I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:19AM.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Chairman George Timberlake, Commissioners George Hill, Rick Velasquez, Esther Franco-Payne, Julie Biehl, Arthur Bishop. Staff: Julie Stremlau, Jeff Bradley, Rob Vickery, Ron Smith, Michelle Arnold, Lin Ferguson. Guests: Gailyn Thomas, DJJ, Jamie Noto, YOS, Jamie Brown, CHASI, Marti Gillman, DJJ, Dr. Jennifer Jaworski, DJJ, Heidi Mueller, YOS, Justin Slaughter, DJJ, Julianne Austin, YNC Ashley Lovesey, YNC, Lashida Bolson, JJI. Commissioner Wayne Straza was removed from the roll after his resignation. Commissioner Julie Biehl was added to the roll. Quorum declared present.
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes was made by Commissioner Velasquez. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Franco-Payne. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes of September meeting were approved.
IV. Program / Project Reports Updates
A. Reentry Projects: Chairman Jacobs described the reentry projects and the goals: Delivering services to families in the communities and creating workable after-care models which inform and support long term, wide-spread systemic improvement. Rob Vickery gave a history of the program from the RFP process through today. Each of the two grantees gave reports on the progress of their projects to date. Youth Outreach Services reported that they have 36 referrals at this time and 9 of those have not yet been released. The Austin area of Chicago was the launch site of the program. The group discussed challenges in the referral process, including coordinating with aftercare specialists and NRI services which currently exist but may be ending. The group discussed how be-release planning is conducted to ensure that youth are getting the services and support needed.
The group next discussed the CHASI program, which covers Madison and St. Clair Counties, without DJJ after care specialists. At this point, referrals come at the discretion from the parole officers without advance notice. CHASI hopes to have referrals come from the case workers inside the IYC facilities prior to a youth’s release. After YASI and Ansell-Casey testing, they are referring the youth to appropriate services as indicated by the tests. CHASI convenes a Partners Meeting every 4-6 weeks to monitor progress of the grant and work through these issues.
Chairman Jacobs summarized that we want to work with both providers and DJJ in developing policies and processes which meet the needs of youth and fulfill the dual goals of the projects to produce positive outcomes with young people and to develop replicable and sustainable aftercare policies and practices. Judge Timberlake concurred, noting that the Commission realized these projects would be challenging, specifically because they are breaking new ground in developing effective aftercare strategies and community partnerships. Director Bishop agreed, noting that we will need to allow time for the process to work because this is a new initiative for everyone involved. Rob Vickery added that, to accomplish our goals, we will need to focus on data issues: specifically, the processes used to identify youth needs prior to release and the data available to track provision of services and short and longer term outcomes from the project. Work on the projects will continue steadily, with more structured discussions with the Commission quarterly over the next year.
V. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
Chairman Jacobs reported that strategic planning will be discussed further at the November Planning and Grants and quarterly Commission meetings. Judge Timberlake reported that the DHS / ICJIA / IJJC group will meet later in the week to advance the transfer of JABG funds from ICJIA to DHS and the Commission, and that the work was going well, with the leadership of DHS and ICJIA evident.
VI. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
A. Communications Committee: Esther Franco Payne reported that there are now five youth commissioners identified and either appointed or in the appointment process and that the goal is for the youth commissioners to provide a positive youth presence in the community through activities. She indicated that the Committee is looking into what funds and resources are available to support the youth engagement work. Judge Timberlake responded that he will discuss the issue with YNC. Chairman Jacobs asked them to provide a proposal at a future Planning and Grants meeting detailing the objectives and what the costs would be to meet the objectives, if additional resources are needed.
B. DMC Committee: Judge Timberlake reported on the process of determining and maintaining Illinois’ compliance with the DMC Core Requirement and noted that a series of communications are being conducted with OJJDP. He stated that the DMC Assessment is progressing and going well. Record review needs to be completed and there are less than 100 records in 14 counties to review. The goal is to have everything put together by December 31, 2012 which gives us three months to finalize the report. Commissioner Hill wants all commissioners to understand the consequences of not being in compliance. Chairman Jacobs stated that Commissioner Rodriguez is taking the lead working with OJJDP to fully understand their concerns and our options to demonstrate commitment and compliance.
C. JDAI / Detention Committee: No update
D. Executive Committee: No update
E. Data Liaison: No update
VII. New Business
Judge Timberlake announced that Heidi Mueller has been hired as the Executive Director of the Commission, with a target start date of November 12, 2012. The Committee welcomed Ms. Mueller and indicated appreciation to DHS for its support in filling this critical position.
VIII. Next Meeting
The next Planning and Grants meeting is November 14, 2012.
IX. Adjourn
Commissioner Biehl motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. All in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 11:20am.