I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:16AM.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Commissioners George Hill, Esther Franco- Payne, Arthur Bishop and by phone IJJC Chairman George Timberlake. Commissioner Bishop was made a temporary member of the Committee for purposes of voting. Quorum declared present. Staff present: Rob Vickery, Ron Smith, Jeff Bradley, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson; Guests present: Justin Slaughter, DJJ; Jason Brennan, Northwestern and Susan Witkin, CPRD.
III. Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting minutes was made by Chairman Timberlake. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. The minutes of October 10th were approved.
IV. Program / Project Reports Updates
A. DJJ Screening and Assessment Project – Director Bishop thanked Justin Slaughter and Dr. Jaworski for their leadership on this project.Justin Slaughter addressed the Committee and discussed the collaborative nature of the intiative, the grant from IJJC, Recommendations from the Governor’s Office following the merger workgroups, and partnership with Columbia University, Northwestern University and MacArthur Models for Change. There are five screening and assessment tools that have been diligently implemented: MAYSI, VDISC, VISA, CANS and YASI. He reported on the training of staff and the use and success of each of these screening /assessments tools. The aggregation of data from these tests will guide in policy development, case planning and reentry planning. Chairman Timberlake added that we need a strategic approach to work with AOIC on the YASI.
Northwestern University is providing training and implementation of the CANS, along with assisting in the development of an electronic case management system (Youth 360) that includes assessments. Even before the implementation of new case management system, the CANS score sheet is electronic, which will be a very large benefit in eliminating redundancy.
Implementing and tracking the assessments will provide an extensive repository of information about youth in the anticipated new case management system. A data technician was hired two months ago. She has expertise in public health and will be able to work with DJJ’s vendors and report back to the Commission and Northwestern with accurate data. A new business analyst was also hired. The support and development portion of DJJ’s data unit was transferred to CMS. Phase I of Youth 360 will be implemented in late January/early February. Currently, legacy data migration is taking place. There has not been any connection with CRPD in this process. Susan Witkin has tried to connect with DOC concerning this process. Chairman Jacobs suggested that quarterly follow-up take place on the progress of this project. She invited the DJJ team to return in the spring. Commissioner Franco-Payne suggested that we track implementation so the Commission will be able to support DJJ as the project progresses.
B. Reentry Projects: Director Bishop noted the ongoing work to implement successful reentry demonstration projects, with Commission funding and community service provider partnership. He also noted the recent lawsuit filed by the Roderick MacArthur Justice Center, in which DJJ is not a named defendant, regarding parole revocation processes for youth.
C. JSO Study – Commissioner Franco-Payne reported that the JSO Study recommendations will be presented at the November Commission meeting.
D. Raise the Age Study– Stephanie Kollmann will present the Raise the Age recommendations at the November Commission meeting.
E. Adolescent Domestic Battery Projects – No update.
V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
VI. DMC Compliance
No report
Chairman Timberlake reported that Karrie Rueter met the Feds last week and is working on setting up a meeting. It is tentatively scheduled on November 20, 2012, at noon.
VIII. Strategic Planning
No report
IX. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
A. Communications Committee: Rob Vickery met with Commissioner Franco-Payne to finalize the development of the website. The October meeting was canceled due to lack of quorum and a meeting time in November has not been scheduled. Youth Reentry Program community briefings are ongoing and have been successful. Director Bishop would like to participate, when possible. Annual report draft should be ready for the November 28th full Commission meeting.
B. DMC Committee– No report
C. JDAI / Detention Committee – No report
D. Executive Committee – No report
E. Data Liaison – No report
X. Other
No report
XI. New Business
None noted
XII. Adjourn
Director Bishop made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Meeting adjourned at 11:16AM.