I. Call to order – Chair Wayne Straza
Wayne chaired the meeting and it was called to order at 11:03 AM.
II. Roll Call and Introduction of participants
Commissioners: Wayne Straza, Pat Connell, Gary Leofanti, Rev. Charles Collins.
Staff: Karrie Rueter
III. Review of Youth Services Medicaid Providers and Grant Amounts
This was a special meeting of the Executive Committee to review and give final approval to the Youth Services Medicaid Providers and the grant amounts.
Patricia Connell presented the information. There are 18 providers and the grants total $434,000. The Federal Title II money totals $200,000 and the total amount of General Revenue money is $234,000. A copy of the Federal Title II money totals (xls) as presented is attached.
Wayne Sraza motioned to approve all 18 providers as presented and Patricia Connell seconded. Reverend Collins and Gary Leofanti abstained. All in favor – Motion Passed.
IV. Adjourn
Gary Leofanti moved to adjourn, Wayne Straza seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 11:46 AM.