I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:08 AM.
II. Roll Call
By phone: Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Commissioners Pam Rodriguez, George Hill, Wayne Straza and Arthur Bishop. In person: Commissioners Rick Velasquez, Chairman Timberlake. Staff: Rob Vickery, Jeff Bradley, Julie Stremlau, Candice Jones, Lin Ferguson. Guests: Ashley Nembo, Jennifer Jaworski, Ashley Cross. Quorum declared present.
III. Approval of Minutes
Chairman Timberlake made a motion to approve the minutes of the May meeting. Chairman Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. No abstentions. May minutes approved.
IV. Program / Project Reports
A. Adolescent Domestic Battery Projects: SFY 2012 funding: Chairman Timberlake made a motion that we agree to fund the three domestic battery projects for one year with the stipulation that if the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority allocates JABG funds, we rescind the allocation of JJDP Act funding. Candice Jones suggested that we wait until after the JCEC meeting to make a move on funding. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez asked how many more years we plan to continue funding this project. Chairman Jacobs responded that it will be one year which should provide us with the data that we need for the Commission’s purposes. This recommendation for funding will be sent to the Executive Committee for final approval. All in favor. None opposed. Commissioner Velasquez abstained. Motion carries.
B. Reentry Projects: Status of implementation: Rob Vickery reported that both agencies are on track to begin providing services by the middle of July. Most of their time is being spent now on referral processes. The sites will be meeting with Phil Lee and Mr. Vickery on June 25, 2012 to discuss project measures being implemented. Commissioners will be invited to join the meeting, if they are interested.
C. DJJ Assessment Grants-Status of implementation: Director Arthur Bishop thanked the Commission for the guidance, support and challenge that they provided on this project. Ashley Cross reported that Dr. Jaworski has worked to get the MASI, V-Disc, and CANS assessments up and running at IDJJ’s reception centers. The first prevalence report is complete and the aggregate data will be shared with DJJ and the Commission when it becomes available.
IDJJ continues to work through procurement and contracting challenges to complete the contract with Northwestern University for CANS-JJ implementation. DJJ has had initial conversations with AOIC to get web-based data for the YASI to be able to read it online and are looking into cost implications for web application.
Dr. Jaworski reported on the current status of staff training. All staff on all shifts at the centers will be trained on all of the assessment tools. Commissioner Dana Weiner will meet with DJJ staff to discuss the importance of evidence-based practices. Pilot programs at the centers have started using evidence-based practices with the screening and assessment tools. The success of each will be measured, but it has proven to be an excellent launching pad for future work in this area. Commissioner Velasquez asked if they have been able to access students from local colleges/universities who are interested in this subject matter to work on this program. Director Bishop responded that they have done that. Director Bishop reported that surveys have been done to find out what impact the training has had on staff’s ability to work with youth. Dr. Jaworski reported that staff have been very positive about the training and are glad to have the knowledge they need to help them work with youth. The next focus will be to develop training for all staff coming in from DOC. Commissioner Hill asked what shared services are still in place with DOC. Director Bishop replied that data, staff and investigations are shared with DOC. The budget has been changed this year to provide funds for administrative staff to be hired by and for DJJ. These positions are being created as non-bargaining unit positions to have the ability to hire qualified people. Chairman Jacobs suggested that the Committee decide how often they want to hear from DJJ in the future. Chairman Timberlake suggested that a small group meet with DJJ, but he has not yet discussed that option with Director Bishop.
V. Status of Funds
A. Title II funds: Candice Jones met with DHS Finance staff to get up-to-date on where we are with current and projected spending. They are working on a current status report and want a format for our that all can agree on. Planning and Grants needs to work on projecting our funding over a couple of years, so we can strategize into the future.This is important since we are spending a couple of fiscal years behind.Candice Jones will continue to work with Fiscal to have our fiscal report complement our future plans. This will also help with funding decisions concerning what strategies we have agreed upon.Commissioner Pam Rodriguez suggested that this become part of our RBA process. Commissioner Hill said that we need to keep in mind that we spend money in the correct fiscal year.
B. JABG lapsing funds: Commissioner Rick Velasquez recused himself from the discussion. No new update. Chairman Timberlake reported that he has met with Jack Cutrone and Mike Carter about lapsing JABG funds from 2008 and 2009. A list of funding points was created that included our domestic battery projects and other IJJC recommendations and priorities. Judge Timberlake indicated that he asked ICJIA to include Candice Jones as part of the JABG transition team. If appears that this discussion will be on the upcoming meeting of ICJIA and the JCEC agenda.
VI. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
A. Communications Committee:
- JSO Study: Proceeding and doing file reviews this month in Kewanee.
- Raise the Age Study: Reorganizational meeting. Awaiting court data to complete the report by January.Commissioner Pam Rodriguez asked if the Committee had discussed data options with Kathy Saltmarsh at the Sentencing Policy Advisory Council regarding data for Raise the Age. Candice Jones will discuss this option with Stephanie Kollmann.
- Parole Study & Recommendations: Chairman Timberlake reported that there is a conference call this afternoon to discuss a parole summit on July 19, 2012. Attempting to get a national speaker. Continuing importance on community involvement on the summit to move forward to legislative discussions. No update on DJJ and PRB at this point in time.
- IJJC Annual Report: The Communications Committee is working with Jim Bray to produce a report draft.
- BARJ Committee No report.
- DMC Committee: Continuing work on the DMC assessment and the Committee is in regular contact with ICJIA and CPRD to work on parts of the report.
- JDAI/Detention Committee: Had a meeting to renew relationship with Casey and how we can partner with them using their tools to move forward with JDAI principles. We also have a resolution on contract issue, and payment of past funds and notice of funding to YNC should be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Chairman Timberlake reported that the $75,000 allocated by the Casey Foundation covers three fiscal years. We will get reports from YNC as this progresses.
- Executive Committee: No report.
VII. New Business
No new business
VIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Velasquez made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40AM.