I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:12am. Quorum established at 9:30am.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Julie Biehl, George Hill, George Timberlake, Esther Franco-Payne. Staff: Rob Vickery, Monica Kelley, Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas, ICOY Intern Sophia Gatton. Guests: Kanako Ishida; Chris Bernard and Moses Williams, Cook County Justice Advisory Council; and Cheryl Paige, Chicago Police Department.
III. Approval of Minutes – April 24, 2014 and May 7, 2014
Commissioner Franco-Payne moved to approve April minutes, with revisions noted and May minutes. IJJC Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. Minutes approved as edited.
IV. Probation Review Project Discussion
V. Fiscal Update
A. SFY14 Expenditures
Rob Vickery gave the fiscal update. The group discussed current data issues and staffing for statistical studies the Commission continues to be assigned. We currently fund ICJIA for the annual plan and OJJDP Application data. The next 3-Year plan is due in 2015. Chairman Jacobs added that funding to ICJIA has been in place for many years but it is still unclear what information we can access. We need to specifically determine what data is necessary for the Commission’s goals. Chairman Jacobs asked those interested in the data issue to notify her of their interest and it was suggested to reconvene the data work group. A discussion with Commissioner Weiner was also suggested to seek her expertise. Chairman Jacobs noted that due to Commissioner Weiner’s new association with Chapin Hall there could be more data opportunities available. IJJC Chairman Timberlake explained that he had recently had a discussion with Mark Myrent of ICJIA and his plan to seek changes to their current contract amount. IJJC Chairman Timberlake remarked that the IJJC needs to have a conversation with ICJIA before moving forward.
Rob Vickery explained that Rick Velasquez of Youth Outreach Services has requested an extension of the Reentry Program. Please note this is a request for an extension of time and not additional funding.
B. Expenditure Plans – FFY10 JABG Funds
The JABG FY10 grant ends November 4, 2014. This money needs to be expended immediately to decrease the amount we will lapse. Rob Vickery updated the group on current spending and obligated funds and has suggested an RFP for short turnaround projects like training. This would be a strategy to avoid lapsing grant funds. Rob believes we might need to spend as much as $50K or as little as $10K for grantees training, it will be determined upon the need of the grantees. All grantees also projected upcoming spending to reduce lapsing of funds. Each grantees expenditure forms are due before August 15th. Commissioner Biehl asked about current Formula and Discretionary JABG grantees and participation. Rob Vickery asked if the committee would like to require certain conditions of the JABG grantees that did not expend their grant amounts or did not complete any type of programming. Chairman Jacobs does not believe now is the time to inflict any restrictions or reductions to JABG funding sites with the federal processing glitches that occurred. The committee discussed the options for allocating the money in a timely manner and the current funded agencies ability to spend down their awards.
Motion to use FFY12 JABG funds, to fund the SFY 2015 contracts if necessary and to expend the FFY2010 and FFY2011 money first with a deadline to agencies for submission of expenditures. Commissioner Hill motioned, IJJC Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Motion made by Commissioner Hill to start the PBC necessary to extend the Reentry contracts to June 30, 2015, with no additional funding. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The committee reviewed the Commission’s current Priorities and Projects for 2014-2015. The list was adjusted to reflect those projects that were met and/or removed as no longer a priority, projects that continue to need further attention and any new issues the Commission would like to address.
VI. JABG Formula Grants
A. Presentations from Chicago Police Department and Cook
Cook County presented their JABG proposal first. Training for Law Enforcement and Court Personnel, Information Sharing and Accountability Based Programs are their purpose areas. Chris Bernard presented. Commissioner Jacobs asked about the funded Social Worker position in terms of supervision and coordination. Could JABG funding be used to get the data to support such a position? They believed they could support that. There was a discussion about the work product in the public defenders system. Commissioner Biehl wants to see the data. They discussed the JCEC support. IJJC Chairman Timberlake suggested an annual JCEC meeting to further develop what this coalition can do and how the IJJC can support this work. There was a suggestion of collaboration on a proposal. Cook will try to establish a data set and meet the IJJC requirements. Commissioner Jacobs explained that one issue is data collection with youth and other is grant funding and both of these issues are the responsibility of the IJJC. The JCEC is a collaboration of county, etc. and although the county is the entity awarded the funds, this may not be the right makeup of the JCEC. It is imperative that they have a JCEC that works.
Cheryl Paige presented Chicago Police Department’s proposal. They have chosen Restorative Justice as their purpose area. The group asked further questions on the proposal and Chicago will amend their plan as necessary considering the IJJC suggestions and recommendations. Chairman Jacobs explained we seek larger and clearer outcomes than what the feds require. This is a chance to demonstrate the efficacy of Restorative Justice and the power of the JCEC. DuPage, Champaign and Kane Counties proposals were included in packet but not formally presented to the committee at this meeting. Commissioner Hill motioned to authorize contract preparation for the amounts allotted for Formula JABG contracts. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
VII. ICOY Program & Budget Update
Recommendation to table this update due to time constraints. Agreed and so noted. Committee to read provided materials and prepare questions or concerns for review at the July 16th Commission Meeting.
VIII. New Business
Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to authorize up to $2,000 from ICOY’s IJJC activities budget for state identification for youth. The motion was modified to direct ICOY to first contact Cook County Juvenile Probation to see if this can be included in their JABG grant. If not, they will proceed through ICOY. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Biehl. Motion passed.
IX. Adjourn
Commissioner Biehl motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:47am.