I. Call to order
Meeting was called to order at 2:46pm.
II. Roll Call
Chairman Pamela Rodriguez, Esther Franco-Payne, Rod Ahitow, Randell Strickland. Quorum declared present. Guests: Susan Witkin, Erica Hughes. Staff: Rob Vickery, Michelle Arnold, Julie Stremlau, Karrie Rueter, Candice Jones.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Franco-Payne moved to approve the minutes; Commissioner Ahitow seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
IV. DMC Assessment Quantitative-ICJIA
Erica Hughes gave the update. Work continues on compiling the data. She believes we cannot push for more ethnicity data. She stated that due to data violations, several do not want to participate. Rob Vickery talked with probation and will follow up. Judge Robb from McLean County is the Juvenile Disproportionate Representative of the Supreme Court and she will assist. Chairman Timberlake and Commissioner Rodriguez met with Judge Robb to acquire her assistance.
V. DMC Assessment Qualitative- CPRD
Susan Witkin gave the update. The online surveys and performance questions are approved and ready to go. The online survey has to be programmed and that should be functional in about a month. They reviewed other surveys to determine the best tools. The group reviewed and discussed the survey questions. Chairman Rodriguez asked about mandated DMC guidelines from OJJDP. Susan said she would reword to comply. Chairman Rodriguez requested an updated and more detailed work plan. Erica will provide the update. Chairman Rodriguez thanked Susan Witkin, Erica Hughes and Miguel Millett for getting this process started. Data is the biggest issue. Susan Witkin requested the group notify her if they know anyone who would be a valuable person to interview. The States Attorney Association was mentioned. The more support we have the better response we will get. Loyola has a data base and we asked for access to that. We can use the data base but need personal contacts as well. A note will be drafted to send to the Commission for them to use with their contacts. Susan has an email drafted and this could be finalized and sent out as necessary. We are going to make the deadline.
VI. OJJDP Webinar
Michelle Arnold will find out about OJJDP Webinar training and report back.
VII. Cook County Detention Numbers
There is a huge level of disparity in the Cook County numbers. It was recommended to do a fair analysis of DMC in Cook County based on OJJDP guidelines. Susan Witkin has an issue with the data referenced. She explained that Cook has their system. Their IT department uploads the information and the numbers never get cleaned up or match. JMIS numbers are correct. Candice Jones offered to look at the report. The role of this committee is to start this conversation to work toward addressing the Cook County issues. We need to reach out to those willing to work with us to get the RRI data. Candice noted that Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC are good examples of quality data. The JDAI committee will be asked to focus on Cook County data. The next JDAI meeting is May 10th. Erica stated that at ICJIA we use the standardized assessment tool. The tool was written in 2004 and is still in the process of being updated and finalized. Rob Vickery added that the Second Circuit is automated which was a collaboration of AOIC and the local community. Chairman Rodriguez stated we must determine if Cook is using a validated tool.
VIII. DMC Site Closeouts
Commissioner Franco-Payne requested to have the DMC sites report out their progress for the Commission to review. The sites will be asked to report to the DMC Committee at the June meeting. They need to report information the Commission requests and the OJJDP required performance measures. It was noted to use the first hour of the meeting for DMC reporting and then the general agenda to follow.
IX. New Business/Other
Miguel Millett announced he is leaving his position as DMC Coordinator. At this time, the DMC Committee will not hire a new Coordinator. Candice Jones, the new Executive Director of the Commission, has National DMC experience and ability. She will continue the DMC work.
X. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Strickland, seconded by Commissioner Franco-Payne. Meeting adjourned at 3:54pm.