I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Chairman George Timberlake, Commissioners Lisa Jacobs, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Pam Rodriguez, Gene Griffin, Randell Strickland, Rick Velasquez, and Wayne Straza (P). Quorum present. Staff: Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Kristin Knox, Rachel Sipes, Jeff Bradley, Rob Vickery, Ron Smith, Michelle Arnold, and Susan Witkin.
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2011 meeting was made by Commissioner Griffin, seconded by Commissioner Hill. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes of the December 14, 2011 meeting approved.
IV. Status of Funds/Budget Funding Table Review
Commissioners discussed the new funding table layout and expressed appreciation. Commissioner Velasquez asked whether the balances from FFY10 will roll over or whether they need to be approved again. Ms. Rueter indicated that the entire federal fiscal year remaining ($1.8 million), rolls over and permission to spend that is not needed. However, FFY10 funds will expire in September 2012 and an extension request will be needed to extend the life of those funds beyond that time. Ms. Rueter also noted that, if we choose to spend more funds in a particular program line than has been previously approved by OJJDP, we need to submit a plan amendment request and get federal approval. For example, to remove JDAI’s $55,000 and move it to another area, that other area has to be in the program budget for the fiscal year being spent. A projection of what program areas we want to spend money in is needed for the next three year plan and Commissioner and staff agreed that we need to ensure that we have adequate funds in each fiscal year to support the funding priorities already identified, including reentry grants.
Chairman Timberlake reported that we have now received notification from OJJDP that we have been deemed in full compliance with the four core requirements and thus will receive the full FFY 2011 federal award. Commissioners also discussed the requirement to perform the detailed DMC analysis to maintain ongoing DMC compliance. Rob Vickery reported on the status of the Reentry Initiative Request for Proposals and indicated that we are on schedule for proposals to be submitted by January 24th.
Fifty one letters of intent have been received with the largest number proposing to serve youth in Chicago or Cook County. Mr. Vickery noted that there was excellent participation in the first of two information conferences, with only twelve or thirteen applicants not represented at that meeting. The second Grants Information Meeting will be held on January 12, 2012. Mr. Vickery noted that the review process may take a little longer due to the large number of applications expected.
Chairman Timberlake asked Ms. Rueter to speak on the process for application review. She stated that the state procurement process limits scoring of proposals to state employees. Thus, there will be DHS staff from all regions across Illinois scoring the proposals, with Commissioners serving as “consulting reviewers.” Once the applications come in there will be thirty to forty reviewers who will each receive approximately five apiece. The reviewers will be divided into teams which usually consist of three reviewers. The reviewers score the applications and staff compiles the information. Ms. Rueter explained that the teams then get together to review and discuss the applications and the feedback is then compiled and scores finalized. Ms. Rueter reported that she would then compile a list of recommended awards, would seek input from the Commission, and submit the roster of awards to the Secretery’s office for approval.
Commissioner Hill expressed concerns that the Commission has no formal role in the process outlined. He indicated that, because the Commission has obligations to administer these federal funds effectively, it is the Commission which should have final say on funding and not DHS staff. Other Commissioners agreed that it is critical that the IJJC not serve as a rubber stamp, but instead play an active role in evaluating proposals and ensuring that projects funded advance the goals for effective aftercare system improvement. Commissioner Hill also noted that, in prior years, potential grantees were asked to make a presentation of their proposed work for consideration in making awards. Commissioner Rodriguez noted that other state agencies require presentations in making funding decisions. Commissioner Jacobs noted that the ICJIA board also votes on specific proposals / requests for funding. Following further discussion, Commissioners agreed that more information is needed requiring the procurement process in order to maximize Commission input in this RFP process and also to ensure that potential grantees can present to the Commission. A timeline was requested by the Commission for the reentry RFP process from this point forward. Ms. Reuter explained that the procurement code needs to be followed so she will need to seek approval for the changes requested. Commissioner Griffin asked to be added to the reviewer list. The commission would like a written process and timeline to show the Commissions involvement and/or authority.
V. 3-Year Plan Update
Commissioner Jacobs presented an overview of the components of the 3-year plan, including discussion of the contents and requirements for each section. She stated that Commissioners should be prepared to review the draft of the plan at the March meetings, for anticipated submission to OJJDP by the end of March. VI. New Business: Commissioner Jacobs presented a funding request from the Department of Juvenile Justice. She reported that DJJ is bringing together facility superintendents and assistant superintendents for a leadership development summit in Springfield for 30 – 40 people and has requested up to $6000 to support the program. The summit will feature session intended to assist DJJ leadership in implementing policy and practices which encourage effective rehabilitation of youth committed to DJJ, including sessions on adolescent brain development, the impact of trauma, evidence-based practices, effective caseplanning and others which are in alignment with the Commission’s prior grant to support implementation of revised screening, assessment and caseplanning processes within the Department.
Commissioners discussed the request, including concerns that training can be an “event,” rather than part of a cohesive plan for systemic improvement. Commissioner Franco-Payne asked whether training outcomes will be presented back to the Commission. Commissioner Velazquez expressed concerns about “training” just to train, so we need a better idea on topics and guest speakers to gauge the outcomes being gathered from the training. Commissioner Strickland stated that a brief statement is needed about where they are now and where they want or hope this process will take them. The Board discussed that a master plan is needed before comprehensive support for training can be considered. Following additional discussion, Commissioner Payne made a motion for approval of funding of the DJJ Symposium of up to $6000 dollars, with the understanding that outcomes from this training be reported back to the Commission, including a discussion of how the summit will advance the systemic change by the Department. Commissioner Timberlake seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
VI. Committee Updates
Communications: Commissioner Franco-Payne presented the Communications Committee update and encouraged the Commissioners to participate in their next meeting, January 19th from 2:00pm to 4:000pm. Commissioner Franco-Payne discussed the Annual report and addressed a formatting change and discussed more detail in certain areas. She explained that the next Communications meeting on January 19th will focus on data and the annual report.
BARJ: Commissioner Strickland reported that there was no BARJ update at this time.
DMC: Commissioner Rodriguez reported on the DMC committee and stated that they are going through the contracting process right now.
JDAI: Commissioner Velazquez reported that the JDAI Committee is consolidating priority areas and hoping to walk away with three items of priority. The RBA process is being used on new site analysis and will be complete soon. Commissioner Velasquez proposed using CASEY funds if available to fund each JDAI site for up to $3000 a piece and that it is contingent on a formal agreement. Ms. Rueter stated it would be helpful to have the deliverables required and dollar amounts for the sites.
VII. Adjournment
Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 11:35am.