are not always the best example of the program. There seems to be a need for a separate set of questions. Information is needed that explains the program and does not simply follow federal guideline reporting.
VII. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
- BARJ-To meet 2/27/12
- Communications- Communications is working on the Annual report and strategies. They are focusing on how best to identify the issues and inform the Governor and Legislature. The request for up to $5000 for the Annual Report was discussed at the last IJJC meeting. Money is funded through CPRD. It is a 6 to 8 week contract. Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to approve up to $5000 for assistance with the Annual Report. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. Commissioner Velasquez was uncomfortable approving the motion without the full Commission in the conversation. Commissioner Jacobs clarified that the full Commission approved CPRD to allocate funding for such projects. This is basically just a sharing of information and explaining Jim Bray’s role. Removed motion, not necessary. It was announced that Commissioner Julie Biehl was appointed the Co-Chairman of the Communications Committee.
- DMC- No further updates at this time. Commissioner Jacobs announced that a meeting with AOIC is being planned.
- Executive Committee – Director Bishop and PRB Chairman Monreal reported on their progress. It was suggested the Commission go through DJJ to push matters such as (Reentry) training or other projects directly related.
- JDAI – Recommended having JDAI Committee monitor Domestic Battery (DB) program. Once the Title V funding is exhausted the Title II money will have to be allocated. In the current plan, the money is available. Commissioner Velasquez explained that $30,000 of Casey money will be used for JDAI sites. The approval from Casey will be sought and contracts completed by next meeting. Transportation program to phase out over a 3 year period. There is a need to address the violations. Jurisdictions should be able to discuss their issues and the challenges they face.
VIII. Other
Karrie Rueter announced that legislation was passed that requires the IJJC to participate in Open Meetings Act training. Commissioner Franco-Payne requested a letter be sent on behalf of the Commission concerning Expungement issues. The letter will be presented for approval to the Executive Committee.
IX. New Business
None noted.
X. Adjournment
Commissioner Franco-Payne moved to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 11:01am.