I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:24am.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Lisa Jacobs, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake; Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Pamela Rodriguez and Julie Biehl by telephone. Quorum declared present at 9:36am. Guests: Susan Witkin, Kanako Ishida. Staff: Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Heidi Mueller, Julie Stremlau.
III. Approval of Minutes
Lisa Jacobs moved to approve minutes from October 9th meeting. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor minutes approved.
IV. Fiscal and Strategic Planning Update
Executive Director, Heidi Mueller explained the efforts being made with the Juvenile Officer training. This training was previously approved for up to $10,000. The IJJC is planning ahead and considering the best topics and sessions for the training. Noted topics are CCBYS, the Domestic Battery Project and a presentation by the Youth Advisory Board. Chairman Jacobs recommended that someone from the Commission partner with the officers’ training group to determine the best training curriculum. Heidi will coordinate this collaboration.
Susan Witkin explained the overall concept of the new Illinois Juvenile Justice Data Warehouse project. The Data Warehouse will collect juvenile data to produce data analysis to assist Illinois’ juvenile justice practitioners and policy makers in understanding youth in contact with state and local justice agencies and the systems’ responses to those young people. In its initial phases, the Data Warehouse will produce data profiles and analyses at key decision points such as arrest, detention, and commitment to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice. Data provided to or from the Warehouse will not be reported, disseminated or shared in such a way that reveals the identity of any individual youth; data will be disseminated in aggregate fashion and anonymized with no individual youth identifiers. The Center for Prevention Research and Development (CPRD) at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, with Commission support and stakeholder input, will develop the programming and the interagency agreements required to allow cross-matching of the arrest, detention and corrections data from existing, state-level data sets. To ensure that the Warehouse is as useful as possible to the state’s practitioners and policy makers, the Commission will convene a workgroup in the early phases of project development and will consult with the group throughout project implementation. State and local stakeholders, policy makers, data managers, and researchers will provide guidance to identify priorities for initial research questions and analysis as workgroup members.
Heidi updated the group on the Juvenile Justice Councils Project. We continue to work on the sites to supply their information. We will have a final list soon.
Rob Vickery gave the Reentry update. He talked about the referral process and explained we are not getting the referrals we anticipated. DJJ has some issues that need addressed. Reentry is to be added to IJJC agenda for January 2014 meeting to address referral issues.
Commissioner Franco-Payne gave the overview on the release of the JSO study. It will be released soon.
Heidi gave the status of the JABG funds and transfer. ICJIA closed their accounts. We continue to work to expend these funds before they lapse. The funds expire in less than a month. IJJC Chairman Timberlake and Commissioner Biehl will attempt to connect with their OJJDP contacts for assistance.
V. New Business
Heidi announced the Statewide Juvenile Justice Conference will be held May 14th and 15th, 2014. It will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield. The Commission, the Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Councils, MacArthur’s Models for Change Initiative in Illinois and the Illinois Collaboration on Youth is sponsoring the conference. Heidi added that CJJ is interested in making this a Regional Conference meeting. The Commissioners need to email Heidi their input concerning content and focus of the conference.
VI. Adjourn
Commissioner Biehl motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 10:21am.